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Quote from steve1970 :...
At the moment I use an XBOX360 controller which has triggers on the front for analogue gas and brake, but this is just too difficult to use when racing the big guns, for any1 who can't afford a wheel though, this is a good alternative.

Or just don't by an Xbox360. Then you don't have the controller but enough money for 3 or 4 wheels
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :When I saw the news headline yesterday I thought it was about his son getting a F1 test (does he have one? ). Nice gesture from the BMW team.

Yes but iirc he is only 10 (a bit young for F1 )
About the F1 Test (it's no real test):
It's just like that Zanardi had the wish to drive again a F1 car
but a modern F1 car to see how it is and BMW makes it possible for him.
As you said. A nice gesture from BMW
S2 licensed
Quote from EmilO :..
my dad is born 1967 an he turns 25 next year

1967 and 25
S2 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :Well, the beers all made it unbroken and unfrozen.

i put each bottle into a ziplock bag, then dropped it into a sock. i pulled the sock all the way up, gave it a twist and then looped the same sock back again. i did it again with another sock to give 4 sock layers.


Well done and cheers
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Agree 100%.

And I cant stop laughing at the picture on the left, lol. Look at the hair.

Elvis is alive
S2 licensed
Germany RTL:

Christian Danner: Ex F1 driver is OK and usually analyses things right.

Heiko Wasser: OMG he always speculate about all and everything in a strange way so often Danner has to say "no it's more like ..."

And I hate Wasser for saying:
Now...(break and everyone knows what's comming) We are doing our pitstop for a little commercial break but you don't miss anything (wtf 80% of the time you miss something special) and after that break: Oh yes there happend an accident/nice takeover/etc. ... here is the replay.

Kai Ebel: He is is just a reporter and no commentator. Anyone remembers the time when he always runs around the pits with his fake RTL racing suit on? (illepall) Now he is older has less hair and usually wear clothes that he thinks let him look young (but if you watch his strange colour cobinations to often you can get eye cancer from that (check the pic.)

The only good thing I have ever seen from him was when M. Schumacher sneaked at him from behind and emtied a half liter can of beer over his head
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from lake10 :Tonight i did my 2000th victory on LFS.

Congratulations Lake.
When thinking about it I have the feeling you did 1500 wins on BL/GTI j/k

Quote from lake10 :I just want to say that LFS is the best online racing game i ever played.


Quote from lake10 :
I never played a game so long.

same here

Quote from lake10 :
Im 35 years old and i know video games from the beginning (Pong)

I was born in the year when the first man stepped on the moon, so I know what you mean.

Quote from lake10 :
Just want to thank Scawen and all team for the pleasure i have driving this awesome game.


S2 licensed
Congratz Cyber Racing.
Another good and fast driver for you
S2 licensed
Quote from Richard Torp :I`m in

cool. I don't have to mail you then
S2 licensed
Quote from herki :At which temperature does beer freeze? It should be quite a bit lower than water, because it's carbonated and it has alcohol in it...

The freezing points for various types of German beer are stated as follows:
malt beer, ordinary: -1.92°C
Vollbier, pale: -2.03°C
Radeberger Pilsener Export: -2.22°C
bock beer, pale: -3.07°C
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :...just put the bottles in socks, then wraped them in towels and padded them inbetween a layer of clothing ..

I think that's the cheapest and easiest way to transport them.

About freezing or exploding bottles:
This is usually not possible in passenger aircrafts.
Because of the pressurized cabin and the altitude compensation you have the same air pressure in the passenger cabin and in the cargo-hold.
And it's not like it's freezing cold in the cargo-hold else they couldn't transport living animals like cats, dogs, etc.

So the only problem is the guy who throws your luggage and the customs duty if you transport more then allowed and when they'll catch you
S2 licensed
Sounds interesting:

Car : FXO
Username: BBO@bsr
Racername : T7R| BBO
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :if i get a ps3, it will be in June, when the price is $300 less and the bugs have been fixed.

Those people who are getting it for christmas...

I don't think that the price will change that fast here but maybe you have luck over there.

" London, Wednesday 6 September 2006 – Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced that it would revise the launch date of its PLAYSTATION® 3 computer entertainment system in the PAL territories of Europe, Russia, Middle East, Africa and Australasia from 17th November 2006, as previously announced to March 2007.

Launch dates for Japan and North America will remain the same, which are November 11th and November 17th respectively. "

And it will cost 599,- Euros here at a big store if you order it right now. illepall

Glad that I have always invested into my PC's
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I don't think the car to car collision system is a priority. Like has already been said - the idea is not to hit the other racers. And when you do, how often is it at a speed high enough to cause such a huge catapult?
Yes it needs worked on, but there are way more important things.

I totally agree.

