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S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :I think the target audience is a bit more wide-ranging than that. It's meant to appeal to young men who might have liked the cartoon or played with the toys as children too.

I know sinbad, it was just exaggerated.

btw they already cut the 2nd movie differently to get a better MPAA rating, from R (not under 17) to PG-13, just to make it suitable for the mass.

Anyway me as a big sci-fi freak will watch it, like I did with almost every other sci-fi movie/tv-series in the past 20 years
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :First one was horrible.

I agree. Great effects but I missed a good story or complex characters or something that made it special
but hey, what can you expect when the target audience has the range from 6 to 16.

Quote from Inouva :
Also i see the second movie , is directed by steven spielberg ,

Where did you saw that?
Spielberg is executive producer nothing more.

Anyway I'll watch the 2nd part but def. not going into the cinema for something like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :...yeah, the original was better, but what the hey), GREAT video

Totally agree :eye-poppi
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :a better WLAN cable,

S2 licensed
Quote from Fujioshi :Ok, well for sure it isnt my pc here are my specs

*7800 G Force

*500 Gb Of HD

*3 Gb of RAm

*Running DSL

*3 Fans runing this BEAST! :P

so it only leaves the host having unnotified promblems or im in a bad connection spot :/

I think the much more important question is:
What's your DSL line speed (i've seen people who got DSL with only ~350kb/s over here)
and what are the pings of the servers you got problems with or where you noticed the, for you, bad lag.
Does it happen everytime on every server or just when a (almost) full grid is there.
Do you have an extra firewall installed etc. etc.
There are so many reasons for lag but I'm sure it's not the latest patch.

As for me and everyone I know and race with none of the past S2 patches was producing more or less lag.
Same with Z. Works fine like always.
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Congrats guys.
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Are you serious? Everyone knows that in race chat can be seen in replays.

Are you? Replays never showed who pressed 1 to vote or not.
S2 licensed
Quote from outsidemari :Thanks for sharing this. Do you have a Italian translated site?

You can click on the language and choose "Italiano"
to get an italien version of the "Buy a Live for Speed license" site
("Compra una licenza Live for Speed")
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :
By the way, that petition people signed to ditch Boll from movie making... anybody knows how it's doing?

324604 Signatures so far and growing

S2 licensed
Really interesting and well made low budget movie with nice CGI effects.
I read somewhere they have also finished the 2nd part
but still waiting with teh release.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :That was just so mean

I wanted to organise a little LAN-Party as a LFS Meeting...
But I'm thinking I might should not anymore....

I come near to tears. [irony off]
Stop trying to act as if you are a victim.

You asked in your first post - you got your answer:
You are a cheater and you can't be trusted anymore.

It's that simple!
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Dear LFS'ers

As most of you might know, I cheated online...
As an fair result of that I got banned from many places...

But the thing about is I'm a serious racer now.
But I'm getting refused at many places because of my dark history/start at S2.

All we have is the word of someone who already cheated online / speedhacked, uploaded cheated hotlaps, banned for ramming/wrecking from CTRA (which he forgot because of his personal problems).
What's that worth?
Not much for me tbh.

Quote from rockclan :
People are still blame me for cheating and call me a speedhacker and I'm getting sick of it.

You should have thought about that before you did it.

Quote from rockclan :
I admit I did something wrong but don't I deserve a second chance ?
So to all admins and organizers, I would like to request to forgive me and lets start a new fresh start!

whenever I think about giving people in such cases a second change or get weak in my decision, then I remember the first online FPS game I played: Delta Force Land Warrior. Some started the cheat there then others thought they can only be good or equal when they also cheat and in the end more then 50% of the people cheated. The whole game was f*)ked up because of them and because of the devs from Novalogic who did not much against the cheaters. 35 Euros for an unplayable online game (I really do hate cheaters)

Thank God the devs here have a different attitude or like Victor wrote:
"...'cheat once, get banned'. We don't divert from that rule, ever."

Quote from rockclan :
I hope you guys understand that I would like a new start at S2, because I ****ed it up big time, and wish I never did it...

I understand it and I also wished you never did it.
I have zero tolerance for cheaters.
So you'll never race in my leagues or on our server with your actual account.

Like others suggested. Get another license for a fresh start,
in the end you finally can do something positive for the community
in buying another license from the devs.

