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S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :But what's the point?

Do you think everybody will join your server because you advertise it here? If everyone did that, the forums would be a mess.

I totally agree.
S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :ony my (local diks) C:\ I haev:
pm pls and i giev for a small free you this applicantno!!!! kthx

:ices_rofl Fel
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Bah, we laugh in the face of ISO standards

S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Christ, is that some special euro way of doing dates LOL

No it's an international standard called ISO 8601. After that it's iirc not wrong to write it this way YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD.
(dam I hated all those ISO and DIN stuff during my apprenticeship but some things are still there ).
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :

Also, I can see no date for the event......

071025 = 2007, October, 25th
S2 licensed
Does anyone know what track(config) they'll use for the intel racing tour 07/08?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :
Personally i think he has done this becuase he knows Toyota wont want him next year.

I totally agree
S2 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :... but there seems to be a serious "no additions, please"-attitude going on.
Do you think the devs will add spinners before they fix the hilarious aerobatic-shows caused by hitting the wall with 30mph?

I think it's Off Topic here and I think you missunderstood it completly.
It's not like people don't want additions made by the devs.

Most people just don't want LFS to be moddable for everyone because then we would get a lot of crappy stuff like in all the others games.

Most people I know want new stuff but a lot of them would always vote for new physics/aero/more players on track/real pitting procedure/single tire change etc. stuff instead of another car or shiny new offical textures or car interior that isn't really usefull when driving or improves the driving of LFS much. (Personally I never watch the inside of my car while racing or think about if it is nice, has hires textures or not)

Anyway none of us have really influence of that.
It's all in Scawen's hands and it good like it is.
S2 licensed
Great song
S2 licensed
I used a desktop world clock programm (dunno remember the name) for a long time.
So I always knowed whats BST CEST CET PST etc. etc. compared to my time.
Today I usually only use
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :And Audi drivers didn´t do anything wrong? Rockenfeller (and especially him) and Premat didn´t hold up faster Mercedes´behind them?

Good I'm not a fan of Audi or Mercedes so I watched the race without much emotions but:

To "hold up" someone up (or defend your position against faster cars as long as you can) is normal and legitimate part of racing.
So it's not like they did something wrong

To brake waaaaay to late like Häkkinen and take out the leader is a stupid mistake (2 times world champion or not) It was just over optimistic and looked like a typical LFS T1 noob crash :nod

When you lost the corner and don't lift then you end up on the green like la Rosa but then to just give full speed and brake like 5 meter before reentering the track and do a revenge hit to take out the Championship leader!! Ekström is more then unsportsmenlike imo.

And then say afterwards it was Ekströms fault on german TV is just unbelievable.

With all those touches, crashes and passings it was much more entertaining then (to me completly boring) 1 WTCC Race at Brands.

To proof my words :
- Häkkinnen have to pay 20000 Euros fine
- La Rosa 10000 Euros fine
- Both are afterwards excluded from the race (but they didn't finished)
- Both have to go back 10 places in the grid in the next race
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :@BBO@BSR:
None of the devs posted in that thread you linked to,.

True but that's not the point.
If you would have read the mail from Nikimere (to which the link goes) then you would see he was in contact with the Dev and he offered the track for free (+free licenses) and the Devs said/pm'd/mailed him they don't want it but they might consider it in the future.

So to me it looks like that at this point of the development they have other things to do then adding new cars or tracks.
And if no one is asking them directly it's useless to discuss or post all these "I want this track", "can we have that track", or get in contact with some track or car brand owner
S2 licensed
Did anyone of you e-mail writers ever asked the devs if they want something like that? Else it's just a waste of time.

We could have had Mondello Park but they don't wanted it ( but say they might consider the offer in the future)

So imo they don't want something like that right now or only under very very special circumstances like BF1/Intel/Aston deal.
S2 licensed
Quote from nikka :Just a quick question to you, Victor... would it be possible for you to revert the last activity information to before the "Phlos is my god" incident?

I hate to have this manifest of a script kiddies work on our site..

For us it worked like this:
Driver had to go online, entered a server, then the info was back to normal.
S2 licensed
It's not a bug it's a feature

Did you go to http://[B][/B]/

and clicked the little box under [b]My LFSW settings[/b]:

Allow your real name to show on stat pages "little box HERE" Allow real name
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from tinyk :he only wants to clear all stats including fuel usage and miles driven so he can get an accurate count of his driving. It's not to get rid of a bad rep the nick has because there isn't one.

Yes I know and didn't said anything about it (that was obsolum).

But Scawen said it in another thread:
Quote :Selling used licenses is not banned in our agreement, for some reason, but personally I disapprove anyway. One license should be for one person. No-one should buy a used license, because a license has history, may be banned from hosts, etc. The buyer would have no proof of purchase, so could not retrieve the license if anything went wrong. This is also extra workload for technical support, even though we have only been paid once, for multiple users.

So deleting the complete stats (only vic can do that) would be extra work for them without being paid again.
That's all I meant.

An imo if we start editing some user stats then it would also falsify the whole stats (like complete driven laps and car choice by all users etc. etc.)
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :ask vic
but dunno if its possible

I don't think Victor will do it because,
I speculate on this, the reason for him trying to delete everything is: He got an "old" S2 license yesterday from somebody.
S2 licensed
I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane

10/10 for the music choice
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Mithras :Is there a way I can completely clear all of the LFSWorld statistics on this account? I

No you can't do this
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :im intentionally confusing 2 kevs here

S2 licensed
Reminds me on the vid about
"name a country with U - Answer: Yugoslavia" ... es-americains-seraient-si

S2 licensed
They showed Ditzy Chick here in the news some hours ago and they also showed some others.

The funniest was (to bad I can't find a vid):

A Miss Somewhere was asked what she eats.
She: I'm vegetarian
Reporter: So you don't eat meat
She: No, I can't eat cows or animals when I looked into his eyes
Reporter: What do you eat instead
She: Chicken
Reporter: But chicken is ehhm
She: Yes chicken is a bird and a cow is an animal
Reporter: hmm ehhh ...
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .