Thx to for interviewing me.
I think they just wanted to pay a little deference to me because I helped (a lot in the background as usual) to run some Danish Racing Cups. I thought it was just for their website and never thought it will end up here in the Forum. Thx for trying to make me famous :crown:
But I read this thread and after summarizing all the little things written above I now and finally know who I am:
One of the "old retards", a 37 year old nice young man who does little pubbing and supports anything that has to do with LFS and drives in leagues with wrong time zones and sometimes listens to strange cult creature music when he forces others to drive in the middle of a T7R sandwich in races, a real surprisingly active community member some say another LFS personality but not as enjoyable as the "hacksaw-in-the-eye-guy" and who is around like forever and well known but people have never heard of him or know who he is.
Nobody really knows what was written on that slip of paper I think it was a good psychological trick.
btw in a comedy show here they said his goalkeeping coach wrote him:
"Hold only 2 penalties everything else looks arrogant"
I totally agree and don't forget the "fixed charges" like DSL connection, Master server/forum hosting / and the internet traffic caused by that and the hardware and software etc.
The worst thing i've ever seen was the opening ceremony.
Bavarian guys in Lederhosen and Dirndl everywhere. illepall
I'm asking myself who is responsible for that kind of crap
We don't have to wonder when 1.5 Billion people watching it
and think this is germany
but it's not
it's just a traditional costume worn in bavaria (and this is just 1 county of germany)
I have never seen someone around where I live in germany wearing things like that or have friends who have worn something like that.
It's like if you let Amish people dance everywhere in a US stadium to show the world amerika and then the people think this is Amerika.