Great you are my hero from now on
I couldn't get the recorder option back to work again.
I thought it was a joy.cpl problem that came with the logitech drivers because it worked before I installed it or it happend after some xp updates .
And Microsoft had not really an idea they said it's a defective joy.cpl but (changing it etc.) nothing worked.
I never thought of the Data Execution Prevention.
maybe you got a worm some worms (like W32.NIMDA.E@mm or W32/Nimda.g@MM) copies themself as crss.exe into windows (to say it shortly) And they usually occupy 50% of cpu time
OCR for the professional things they do (like the Racing Challenge etc.)
and for having Vykos and DasBoeseC (I met them together with Bismarck at the Games Convention 2005 in Leipzig and they are real nice guys)
ACR Afri-Cola Racing
I always liked the logo and the name in the good old times.
Now they are back again and a real good friend of mine, former Member of OCR and T7R RichardDK started ACR again.
I always liked their logo and they have ORION ;-) (I love your real world + LFS car composition pictures)
and they have many German and Austrian drivers so I would not be forced to talk/write english all the way LOL
BR (Boomerand Rapido) was also great ( pretty old site ) but they are history now.
They had a lot of nice fast drivers (some of them joined dE and then later T7R like Gopher04, Hoffman, KingSCSI etc.)
Cyber Racing is (was? where is your website guys?) also nice.
I liked their skins and they have nice clean and fair racers like Sracer, Misko,...)
(V) Mercury Racing Team
is also one of my all time favourites they have nice and real fast drivers like sidi, Jonesy, Bawbag, and our former Member Reed :-) )
And I like their website.
SCCC for always being really funny, having nice cars and GianniC.
And Tukko who is real fast.
Some others look promising but they are just to new for me to me to say anything.
I like professional acting Teams that are longer online then just a few month or a year.
But in the end I like to be in T7R because they take me as I am
(I speak out and write what I think and have no problems if is not the hip opinion.)
My Teammates could tell you stories about it but they won't do because it's internal
Anyway every Dream Team who wants me to switch and join can PM me.
Offerings will be treated privately.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
Reason : spelling errors
Yes they have it in the license agreements and they also do monitor the bandwith we use here (but they can't do it officially because when you got a flatrate then some of our telecommunication laws don't allow the provider to monitor it.
Because if they were allowed to do it then they would try to get rid of the "powerusers" with high up- and download rates (i.e. high means here more then 20 to 25 GB/month or else you destroy there mixed calculation). illepall
But they do it anyway and in the past they phoned or wrote users and asked if they want to have 100 Euros for changing to another provider (but you have to sign a contract that you'll never come back to that provider etc.)
That's true but in some bigger cities here you get DSL with 16000 down and 1024 UP for only ~25 to 30 Euros That can be enough for smaller companies or private use.
For me the main problem is you pay the same money no matter if they can offer you 16000 or not. They only say you get as much as the line can bring you. So if you are lucky you get it or in small town (like mine) you'll never get near it
I always thought Ron Sommer the former (mis)manager and Chairman of the Deutsche Telekom was responsible for the "after 24 hours you get a disconnetion of Telekom DSL in Germany"
Maybe you also should hate him Crazy Harry
AFAIK it's just there for 1 reason.
People and small companies shouldn't open up web- or mailservers with cheap DSL accounts and static IP adresses.
So they cut your DSL line every 24 hours and give you usually a new IP
(like herki said if you use a good router you can tell when you want it i.e. at 4:40 in the morning or whenever).
btw who would buy or rent a mail- / webserver if it wasn't made that way here
I don't think that statistics will ever be able to display the spirit of a team.
And there is no way to compare "how fair a team is".
Is a Team who shares setups more fair then a Team that doesn't do it? etc.
The other problem with bigger Teams is when drivers can't race for a longer time (due to real life matters). Then their stats will bring the whole Team down etc.
And there are many Teams that doesn't win much Leagues or big events but they do a lot for LFS in the background. You'll only know if you read different forums or their websites. Stats wouldn't say much about it.
I don't care if it is a cake or a biscuit. But I love it for years. Still one of my favourites. I think I have to go shopping tom. to buy me some. Yummy
OK but then I always feel I'm back in the army where you always was called by your last name.
I think it's much easier for a foreigner to remember short nicknames.
In your case I can easily remember the nick traxxion but when I always had to type "hi van der Kooij" it would be much more difficult (and I think I'll forget that name over the next days :rolleyes:.
Like Fetzo wrote:
In my case I used the nickname BBO for more then 22 years! now and also real life friends, my sister etc. call me often just BBO.
I think I would collapse if I had to memorize all the 200? 300? 400? real names of all the LFS people I know. :schwitzmaybe I'm just getting old)
Yes you can download there some copyrighted pictures
but they also have Terms of Use on their site and
that you can download their pictures doesn't mean you can do what you want with it.
From the Coca Cola site
" ... Content within the "Press Center" section of the Site may be reproduced solely for editorial purposes in daily newspapers, ....
... you may not distribute, modify, copy (except as set forth above), transmit, display, reuse, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, sell or otherwise use Content without The Coca-Cola Company's written permission..."
You (and the others) are right it was not the best example.
I tried to find something that's make it easy to understand in general. (because someone posted " can use everything for free.." etc.).
So it wasn't meant to be an example for logos on skins.
So it's not OT @ TiJay (read the quote in that post., It wasn't just about skins and logos )
The biggest problem is that people who have not really an idea or to do with it, post something like the "you can use everthing for free use as long as it's not commercial" bullsh*t then another one jumps on the train and write "As people have already said here in the forum" etc.
This is how urban legends are build.
"Internet ? Everything is for free there. I read that often in forums bla bla
MP3 downloading is legal because everyone is doing it" etc.
I hope you get what I mean.
The whole copyright theme is far to complex and to complicated to solve it here but if more people would just read terms of use or just ask the rightsholder for permission etc. it would be much easier. Sometimes
Well if the users would read then the Terms of use of says it all:
All logos are trademarks of their respective owners, and are offered as a convenience for their lawful use only, with proper permission from the copyright or trademark holders. Downloading files from this site does NOT give you authorization or permission to use the copyrighted logos without the specific consent of the copyright or trademark holder. Before you use, reproduce or distribute in any manner any logo found on this site, you must first receive the express permission of the holder of the copyright or trademark of that logo. Failure to obtain such permission is a violation under international law."
"The primary use of site is to enable designers to access vector-forms of the well-known brand-logos that they can use in their presentations, given the permission of the copyright owner" !!!
It's just simple to understand even if my english is not the best.