Because maybe instead of the "sucker" who drove his Ferrari with 20mph through Paris for a Rendezvouz, Ari really drove WOT on that Track. Yes it´s sad, that the Sound is not original, but it doesn´t spoil the Video for me (although I love good and accurate sounds, in this Video it´s acceptable for me). You don´t get much Pikes Peak Onboard footage and especially not from that time where the cars where similar to the Group B Monsters
Yes, the Quality is brilliant. I wish I had the original Climb Dance with Vatanen in that Quality (which is not possible) or the ride Walter Röhrl had with the S1. Seeing Ari with only one hand driving while holding the other hand against the sun or Walter sliding just inches at the abyss makes your heart stop in that moment and jumping a second later
Errmm... what I see here is still "nice to watch"... but what did they do to the Pikes Peak? When I watched some races in the 80s there was no paved road. And what the hell is the Co doing in that Ford Cockpit? I thought climbing the Pikes Peak is a "Man (not men) and Machine thing"?
On my 1st attempt... (see attachment) but it seems that some people can do it in 12 days
Edit: I won´t play it again... because I did not have a "strategy" while playing. And I guess I will never choose the upgrades in the "correct" order again :->
And I was fully upgraded before and focused on the other "achievements". If you only have to get past 6.000 feet, then it should have been possible 2 or 3 days earlier.
If I understand the rest of the thread correctly then you can´t tell which ports LFS uses for all the traffic while playing online. So Victor uses a filter for Packet size and it seems to work for him.
If you want to be more precise the only option is AFAIK L7 filtering
Just look at this page in the Pattern writing HOWTO.
But don´t expect that wireshark / ethereal will do the work for you. If you don´t have any in depth knowledge of what to look for in the Packets and how regexp works, I doubt you will be able to create a Pattern file. But if you will, please share it with us
Read my edits above
They don´t seem to use ports. The predefined filters with 0~0 are Layer 7 filters. You can find the patterns for these filters on your router in the "/etc/l7-protocols/protocols" directory.
But the predefined filter for the LFS protocol does not seem to be correct. I lack two things necessary to create a pattern file for L7 filtering: I don´t know the LFS network protocol (maybe with a bit work and some Wireshark) and I have absolutely no clue how regular expressions work. I never really tried to understand them and they look weird to me
Funny... I run DD-WRT on my router too. And if I go to NAT / QOS --> QOS and enable it I can choose "liveforspeed" in the Serivces Priority drop down list. I run DD-WRT v24, but did not play with the QOS features because I had no need for that.
Do you run an older version or does the premade service "liveforspeed" not work for you?
Edit: It seems like the Servcie definition predefined in the QOS Settings work on the application layer.
See this page for a explanation and then go to Game protocols --> Live for speed. The Wiki says that these pattern is not included in the official distribution, but maybe this is old because in v24 I can see it.
Maybe Victor can tell us if the pattern is correct or should work?
Edit 2: In v24 only the pattern "..\x05\x58\x0a\x1d\x03" is included. So the Wiki seems to be correct, at least that the longer pattern is not included. But is it correct? L7 filtering looks like a very nice feature.
Edit 3: Sorry, can´t stop... some more information and info about the "mysterious" guy who submitted the string :->
Last edited by buedi, .
Reason : Did some investigation...
Help a blind man please. I really searched for a Button or a English word on the page you linked to. I also tried a different Browser (thought it´s a Opera problem), but the only language I see is french. Even the Forum sections are only in french on my PC.
Do I have to create a login first and then switch over to english?
When they showed the FXX and told the Story about how the owners are "treated" I said to my better half: Schumi has a FXX too and it´s black. I wonder where they got it. Then after they "revealed" the Stig it was all clear. It´s Schumi´s FXX and the only person in the world who is allowed to drive it is Schumi himself. Not even one of the 666 Stigs who exist are allowed to drive this car.
This is what Schumi and me have in common. NOBODY ON EARTH BUT ME WILL DRIVE MY F*CK*NG CAR! (although it´s not a FXX )
That´s so true. If you start with Passworded Servers, we get Off Topic now. Weren´t we talking about the "good old times" with starting LFS, pick some Server and have fun? It won´t work with passworded Servers. Some day you want to join to have fun and the password has changed. Then you write a PM, wait for it and when you get the password you realize that you are playing Flight Simulator again... or worse... with your GF (hope nobody takes this serious, just came into my mind)
Also I don´t like the Idea of a "filter" where you have to be licensed for x+ years. I am sure there are many other "younger" licensees out there not knowing how it was, but they will love it if the atmosphere comes up again.
