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I guess it´s just too heavy. Happened to mee to. Either Attach more SRBs to the bottom to get mor boost or get rid of them completely and redsign your rocket.

That´s the hard part when building rockets: To get more thrust, you need more fuel. More fuel weighs more, so you need more thrust to get the thing up in the air.

In a documentary I heard, that on earth we´re quite lucky with the gravity and air pressure we have. Some different numbers and we won´t be able to fly to space at all, because these damn things would get too heavy to lift off at all
S3 licensed
What I like the most, is that you did not lower the Volume for the Car sounds to 0, but let them play very subtle in the background sometimes.
S3 licensed
That SQL Stuff I´ve read in the Wiki sounds no more "complex" then what you need to know when setting up Textpattern or another CMS. Looks interesting though... and my holiday starts on monday... hmmm...
S3 licensed
Who put all that Tarmac and those guardrails on that mountain?
If I had to die on that track, I´d rather do it in the 80s. Then people would be sad and say: "Holy shit, did you see how he jumped down that cliff? What a death". But on the todays track it´s more like "ROTFL LOL, look at this bloke, crashed on that sissy track and and broke his neck while hitting that railguard"

No no. It´s really an impressive Video. That tarmac is good for some nice Top speed. And he had a moment (around 8:00?) and the spectators too a little bit later on one of the right handers... he came really close to the spectators
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :I'm all for cyclists getting fined for violating the traffic rules, but how can you get fined for speeding on a bike? Or are all bikes in Sweden required to have a speedo? I also bet that a bike even if traveling at almost 60 km/h can stop a lot sooner (and cause much less damage) than a car.

Not really sure about that... can you prove this?
I drove speeds up to 80km/h with my Bike as a youngster and god, braking to standstill from that speed takes a long time. But we had no disk brakes back then on our Bikes. Yes, a car is much much heavier, but it also has tremendous good brakes and a lot more rubber on the road. Somehow I have the feeling that at certain speeds upwards, you braking distance is shorter than with a regular bike.
S3 licensed
Where did that rain go? Heated Front Window?
S3 licensed
That is brilliant. It took me a few attempts to solve some of the Levels, although most of them showed you clearly what you have to do. That person who created this game must have a weird (but brilliant) mind.
S3 licensed
Diesels start to get acceptable above 12 litres displacement. Then they start to sound nice.
MB Racetruck

Edit: I should have tried to stick these horns into their throats, but there where so many... filled up with too much beer that I later decided to never visit such a race again (the Super Race Trucks where discontinued anyway). But how stupid can you be to visit such a event and whenever something with a beautiful noise will drive by you press that f*cking button on the horn?
Last edited by buedi, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Fastwalker :

dont know if this counts as racing

but very sick nonetheless

Awesome Vid!
Best comment so far: I'm quite curious as to how his balls fit through these narrow passes
High Gs
S3 licensed
I hope they have not been posted before.

First watch this (interesting part starts at around 12:30).
And then this one going a bit more extreme (starts at around 1:43).
I´m sure I saw some footage of Stefan Raab where he go unconscious. But that must have been another flight I can´t find... but his facial expressions are just hilarious
S3 licensed
Scorched Earth / Tankwars (DOS) or if you prefer 3D, use Scorched 3D. Tons of fun in Multiplayer... I have to go now... save the money for a bigger nuke
Comparing the Minecraft and LFS Community
S3 licensed
Back in the days when Notch had the comments enabled in his Blog I always thought: OMFG, this is like the LFS Forums.
Whenever he released something new or talked about features he added / wanted to add, there have been 1 post of somebody who was more than happy to get something new / hear something new about development and at least 20 dickheaded moaners who have always been complaining that something´s sh*t.

It seems like this is what you get when you are an Indie Developer with an "open information policy". You want to stay connected to your community and what you get is, that you are doing all wrong, get accused for being incompetent, that the Update you worked your ass off includes only useless sh*t somebody else was not waiting for and that in reality you are the bond-slave of some dickhead because he paid you 10 bucks 3 years ago.

Sometimes I wonder why these Indie Developers still try to improve their product and release Updates (for no money in these cases). It must not because of the Community or the Customers. The only reason which seems logical to me is, that they just love their own product and do it for themselves.

Yess... my 1st rant, now make me red (or was that another Forum?)
BTW: This post has been written because of this thread and the thread with the S1H7 Version and is dedicated to all the moaners I try to read over since this wonderful product called LFS exists.
S3 licensed
Could you please place buedi on the Whitelist also? I don´t have much time to play, but I enjoyed the hour yesterday standing in the kitchen of someone...

