hostile? Looks like you want to see what you wanted to see instead of reading it right
Maybe it's the language barrier again but
I showed what I mean and wrote:
"we would like to see that you guys would think about your team tag again"
That's "english written in a polite manner" like I was teached many years ago.
I didn't really demanded anything anywhere here except that for me the LFS community etiquette would belong to things like that.
Why excluding the | ?
That is exactly the point.
The question is is it necessary to use something that look that similar?
Would you be happy if others would choose a tag similar to your teams tag
Just as an example: [NR0]Name [NDR]Name
Would you then say it's just the colours that make it look similar?
It's not only the colours it's also the other stuff, the whole tag, that makes it look almost the same.
But if you don't get it or don't think like that, it's ok for me.
As it's not really your business or are you part of ERT to whom I adressed my original post.
They just started the team then changed their Tag, shouldn't be the problem to change it again
just a tiny little bit to not let it look like our Team tag.
Things like that belong for me to the LFS community etiquette.
I you would have read my post more properly then you would see that your post doesn't make much sense.
I'm not talking about blue colour.
I also said I can live with the tag shown in post#1.
I'm talking about that it now looks almost the same
(especially with the yellow | behind the letters).
We have used it like this in the last years without any problems
because other teams tried to be more creative to find something
more unique (even if it is one simple thing that make it look different).
That's all I've asked for.
As someone already spoke about the LFS community etiquette,
As one of the Team Managers from Triple 7 Racing I also would like to say something:
Looks like you also changed the colours of your team tag again.
I could live with the blue one (see your quote) but (see attached picture) this is more then similar to the Tag we are using online since 2004.
- The same colours as our Tag
- Almost the same letters (in diff. order)
- Only one different "letter" E instead of 7
- Even the streak | is the same
Is that really necessary?
Like it is now it's hard to tell who belongs to wich team etc. and
as much as we at Triple 7 Racing like that others are making us an hommage, we would like to see that you guys would think about your team tag again.
Vista is for me a bit like WinME
not really special, more problems than positive things, etc.
and not many people really like it, means MS sells not enough copies.
They just hope they can stimulate their business with Win7 again.
Let's wait and see
I'm sorry, you are right.
I was so sure about the other windows
but now I remeber that I also always resized the chatterbox too (looks like I'm getting old)
is it a bug,a feature or just a problem on my side?
( Don't think it's on my side I got it in FF3 and IE7)
When I change the size of the LFS News window to my liking
on LFS Desktop ( then the original size
of the News window is restored everytime I visit the site again.
The window size of all the other stuff (Live Alert,Chatterbox etc.)
is stored.
So would be nice if you can add that to the LFS News aswell.
Or I have to rearrange it everytime by hand again
Maybe this would work for people who are not in a team (but a lot are).
For me it's like this:
When I want to race/practice/whatever a specific car/track combo then I use our own Teamserver. After a while usually some people I know come and race with me or us.
If there are people that don't behave, then I or one of our Team usually kicks/bans them.
So in other words I don't have the need for something like you suggested and I wouldn't pay for an admined server (or like you wrote "high quality" server) as our team got it's own.
And if I/we don't race there then there is CTRA and leagues.
Looks like he is using an USB card reader so these are not "real" external drives.
Just for the info ;-)
About the drives:
Windows can use as much drives as the alphabet has (minus A and B as these letters are reserved for Floppy Disks) so 24 devices/disks/CD/DVD can be used in total.
And you can attach up to 127 USB devices. (But usually you run out of power)
btw. I once had a SATAII drive and from time to time it lost connection without any warning, after a reboot is was there again. A few days later it suddenly dissappeared again etc. etc.. Half a year later the drive was completly dead.
So my best guess is also low power or a drive that starts to die sooner or later but I hope it's something different.
I also had this problem a few times with some PCs.
Can be everything, low power, defective USB port or drive, loose contact of the plug / connector ...
Have you tried to just plug it into another USB port?
Actually with LFS you can do more then with a lot of other games (LFS can be installed on 2 computers and then you can play via LAN with only 1 license - for many many other games you need to buy 2 CDs/licenses to do that or you have to pay for the online playing etc.)
And when I look at your join date it's not like you have discovered LFS a week ago and didn't know about it the unlock stuff.
You could have read the Unlock Rules and Regulations before you bought Stage 2 of the game. It's all written there.
If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that.
As LFS is an online simulator and mainly be sold online (downloads) I bet the devs have a real good reason for their choice of the MasterServer unlocking procedure they use (crackers/hackers etc.)
It's up to you to use your unlocks in a normal way.
Thousands of others can do it and have no problem with it.