Who knows... maybe I will exchange the Jostick on my table with the wheel again...
Judging by what I could read on the news and on other sites in the net (also here), it sounds more like the game is full of bugs because firing the team was planned ahead by the Army / Government. They fired people, didn´t hire new ones and had deadlines no one could fullfil. It looks like the Army wanted to have a "finished" Game ASAP, so they can get rid of all the employees like a pickle on their a*se.
I don´t get the point in releasing a buggy game, just that it´s released. And then 1 Minute later tell the people that you now have your own developers to create games. I´d expect the next game to be buggy as hell two. Development ov AA3 costed to much money, why not finish it properly? But you never understand bureaucracy
And it really doesn´t matter... it was / is a free game and I rarely played it (AA 1 for maybe 1 hour or so). So I don´t really care about the game. But what I don´t like is how they treated the developers.
Also the game has only one purpose. Recruiting young men / women for the Army. Maybe this is why the game is rated 13+. How sick is that? They´re not allowed to see a naked woman, but make them ready for the Army... I should (and will) stop here. It´s getting really OT now, sorry.
Treating employees like that happens all the time in Business and it´s sad that sometimes people are treated like fatstock.
Yeah, read it on a german newssite today. They fired the whole team and now the Army wants to develop the game by themselve... they did not hire even one of the original developers.
I must admit that I did not play LFS online for a long time. Mostly because the only good races where on the CTRA Server and I had no time and not the talent to get up to the better Servers... and I hated that someone told me which car I can use.
Reading this thread I logged into LFSWorld again and watched at my Buddy list and some very good memories arised. Back in the "jump in and race" times I just looked if some of the Buddies where Online and where, jumped in and had great fun. Even if I was much slower than many of them these where clean and fun races most of the time.
Aaahh... how many good races I had on numerous RallyX Servers with Fetzo. A very generous person, always had a Setup for me and always a clean and fast driver. And there where a few other... what if you guys all look for your "old" buddies you had great races in the past. If everybody looks for "his" buddies before going Online there will be good races automatically.
And maybe I´ll be back again too... although I know nobody cares, because nobody misses me
That´s MPH. At least if these are the Super Race Karts. They go to over 300km/h on a permanent Racetrack and have 0-100 (km/h) times of under 3 Seconds. Saw them several times on the Nurburgring and Lausitzring. At the Lausitzring they had the same Topspeed on the straights as in the wet. At the same time there was a Race of the Kumho GT Series. And the Carts where way faster (on the straights and on the whole track... especially in the wet).
I think so (if there are only 2 of them, although each of them is unique). Since my Video was recorded 2005 and the picture above is from this year, they can still be spotted on the Ring.
If you want to see a Onboard Video visit the Edo Competition Homepage and go to "Filmarchiv" (Movie archive). The last Vid is a Onboard.
AFAIK the series (was / is) called "European Truck Racing Championship". And they raced in at least two classes.
1. The "Super Race Trucks" (the "Earthquake" Version of the Trucks).
2. The "Race Trucks" (Normal, street legal Trucks modified for racing).
Looking at the Timetable of the ADAC Truck GP in 2009, it seems that there are no more "Super Race Trucks". The timetable only lists the Race Trucks. Not as spectacular (technically and the sound), but very spectacular when driving
Yes, I visited the Truck GP several times a few years back on the Nürburgring and Lausitzring when there where still the "Super Race Trucks" with MAN, Cat and Mercedes Benz. The MB Trucks V6 Bi-Turbo sounded quite mad. If you sat on the Grandstands and a Truck was fired up in the Pits you could not hear it, but you feeled it. If you never heard one of the old Super Race Trucks, you wouldn´t believe it. I have tons of (self recorded) Video footage, but it´s too big to upload somewhere. Sadly a few years back the series changed and now you only find some "futuristic" or "prototype looking" Trucks in the Series (reminds me a bit to the Group B... today cars are better (technically), but they are missing something...).
Some specs of the MB Super Race Truck?
- 5.5 Tons (limited)
- 160 km/h Topspeed (limited)
- V6 12 litre 2 Turbos
- Engine Alignment: Mid
- 1.250 HP
- ~4.500 NM Torque (At one race I met at the Nürburgring they said that they tried to measure the torque, but they found no available Dyno who could measure this amount of torque, so it´s only "calculated").
- Water cooled disc brakes
But I have a soundfile from the Lausitzring (Trucksounds.mp3) where you can listen to them. Though the Super Race Trucks where the best ones sound wise, the Race Truck Series you see in the Video link you posted had most of the action. Maybe because they where cheaper