OK my bad. 50kg is the weight of a feather within 15 mins its absolutely nothing at all. You wouldn't even notice it lap for lap. No way. Just lower the fuel mixture completely. You won't notice a difference in engine performance. No you just burn less fuel. GTFO
OMG Really? If you reduce fuel input sufficiently you're burning fuel for nothing, because energy is wasted on the cam that's not engaging the valves at the correct time.
You should know that you can't just lean out a fuel mixture without massive power deficiency and heat increase. That's quite astonishing that it's lost on you. F1 engines have a margin in which they run fuel. Anything above or below that is reducing power.
A 50kg margin is huge in motorracing. I can't believe you're throwing 50kg within a 15minute window as 'not that much'.
When you inject less fuel for a consistent 6hours you restrict power output by shaving the cam profile otherwise you'd have the most inconsistent uneconomic motor second only to a Lada motor. Is it really that hard to grasp?
If you think a modern F1 motor can last 6hours straight with no changes then you obviously need more education than what you're getting.
@amp88 classifying an engine block as being 'the same base engine' is quite a stretch of the imagination.
Sure enough if Ferrari do such a thing it's only because Porsche are involved again and it will have absolutely 0 to do with the F1 program. They'll no doubt learn things they can apply in F1 but they aren't gonna do a WEC basically as a testing session for their F1 program. It makes an interesting read sure but it's not gonna be the case.
Which yields less power. Seriously, what do they teach you? Or do you just not listen?
You really think in an f1 engine you can reduce the fuel mixture to cater for a 6hour race without having to downgrade the cam profile? Wow. I'm actually astonished. Sure there is alot of ECU shizzle you can do these days as far as valve timing goes but for such a change you NEED to change the cam profile.
Yea and as I said, how you gonna get the fuel milage out of it? You would have to restrict power out put by delaying the valve timing and leveling out the cam profile. Which would be much easier by just making a new engine. F1 engines are designed to run as little MPG as possible within a 300km window. Obviously it needs no explaination that WEC races are a bit more than 300km :P
In regards to turbo lag obviously they'll just have an ECU setup to trail throttle like they do anyway.
The whole point of a turbine is for it to rotate increasing the pressure pulling more and more gas through the engine. You have to spool it at some point it doesn't just start rotating at a reasonable speed from nothing.
And there's multiple videos and images showing a kers system connected via the rotation of the turbine shaft. Nobody is "spooling a turbo" from a KERS system. It's the kers system that's charged via the rotation of the turbine. God knows why you even suggested that.
Just another BS scenario that could so easily be played out next season. I think I'll geniunely stop watching F1. I'll keep my eye on the results but I feel it's time to protest the way F1 is headed in the only way we can control. Watch Moto GP instead guys, I garuntee it will be 10x more exciting over the course of the season.
So someone has an epic race at Brazil in the rain comes back from last on the grid after a horrid qualy only to come second in Abu Dhabi and lose the championship to someone who ran away from pole position and didn't fight another car on track. Great..
Well if I have it's a rhetorical one. I know alot of you agree with me here : on road car vs race car but you're just a pack of arseholes that just clique together to attack my views because you're too closed minded to form your own.
Since when was a Ferrari F40 or a Pagani Huyara an AVERAGE road car?
There's nothing WRONG with a different opinion. I'm just saying I don't understand WHY someone would want something that they can quite easily go outside and get instead. Which is an obvious hyperbole as costs permit for real life driving.
Again, all you want to see is a GT86 which you own in reality. Why would you wanna waste all your free time spent not driving your GT86 driving one in a sim? :S
So you have an S13 and you would prefer if you got your own car in game over something would actually be driven and raced?
It will be a stock base model with an additional upgrade most probably but the Nissan Silvia doesn't evoke passion from the factory like the E30 M3 does. That's what Assetto Corsa seems to be about. There are many people still driving stock E30's but I honestly have never seen a stock Silvia of any description in my life.
I'd much prefer to see a time attack style Silvia than a dreary Nissan road car.
It's gonna be a stock Silvia. Why would you want that? Nobody wants it. A stock Silvia is a boring car just like any other average model from Japan. Any Silvia you see on the road has been tweaked.