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S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Its holiday season, Uni Leavers, BBQ's, Parties, all these keep people away.

Quote from thisnameistaken :I thought in your case it was BBO who kept people away?

S2 licensed
Thx to for interviewing me.
I think they just wanted to pay a little deference to me because I helped (a lot in the background as usual) to run some Danish Racing Cups. I thought it was just for their website and never thought it will end up here in the Forum. Thx for trying to make me famous :crown:

But I read this thread and after summarizing all the little things written above I now and finally know who I am:

One of the "old retards", a 37 year old nice young man who does little pubbing and supports anything that has to do with LFS and drives in leagues with wrong time zones and sometimes listens to strange cult creature music when he forces others to drive in the middle of a T7R sandwich in races, a real surprisingly active community member some say another LFS personality but not as enjoyable as the "hacksaw-in-the-eye-guy" and who is around like forever and well known but people have never heard of him or know who he is.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kim Gripping :Official results are in! - See under Single Events ( Westhill 2H link in the top of the page )

Thank you BBO for doing this

No problem. Oh and don't forget to watch the Hall of fame there. It's also updated

It looked like it was a real interesting and exciting race.
I wished I had the time to race it but I had to watch germany loosing in the football WC .
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Einmal Pizza Endstatione!


S2 licensed
Quote from Tyrion :Was impressed to hear that Lehmann's goalkeeping coach had made a list for him with the argentinian players, and what side they usually place the ball when they take penalties.Was some footage of him looking at it, and then putting it down his sock again hehe.And I guess it worked, he dived to the right side every time.Germans do their homework!

Nobody really knows what was written on that slip of paper I think it was a good psychological trick.
btw in a comedy show here they said his goalkeeping coach wrote him:
"Hold only 2 penalties everything else looks arrogant"
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Sorry, but illepall .

With Kahn in the goal, we wouldnt have been in the semi-finals now and with Kahn in the goal in the next game/final, we wont win these games.

He was very good (probably the best keeper in the world) some years ago, but now, hes not that good anymore. And I dont want to see him cost Germany another world cup win.

I totally agree
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :england is winning 1-0

S2 licensed
Hasta la Vista

Edit: rabidmaddog was faster
S2 licensed
Old but nice joke
S2 licensed
Quote from TaiFong :As much as I love driving, my biggest hobby is kung fu, so I wanted to share with you guys a movie we made...

Brand X :ices_rofl

Great stuff, I really like the intro and the typical Kung Fu fighting sound

I hope there will be a sequel like "The Revenge of the Tooth Fist Fighter"
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Actually, not really *that* much.

20000 S2 licenses = 20000 * 36€ = 720000€
10000 S1 licenses = 10000 * 18€ = 180000€

Total of 900000€, of which Scawen said 40 to 50% are lost due to taxes and other payment fees, so
900000€ * 60% = 540000€

Divided by three persons
540000€ / 3 = 180000€ per person

And all that was spread on the four years of development
180000€ / 4 = 45000€ per year

Still a respectable sum but far from the "OMG DEVS ARE RICH" some people like to make up. Of course everything is just speculation and I have no idea of the real values.

I totally agree and don't forget the "fixed charges" like DSL connection, Master server/forum hosting / and the internet traffic caused by that and the hardware and software etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :I've always thought this should be the way of things. It would make it much more realistic if you couldn't teleport. Would be a very good option in league events.

I couldn't say it better
S2 licensed
attack of the ghostrider
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Another great example of HDR in action.

I <3 Concerned

good one
S2 licensed
Looks nice.

Double pepperoni and cheese for me please
S2 licensed

The worst thing i've ever seen was the opening ceremony.
Bavarian guys in Lederhosen and Dirndl everywhere. illepall
I'm asking myself who is responsible for that kind of crap

We don't have to wonder when 1.5 Billion people watching it
and think this is germany
but it's not
it's just a traditional costume worn in bavaria (and this is just 1 county of germany)

I have never seen someone around where I live in germany wearing things like that or have friends who have worn something like that.

It's like if you let Amish people dance everywhere in a US stadium to show the world amerika and then the people think this is Amerika.

just my 2 euro-cents
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Congratz my friend.

He is really a fast guy (and also a nice and clean racer).
I think he will perfectly fit into the reborn danish ACR.
S2 licensed
All the best for you and your effort to bring more people to LFS in denmark m8
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :+1 for the Ericshleife in S2 full

and +1 for the Ericschleife from me. Great name
S2 licensed
Great idea. Nice stuff
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :i dont remember.. or atleast i definetly dont remember anything called a ticker tape.. if you had a picture i might be able to remember, but right now i have no idea what your talking about lol

Found an old picture:
S2 licensed
I liked that ticker thingy
S2 licensed
Quote from Tinytacohead :Patched from Q to U a few minutes ago and can't seem to find the option for "throttle cut on upshift". That's one of the things that's made driving with a joystick doable - has it been removed or am I just not seeing it in one of the screens?

EDIT-the original title of this thread went with a different message, but I figured that one out, lol..

Check "Player" menu it's the last option there
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :He also knows how to trip people over and get sent off

It wasn't meant serious m8 that's why I posted a :ices_rofl behind it
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :

Seems pretty inevitable from this that Germany will meet Brazil in the final and go 1:1 to a penalty shoot-out which will be clinched in a nail-biting finish by a superb effort from Ronaldinho. Roll on another 4 years.

but we have Lehmann as goalkeeper on our side. He knows how to stop people in front of the goal :ices_rofl