When the FF works for you and you are familiar with the Cars (could take Weeks ), there is a nice Online Plugin + new Tracks availabe over at the Czech RBR Site.
I put the G25 into 540 Degrees Mode which seems to be OK if I watch WRC Onboard Videos.
It IS epic and I spent a complete Sunday just reading all the Stuff on the Homepage because I did not want to make something wrong. In the Evening I grabbed my balls, sat on a Parking Ramp on EDDF and just listened to what they where talking. I was so nervous, I was just listening and did not have the heart to talk to the ATC
I NEVER thought that Online Gaming can make one so nervous.
You should start with the "New Pilots Start Here" link on the Vatsim Homepage. You need an Account first. The "New Pilots Start Here" Page is your friend for the next few hours. If you want to jump in fast, grab the Manual for setting up FSInn and CoPilot for FX9 / FSX here: Manual
But never ever start on the Runway on a Airport with much Traffic (think: KLAX).
Currently I have not installed FSX and all this stuff, because I needed space on the HD. Also currently there is even not time to play LFS, so FSX has to wait a bit. But if you are interested in Realistic Civil Flight and are willing to invest a lot of time you should try Vatsim.
To "join" you need an Account + FSInn or Squawkbox. I chose FSInn. FS9? And I thought you are flying with FSX?
... then maybe you should join Vatsim.
These guys are very professional and maybe a bit nuts (but aren't we simmers all nuts in some way?). Just click on "Visual Display" under Network and you get an Idea what's going on there. If you have X-Plane, FS<pick a number> or another supported Sim just join a Airport and listen to the Traffic. It's like in reality... really sick
Ah, and this could look like Statistics from real Airports / Flights... but it's Vatsim too: Vataware.
Yes, it has interesting Ideas, but it seems like there are only 3 Tracks (+ Reversed) in the full Version. If they are all that easy and wide as the Demo Track I fear that the Game gets very boring very fast. And at least in the Demo the Cars understeer like hell. I thought, after watching the Trailer and reading that they recommend a FF Wheel that it is something like Trackmania with at least some small bits of Physics. But it isn´t. Even the FF is useless, it just "vibrates" when you go over the Kerbs.
I uninstalled it after driving around a few times. So, Track Mania Nations will sit on my HD for longer. It is free, you get Tons of Tracks for it and you have to drive very precise to get a good Laptime... and the Track Design of some people are very sick (i.e. Balmung´s Tracks).
Sorry for not uploading the Full Version, it´s not worth it... really. And sorry for starting this Thread
I downloaded the Demo now (used the Bittorrent linked on the Devs Homepage, was faster than all those Direct Download Sites :really.
There is only one car and one track (and only one Type of Race) but it looks nice so far. I play Track Mania Nations from time to time, because I loved Stunts. This one playes different and the Tracks are created from Scratch and not with Blocks like in TM. They recommend using a Wheel. Maybe I should plug mine in and test... but I am hungry now
Just looked over to BHMS and saw the Announcement of Nitro Stunt Racing S1. I checked the Trailer and the Site and try to download the Demo now.
Looks like some Arcade Racer like Trackmania with some basic Physics added. Sounds interesting for some Arcade Racer...
If I remember correctly you can see this and more of those in Google Earth if you zoom close enough. As I am at work currently I can´t post the Coordinates... but you should find it.
I once stood before this beast while we had a Trip with the school many years back. It was really impressive and I couldn´t believe that a whole VW Beetle fits into one of those blades
Yeah, I loved that Game it was the very best of the NFS Series and I had a lot of fun playing it over 14.400 Modem with a Friend.
Did you know that the VT they used for the Video Footage was from Richard Gariott?
In the German Version the Voice of the Game was Egon Hoegen, who talked in the show "Der 7. Sinn" (the seventh sense) when I was young (or later "Staplerfahrer Klaus" / "Forklift driver Klaus").
To keep On Topic a Bit, yes the NFS Intro + the Car Videos blew me away and I still love them. Another good one was the Intro of Diablo 1, great Voice and scary
After PS1 and PS2 I got a... Wii. And I don´t regret it... or should I say: Wii (Mii and my Girlfriend) don´t regret it? We have it since November and it´s so much fun. For us it´s the best Addition to the PC.
But since you asked for PS3 or XBox 360 I would vote for the PS3 now.
