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S2 licensed
I really liked that spinning car at south city.

Nice vid
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday :balloons: dSRC

S2 licensed
Happy :birthday: Birthday ZWR
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :"Can't find server"
(with the interview link)

but the site is still up and running:
Just use the normal website link ( ) then
(it's the first news on the right ;-) )
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The Amiga sucked in comparison to the Atari ST

Fordman I think we have to throw Tristan now out of T7R
S2 licensed
It sounds like you have a so called "acoustic trauma (AT)"
especially when you have things like you wrote
Quote :un-controllabley turn to the left when I walk

and this can have serious consequences

You should visit the doctor ASAP (what means immediately!!) because the longer you wait to get medication the bigger is the chance that you have to live with it forever.

I'm not joking.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from aceracer :..So this thread is what I "like" about both of these games and why I get frustrated about little details ..

I think the problem is that you "didn't know enough" about some things of LFS. Which is normal if you didn't race as long as some of the old guys who already started with the first demo of LFS years ago. But the longer you use LFS the more you'll find out and the happier it'll make you

Some small tips/hints/remarks to some points that maybe also frustrate you but they are already there or simple to explain:

Quote from aceracer :
In LFS you connect and all you ever do is race!

Well this depends on what you (want to) do. If you want a quick race just for fun then it's fine but you can also join leagues where you have to do qualifying sessions or can practise etc. (and where it makes sense).

Quote from aceracer :
4) Connecting to a race: There has to be a way to implement what's best from both games here, come on. In rFactor I can't connect to a server when a race is on. So from the few populated servers, half get eliminated because the race is on. Silly! Let me at least connect, go to the pits, set up my car and I'll be ready when the next race (erh, practise session) starts! But don't shut people out.

In LFS it's the other extreme: People connect straight into races. So while you're on the lead lap, some monkey who just joined rolls out of the pits and straight into your racing line. Or is on cold tyres and doesn't move over. That's also silly! There has to be a compromise here.

LFS already provides everything the server admin needs/want. You can disable mid-race joining etc. (but most server admins don't do it. Reason i.e.: New joining drivers often came onto a server and then start practise the track or check how much fuel the car needs for a lap, check there setup etc. behind the field for the rest of the ongoing race whithout making any trouble.

People who just enter a server and destroy a race by joining an ongoing race and driving into the middle of the racing pack are usually very new to LFS, have no common sense and often get banned from servers if they do it more then once.

Quote from aceracer :
In LFS there first few times I had no idea where I was. ....
Where do I see whtehr I'm in practice, which track I'm at, how many laps the race will be? I have no info screen in my pits! Or at least I haven't been able to find it

You should first take a look at the server you join, in the server list, it's all there. Click for example on the "?" in the server list before you join a server. Or check the little dots under the car abbreviations etc.
The truth is when you learn the long/short track names (i.e AS4R=Aston Historic reverse etc.) it will also help you much

When you are on the server press F12 key there you can also see how many laps the race has, if you have to pit or not etc.

Quote from aceracer :
5) Pitboard/Damage/Repair

In LFS I never know what state my car is in. What's broken and should I repair it during the pitstop?

Use the F9, F10, F11, F12 keys. You see your tires, damage, fuel burn/lap etc there and you can also change things there during the race before you enter the pits.

Quote from aceracer :
6) How come in LFS my car flies 30 feet into the air and spins 45 times before landing as a complete wreck when I hit some barriers at a given angle at 30 mph? There must be something wrong there, no need to be a real life pilot to know that

That's normal in a lot of racing games. The first time I tested for example GTR2, I touched the curb a bit hard and my car was catapulted straight into the air for half a minute.
If you don't want to have it in LFS, just race without hitting any barriers (no flights and I bet you also get faster laptimes with it ) tbh in the earlier versions of LFS you had much more things like this and things like little contact between 2 cars and big accidents/spinning around but it's getting better from one update to another.

Quote from aceracer :
10) Content/Modability
Opening their source code to the mod community has added neverending quality content to this sim.

Hmm if you say so. For me it's more like 95% of the mods are crap and from time to time you got something useful - like in 95% of any moddable game.

Quote from aceracer :
I do not undertsand why the LFS devs do not want to grant this to their audience. It takes nothing away from how brilliant LFS is, ...

There have been many discussions about this on RSC forums and here. A lot (I don't know if the most) of us longer LFS users think, that exactly this will happen: An endless wave of dumb mods will come up, then every server runs his own car and track and whatever mods and you won't be able to quickly jump into the car for a ride, no you first have to search/find the right mod, install it, (damn not this version, it's outdated, DL another 245MB etc.). Like I experienced in a lot of other racing games over the last years.

And then a lot of people would complain about LFS crashes etc. but it's maybe crashing because the mod was not good etc.

The other but most important thing is LFS is still unfinished. It just doesn't make sense to open it for modding right now. But when S3 it will be finished then we maybe get the abbility to mod LFS. The devs didn't say they'll never release things/tools for it, didn't they ;-)

Enough for today.

