I think the majority here would say it's called "Teams" not "clans"
I you want to do leagues like http://www.mastersofendurance.eu/
where you have to drive 6, 12 or 24 hours you def. need a Team.
Then when you got someone from your Team telling you when to pit over Teamspeak or that you have to push a bit harder or that you have to let someone driving another faster class of car pass etc. then it makes the feeling of driving in a league more realistic.
And like S}{adow said not everyone can do (good looking) skins on his own or build (good and fast) setups etc.
Well, if it was a joke then ok (maybe put a smiley behind it next time, then it’s more understandable for others).
When people have different opinions then they usually try to explain it with posts here, you know. Often the foreign language (or the epic posts ) that is used for it by some people makes it hard to really get the point or what they really mean and sometimes a discussion went a bit to far.
Maybe it was just another joke of you that went wrong but I don’t think so.
So I can’t leave that uncommented because it’s just not true.
If you can’t distinguish between a discussion or bringing up points or thoughts or things that are wrong and “crying about stuff” then no one can help you. But don’t write such a sh.t about my Team which just cast a poor light on us for no real reason.
I know there are the MSDN subscriptions, MSDN AA etc. but I doubt that the guy who started this thread meant something like this or has ever heard of it.
Well what you don't get is that you can't compare apples with oranges (well you can but it makes no sense).
Race incidents happen, true. But what if an FXR gets pushed out instead of an XRR and maybe mis-shift and damages the engine. Do they also get a "suitable compensation on a Shift+P " or people like my Team who always have disconnects in every race. Isn't that unfair?
When things like that happen or another car is involved then it's bad luck /or bad driving. I could think about another 20 situations that are not "fair" but it doesn't really have to do with racing/balancing the cars or improving the classes which this thread is all about (not balancing the situations that can maybe happen with others cars or to one or another driver and especially to the Mercury GT2 car.)
And btw if you would have done a better research then you would have seen that the last thing the most vocal member of T7R has said in this thread was:
Not everyone in T7R thinks like Three_Jump .
I think 23% is a good decision.
Other things like "dodgy dives" or GT1 crashes (can happen to everyone) has imo as much to do with almost equal cars as a bag of rice.
And the statement that the XRR is harder to drive is also just a matter of taste, no one was forced to use it but I reckon most did because they thaught it's more challenging or 'cause they always use it or just because it was faster then the FXR. It still is faster but not that much faster.
So we'll hopefully have a nice and clean race with lots of fights, no crashes, no people who get stuck in the sandpit and no unexpected disconnections.
Bit OT but
nice sound and website you got
btw the start of the new song JEALOUSY sounds like I have heard it before - then I remembered the bass from the Killing Joke song Eighties
assign or record the left shift paddle in the recorder software to downshift and the right paddle to upshift - save the sheme - then open LFS and you can assign the left and right paddle shifters to the buttons for up and downshift.
or use this sheme (unzip it !) and put it into:
C:\Programme\Microsoft Hardware\Game Controllers\Schemes (or wherever you installed the MS software) and then assign the buttons in LFS -> Options -> Controls
There are no XP drivers available for this wheel, MS stopped the support after Win98.
But it depends on what wheel you have for the USB version of the wheel you can still use the 4.0 drivers under XP: http://www.technikteam.de/software/download.php?id=500
(use the "Download now" button or google for
SideWinder Game Controller Software Version 4.0 )
" Virgin has ordered 15 of the new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft which can be used for the 16-hour non-stop stretch between London and Perth (Australia)."
So I don't think they can do (will try) it with an A340
In Germany Amazon delivery times are usually great (for me).
The last time I ordered some DVDs with normal postage (no special expensive fast delivery) it was like this: Ordered it ~15:20 on Wednesday - and got the package the next day at 11:00 o'clock.
And the other stuff takes usually only 2 days for me.
I totalle agree
It's like the other 73% of the threads in this forum.
The most of them are pointless or useless or post count related or just filled with self adulation.