S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :I agree but with not the overrated part. So he did bad in DTM - so what. It's not like Mika or Alesi or HHF destroyed everyone in DTM. And its not like he didn't give JPM, Hill and Trulli a good run for their money in F1. Lets not compare apples with oranges please.

I'm not comparing apples and oranges, it's my opinion.
I never really found him special as he never really (or maybe one or two times) showed something special in F1 or was an outstanding driver or a special character or personality for me.

He had his moments (over 2 or 3 seasons) when he drove the BMW Williams but you could have placed almost any other F1 driver into that car at that time to get good results.
6 F1 wins in 11 years and 180 races - so what

He also completly failed (for me) in the last 3 years when he was at Toyota even he was one of the best payed drivers. I always wondered for what they payed him so much.

If you see Ralf differently then me, it's ok.
There's no accounting for taste.

When I look at what other rookies did in a last years car in DTM then he completly failed there. But now he gets an actual new car.
Well let's wait and see but I would really be more then surprised if any thing good will come out of this.
S2 licensed
Reminds my of one of the trips to Wales I did with my football team many many (over 20) years ago.
I played on such a machine (almost drunk) for the first and last time and didn't really understood what I have to get or to press to win etc..
I spend the last 3 pounds I had and after awhile everyone around me freaked out and they covered the numbers/dices on the screen with their hands etc.
Then I won over 50 pounds which was iirc 3,4 or 3,5x Deutsche Mark and lots of money at that time and especially when you are 15

And the win came out in 10 pence coins, I had to borrow a bag to get the money away from that pub
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
He completly failed last year in DTM
so will be the next year.
This guy is totally overrated imo
they just took him because of the name and publicity.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod : ?2 hcetomorP

ah ah ah ah
S2 licensed
It was more like 17,2 Hours,
(1.032 Minutes) not 72h
S2 licensed
Quote from Warper :
Why do you always blame Need for Speed? Why do you always use Need for Speed as the worst example for something what LFS not is?

I don't really blame it (as it's not a racing simlator, so not comparable) but others do it
maybe because like someone else wrote here "NFS is the complete opposite of LFS and that makes it easier to show off the differences"

Or maybe because the more NFS games come out the more it is developed into a completly different direction then LFS.

While a lot of the older LFS fans want more restrictions for realistic setups, tire choices etc.,
the "usual NFS guy" that comes to this forum asks "why is there no NOS, neon, why can't I tweak the engine and race online etc..

They usually show not the real understanding of what LFS is for many of us or what a racing simulator is in general,
mainly because they are to used to the newer flashing unrealistic NFS games stuff.

Or maybe because the name NFS usually embodies today
most of the things a hardcore sim racer doesn't want or like

Side note:
I started my online racing career in 1998 or 99 when EA developed the beta online gameserver for Need for Speed High Stakes
I liked it when the World Rankings (early LFSW) were introduced and I spend so many sleepless nights to get into the top5 there.
I also bought my first wheel because of the first NFS games and got DSL in 1999 because of it etc.
So it also brought me into online racing and I had a great time with it and lots of others.

But like you said the newer titels are
games for the masses developed to feed the crowd

Oh and last but not least I do remember your websites and liked them.
Funny just noticed you live in the same city as me
Last edited by BBO@BSR, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Andris@McGillRacing :I'll confirm the real thing. It was a version of the MRT5 (w.MRT6 bodywork) that was developed on LFS to test the potential effectiveness of aero devices on the REAL MRT6. In fact, we were using the winged version before anyone else had the MRT5.

Quote from Andris@McGillRacing :
If you have any more questions about the MRT5 or MRT6, ask them...

Not really a question
but I hope we'll see / can drive someday a newer version of the MRT (7,8,9,X) in LFS instead of the six (or is it seven) year old MRT5.
S2 licensed
One less

Like someone in the german forum wrote
he is not banned forever
he can race again on the 26.05.2036
S2 licensed

Good to hear it finaly worked.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from aobrien :Ok guys .
We have not noticed that tag around so we apologise for that. I have spoken to other manager and we have agreed to change the team tag, we will have new tag as ERT|A.O'Brien but ERT| will be white. im sorry for inconveince caused and hope it is resolved with this tag.
Thanks ,

Thank you that's more than ok for us

Maybe you just forgot that you and N.Murray have driven with one of our T7R drivers (three_jump) in the Murray Motorsport Cup where he also used our Tag and the colours. ... id=71413&d=1227818163

Nevertheless thank you for your cooperation and good luck with your Team.