If you don´t want to move don´t buy a Wii... and if you don´t want to be beaten in Boxing all the time don´t play with your GF
When I tried the Autocross Servers which where Online I discovered these 2 Errors only on Servers with a Layout. What Lotoesdelere says sounds plausible. I have many old Layouts which work fine Offline.
@Lotoesdelere: Maybe you can publich a Layout which causes the Error + a fixed one? I am sure it´s easier to find the problem when the 2 files can be compared. Did you really rebuild all the Track (then my suggestion would be useless) or did you just load & save the Layout to make it Patch X10+ / Y "compatible"?
At least I am not the only one. But I wonder why there are no more posts like this, because several Servers / Clients (don´t know who´s causing the problem) with that Problem.
First I thought that no one wants to AutoX because of the empty Servers. But when you can´t join...
not 100% sure if it´s a bug, but since I have this Problem since Patch Y I fear it is.
If I enter some Autocross Servers which have a Layout (Servers without Layout are not Problem) I can choose my Car, the Setup and after I enter the Track after 1 second I get disconnected from the Server:
I tried different (not all) Autocross Servers currently Online. And the only ones I could enter where without a Layout. The Servers I tried where Patch Y Servers
Ah yess, what great cars! I have some old VHS Tapes of the 90 IMSA GTO and 200 Trans Am Cars.
A nice Addition to your Video will be this Sound Recording... I have the Originals on CD, but Youtube is better than nothing.
I use the same FOV like you and it´s really messy. I can´t read the Speedo. It makes Pitstops nearly impossible now. Maybe I should develop my PocketLFS Tool further just to be able to pit properly in Cars which don´t have a Pit Limiter.
So, no Pitstops for me now in Patch X32. Either I am too slow or too fast (Penalty)
I only had time to download the Patch today When playing around with the different Cars I got stuck in the XRR and FXR. I could not change the Gear. It took a while until I realized that they are not H-Pattern, but Sequential Cars. I had them configured as H-Pattern. I will accept it as it is, although I preferred them as H-Shifter Cars.
To make this a constructive Post here are my thought for that 2 cars:
Both cars seem to have Autoclutch. I can´t stall them currently. When I stop the Clutch is enganged and when I floor the Throttle clutch is engaged automatically. Is it intended to be on these cars in "reality" too?
On some Sequential Cars (at least in the FBM) you have to lift the Throttle when shifting up. Driving the XRR and FXR you don´t. It sounds more like a Jumbo jet starting that a Car. To be more specific: It sounds like a PDK / DSG Gearbox (Double Clutch System, Porsche Doppelkupplung) because there is not even a ignition cut when shifting. As far as I know PDK Gearboxes are switched under Full throttle without cutting the Ignition. But in Sequential Cars you have to lift the Throttle or have a Ignition cut to prevent the Gearbox to burst into many small pieces after some time.
Are there things to be changed on these to cars to make them more "realistic" or is it correct that way it is now?
It doesn´t have anything to do with the Logitech Drivers.
But you are right. I will mail Logitech and ask for a Patch for LFS FF Code... they can send it directly to Scavier. This should work. Thanks for the Tip!
I like the FFB how it is now with ONE exception: The wheel should stop when the Max Steering Lock of the Car is achieved. Yes, I suggested that at least 1.000 times, but maybe sometime I am heard
I can´t believe that a Playstation 2 Game (Richard Burns Rallye) can do this with the DFP, but not my favourite Simulation on the PC... sad... really sad.
I am only on Page 3 now of this Thread (this is the punishment if you don´t read the Forum for 3 days) and I don´t know if I will read something like that in a few Minutes:
But the 1st thing I thought when I read the News on the LFS Homepage was not: "Wow, a new Patch" or "Yesss, a new car". It was more like: "Wow, this is some great Advertisement for LFS". I hope LFS is mentioned in that TV Show and that the LFS Stickers are on the Cars too. I really hope that the Devs will sell more Licenses because of this deal. More Licenses means more Money, means longer Support for LFS (or maybe "I take the money and leave to a nice Island" for the Devs... though I hope for the 1st)
On the last Video, the last Picture is not true AFAIK. I saw this years ago in a Picture Series which was sent by Mail through the Net. And the Picture where the big one pulls out the small one + the car was the last. So I think someone edited the last Picture, but you can´t really see this on those "High Quality" Youtube Videos
If this is unfinished then please show me what's finished. It's really a great piece of Work. And I love how it is synchronized with the Music. Really good. Thanks alot!