If you search a bit here in the forum and follow some discussions (there are still some usefull threads next to the (for me boring) "what colour do you like" stuff then you'll understand a lot more about LFS, find out more cool features of the game etc. Just spend some time with reading. It's worth it.

I hope this was also a bit helpfull for you.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
# 101

(what else )
S2 licensed
Game: Beyond Divinity
(the game is not really a sim but she def. looks better to me then the usual devs )
Dev: Rhianna Pratchett ... ratchett/rhiannathumb.JPG ... ratchett_transcript.shtml
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :that didn't answer my question.


You should read something about it to understand the difference of Primary or Extended Partition and Logical Drives etc.

It's explained in an easy understandable way here:

If you got it you can answer your question yourself really easily
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed

funny stuff
especially when you put it into the bath, toilet or pool of a friend
(without the stuff that turns it back into water)
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b ::tombstone2004-2007 :weeping:

Yeah, it was just 3 years old when he died... In a terrrible way. Some evil maniac shot it

Sad to hear that. 3 years is really young.

I let my cat never go alone to the outside and so he is now 16 years old.

We also have stupid laws here.
A huntsman in some places in Germany can officially shoot every cat he sees, if the cat is more then 200 meters away from the next house
but he can only shoot dogs if the dog is poaching.

Unofficial counting (a hunter don't have to tell anyone if he shot a cat). says ~400.000 cats will be shot here every year by hunters.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bjerns :I can´t find where it would be possible to choose between axes and buttons...
Does anyone know were?

Options -> Controls -> Throttle / Brake axes:
S2 licensed
Quote from KMSpeed :There are already some real cars (RA,MRT,BF1). probably mean some others too like Ferrari, Porsche, Subaru WRC etc.

Apart from the looks, I don't think real cars will add anything extra to the gameplay of LFS. I don't mind if someone adds them but they just don't excite me to REALLY want them in LFS.

Real tracks would be fun though. (Spa, Monza, Indianapolis, etc)

I couldn't say it any better.
S2 licensed
I bought this one a while ago:

Logitech® Force™ 3D Pro

it was "cheap (~50 Euros IIRC)" and uses the same profiler-software then the Logitech wheels.
The FF is not really great (like on my very old first MS Sidewinder 1) or as good as on wheels but for some games it's enough.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from trackah123 :no not mp3, its in .mod format actually but i can convert it to mp3

or use winamp - plays most of the .mod tunes perfectly
S2 licensed
Quote from trackah123 :I'm so happy lol.. i got a real amiga 500 and amiga 1200.
with a special transferkit i can put all of my adf images from PC back onto amiga floppy disks

Great, I did it the other way.
Transfered all my noisetracker,protracker, octalyzer etc. mods from HD and Floppy and thousands of samples from the good old times to my PC some years ago (man that transfer with my selfmade cable took days)
S2 licensed

LFS is exactly working like the way you described above - (or I don't understand what you wrote)

When I take over someones car in an endurance race, then I can change F11 (player specific brake balance etc.) and F12 (change fuel, tires etc.) The way I need it for that part of the race.
S2 licensed

IMO I don't think your idea will work

It's not a big deal to register a fake user, name etc.
Doesn't take long nor would it stop anyone.

We already have the best solution because a real good reason to buy S2 is:
You can get rid of wreckers.
Because they are not tolerated on most of the S2 servers and there is the wrecker barricade etc.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Is it possible to get this shirt with the current S2 logo colors, just like this one?

That would also be my choice (if available)
front just the logo (colored) and on the back logo with web (colored).

A T-shirt, whatever, with a monochrome logo looks cheap or selfmade (printer+iron) to me
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I normally vary between L and XL, depending on how the specific shirt is cut (and on the time of the year ), but I voted for XL, because I rather have it a bit too large than a bit too small.

Same for me.

Usually XL or L. In the last years I noticed L often shrinked to much after washing. No not because I washed them to hot but maybe I didn't bought the best quality, who knows So now I usually look for XL shirts first.

I voted for XL for the same reason Android did. Better to have it too large than too small
S2 licensed
Quote from D34N0 :Good Idea I like the Black T-Shirt with the coloured logo it makes it stand out better.

Same here.

and we need LFS socks (then the ESL pro guys don't have to race just with black socks in TV shows anymore )
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Seriously guys, reasons why you want login instead of unlocking are completely personal and have nothing to do with current license system at all. So, please, dont request something that needs complete license code rewriting just because few of you find it useful under some uncommon circumstances.

I totally agree.

I usually test every testpatch and never had problems with unlocks and when something went wrong with the patch, Scawen gave another unlock to everyone.

I only once had a problem in the last 3 years with a new installation and a faulty S-ATA HDD and luckily Victor gave me another unlock.

IMO It works perfect the way it is (and protects us from a lot of stupid cracking kids too)