Edit: Hey, and I planted around 13 trees while cleaning up the leafs from somebody else ;-)
S3 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :

BIll cosby on his Specially made Cobra Carrol got for him back in the 60's

Thanks for that Sueycide! I don´t laugh tears very often, but while watching this and listening to Bill Cosby I did it from the beginning to the end
S3 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :what exactly is this game? iv watched a few vids on youtube and its still unclear...

Is it like a 3d Dwarf Fortress or just a 3d constrution sandbox?...

Ive been playing Dwarf Fortress for the last while and its great fun tho im always open to new options...

If you adore Dwarf Fortress it´s quite possible that you will also like Minecraft. Not that they are very similar (they aren´t), but this kind of game seem to hit a sweet spot others don´t. I love Dwarf Fortress and so do I Minecraft.

Some guy over at the DF Forums built a DF -> Minecraft converter. It´s a nice possibility to see your Dwarven Fortress in 3D and walk around in it :-)

Minecraft is far away from the complexity of Dwar Fortress. You can´t craft as many things as in DF and it´s rather simple. But it´s great fun exploring the world and building some insane things.

If this all doesn´t convince you to spend the 10 Bucks on Minecraft then maybe this will: It has Lava!
S3 licensed
If you don´t mind outdated Graphics, you could try Ultima VII with Exult. All other great RPGs are already mentioned... but if my eyes are still working as intended, there´s still missing one blast of a game: Planescape Torment
S3 licensed
Quote from liuby :I do really like this game and after 1 year demo-playing, I bought it, cause only two cars really cant let me satisfied~ I'm looking forward to this new pack~Nice~Scawen

It´s been a long time... but if I remember correctly and if I can still count to three... then you missed 1 entire car for a whole year
But welcome to LFS. And be SURE to try out all the cars you now have available... and don´t miss a single one
S3 licensed
Quote from BAMBO : ... 8SQgk&feature=related

LOL, what a retard. Got so excited when the GTs had to step off the throttle because of Traffic and he closed up to them again "I still keep up with them WOOT!" ROTFL!!

And how stupid can you be to drive with one hand and make a film with another one. That´s absolutely reckless. There are so many stupid people on the Autobahn even on the right lane, that you have to focus on the Traffic and what´s around you. Not holding a cam and showing the world that a car with twice the horse power is accellerating nearly twice as fast. Thank god nothing happened. I hate these people who think they are fast. They are constantly blocking the left lane. And when there´s a speed limit (let´s say 80 km/h because of road works) they shoot through that area with 120 km/h, only a few cm away from the workers arses just to block the left lane again when the Speed limit is canceled. :arge:

I know I should post something hillarious now to not be Off Topic... but WTF... such a re<beep>, f*<beep> as<beep>le... WTF!
S3 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Truck racing from Brazil, bit of a crash

Holy cow. That´s a massive one! I don´t know the specs of the Brazilian Trucks, but in the German Truck GP they had a MINIMUM weight of 5.5 Tons. Thank god that cage was strong enough to let the other Truck roll "over".

S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :smells like victory !??

I laughed hard on that... not because of the Video itself. But the Google Ads on the lower part of the Video. The first Ad which was displayed told me where to get tooth implants. Do they analyze the Videos to display appropriate Ads?
Last edited by buedi, . Reason : Added picture...
S3 licensed
Quote from BastianB :Don´t know what you mean with DPF but its more like the ones with small engines have the downwards pointing exhausts.

DPF = Diesel Particle Filter.
Causes a bit less black smoke when stepping on the Throttle. Because of that they have straight Pipes. Straight pipes on a regular Diesel causes the back of the car to be covered in unburned carbon very quickly. Not really in issue on a black car (if you don´t touch it), but on white for example it looks very ugly after a few kilometers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :
E2: More onboard, this time Rallycross... but without the dirt hmm

On that Video I´d like to switch to the 190 in front of the pack. It seems like he can´t drive one handed as the Alfa guy
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Sidieways much?

Too many commented on that already, but I can´t hold back myself.
We should rename his "Steering Wheel" to a "Correction Wheel". He doesn´t really need it to enter the corners, but only for corrections when in the corner / getting out of it

If I had absolutely no clue about cars I would think that they built in the steering gear mirrored in his car
S3 licensed
Quote from blakehoo88 :it because it's the teams camera, not necessarily the film makers. but ya i wouldn't use gopro to capture the best audio of a car engine,

Maybe you are right and they just had a Cam with top notch picture Quality, but a bad microphone.
This one is exactly the opposite. Crap picture (maybe due to compression and not the cam), but a clear sound.

The best is if you have a Cam or Audio recording device which lets you adjust the input Level. Then you can make some impressive sounds with a high dynamic range. Listening to such recordings with state of the art playback equipment is nearly like being there But that costs some money... did some recordings in the past with a "artificial head" like Microphone. That´s impressive.