On the other hand when I did my first lap with GTR2, I hitted a curb really hard and then the car was catapulted straight up vertical into the air (for almost 3 secs). I really had to laugh about it.
So for me it has happend in most of the other finished "sim" games even if no other cars were involved.
It's not an LFS special bug/feature
S2 licensed
Quote from TyresHot :my improvement suggestion is for a situation like that:you want to save a replay long or like the start of the race and you save it , then you see that race goes very good then you save it again.then you like the race finishing you save it again.aprt from all of that, if you disconnect from the race, its not easier to change the replays name from temp to there is no point of saving limit of 1. its easier saving 2 or more.and thats clearly an improvement because game becomes more easier.

-to BBO@BSR -and for you "buy s2 first" sentences(toBBO@BSR). i will buy it after i get money, just dont be rude to demo racers.

That's what I mean: You only can see that that the race becomes good when you wait (stay on the server/in the race) till it ends. So where's the problem to wait with pressing the "save the replay" button? You have to be there in anyway. Just wait with saving it and then you got the full replay.

And if the race is not good then you still have the start and can only watch the start.

About the "buy S2 first" Maybe it sounds a bit rude but I'm just tired that so many (demo)users (and there are a few) here in the forum think that posting a lot in the forum gives them a good name in the communtiy and made them famous and well known illepall. Instead of first supporting LFS in the right way (first buy then demand). Maybe I'm wrong with you (sorry then) I hope it.

btw just call me BBO
S2 licensed
Quote from TyresHot :Thanks but this is not a solution,

my suggestion is to let saving twice or more.There is no point for a saving limit of 1.

My idea would make it easier and i want this improvement to be heard by scawen

I think there is no problem in saving 1 replay after the race is finished.
It worked for years like that.

What's the improvement if you are allowed to save it more then once?
Only situation I can think of atm is: you save the replay then you quit the race and at then at the end of the race you save another replay to get the full race.

But you have to wait in any way till the race is over to save the full replay.
So I don't see there any advantages - Youstill have to wait till the race is over till you can save the full replay.

On the other hand I often find it a bit arrogating that people who don't really support LFS (with buying a license) post ideas that sound like "I want that".

What I mean is or the right way should be: Do something for LFS then LFS is maybe doing something for you.

but that's just my 2 Euro-Cents
S2 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :....Mind you its a family thing, they already have two brothers in there.


If you mean cmckowen (T7R|Exodus) and his brother mmckowen then you are wrong because mmckowen is driving for clownpaint.

On the other hand we are all like brothers in the Team so

btw: lol@Kev
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :..
Massa did a brilliant job no doubt about that but to be the one shouting abuse for impeding during Monza when no one even noticed it until a penalty was issued then to do it deliberately visually on the screen is just illepall Alonso actually slowed down eventually and Massa then got on with it, that means Alonso lost 3 laps.

Why didn't Alonso slowed down at the beginning of the qualification?
That's what I don't understand.
I would have done it because it's stupid to try to pass another (equal/maybe faster) car during qualification for 2 laps instead of leaving a bigger gap asap.

They were all on fast laps, so it's Alonso's problem if he didn't left enough space to Massa to do a normal fast lap.
He also talked on the Team radio that he tries to pass Massa. So I think he just tried to show the world his driving skills (yes I can take over that damn red car) instead of being clever.

Just my 2 Euro-cents
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :....So he can concentrate on the interesting things, making some new website stuff for LFS,........

That's what I thought but

Quote from Scawen :....he's just stopping the help desk and active website development.

That doesn't sound to me like we are getting new website stuff anytime soon.
S2 licensed
I'm shocked but on the other hand I understand it.

For the readers of this forums it's often boring
(the same DFP, can't unlock, I'm banned, blah blah) over and over again.
How hard must it be for the helpdesk.

I hope you'll find some interesting not LFS related things to do Victor.
At least make some new music for the scene generation

Thx for all the work you did in the past for the community.
S2 licensed

I was confused by the name of the thread bacause here it's called:
"Grandma Button" (like we have on tv remote controls to get the standard settings back)
"Panic Button" is here something that brings you back to the desktop immediatly (if the Boss is comming into the office and you don't want to get caught playing something )

Anyway +1
S2 licensed
Quote from CrazyICE :well, next month there will be a bonus for people who change their provider (switching to me)...

so, be patient...

Great. Aggressive strategy freshens the market
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :...
Didn't Victor do some races as an invited honor guest or something like that.

Yes he raced i.e. in the SDRA invitational Race to promote LFS in Sweden.
Together with Moby,Vince,Misko,n1lyn,GranaT,HittiS,
Vykos,DeeS,Neokiller,Bosse,Göran,RudiTurbo and myself

It was good fun.

Quote from frokki :It would be fun to see devs compete with few racers from the top teams like ocr, t7r, etc..

I don't think it would be fair for them because they usually work on the game/website/sound/grafix instead of driving it just for fun (like most of us do) and trying to beat their hotlaps every day.

I think Scawen is driving online most of the three devs. Because he drives before releasing bigger patches with the beta testers on hidden servers.

At least:
I think to myself if it is a good idea if I would also do what I actually do for living in my freetime and at the weekends just for fun.
I don't think so
S2 licensed
Sad news.

I will also always remember the SDRA Super invitational race.
Thx for that and all the other stuff you did for the community guys