isn't the "problem" that in lfs you don't see many really stiff sets... I think that IRL the sets are pretty stiff...
or i didn't catch the real meaning of this thread, skimmed through only, cause i got a lot of work on my hands now (race weekend preparation and testing)
well not always, but if I right click on a name and at the moment while writing "/kick" someone disconnects (some other guy), then after I finish the /kick command and execute it, someone else gets disconnected, not the guy with the name i wanted to kick...
hmm it would be nice to have the warning light come up at first in turns (or braking/acceleratin) depending on where the sensor is located
imagine racing, then the light blips lightly in one or 2 turns... then the blip becomes longer and longer, you begin to see it in other turns too, until you see the light on all the time... dreams on...
err, what makes you think that you will notice the warning light if you now don't notice the gauge showing empty tank? not to mention that in 90% of races (public) you will always run with the warning light on...
Ondrejko just spotted that the UF weights the same with or without roof... Was this done on purpose? Before THE patch, the topless version was lighter...
i think Pablo ment> only add S1 servers to the list S2 licensed player sees... Do not change the server status... (serverside setup.cfg decides if the server is demo/s1/s2) so if the s2 players connect to s1 server they too can not change the track to Aston or drive the FOX on FernBay... if they want to drive anything from s2 they would have to go to another server (s2), because the one they are on, is S1 only. ...
I just skimmed through the topic, but have not found someone mentioning my improvement suggestion> Removing the S1/S2 separation. Somewhere in the thread Victor mentioned that there are very few people (like Robbson) with this problem and it would not be worth for Scawen to dedicate his coding time to this... And having the S1 servers show up for the S2 licensed is a good idea!
well since I work at a race track IRL i know how this goes
i think you just misunderstood my post, the thing is i don't want to warp into the garage...
and yea it's basically a zone where if i stop, the computer presses shift+s for me... but as i said in my 1st post> " for those who don't want to shift+s / warp to the garage "
p.s. i'm just relaying a improvement sugg from someone else... i don't mind using shift+s ...
yea, i know, even tyre pressures can be changed... but if you want to change the gearing or anything else that is not in the F12 menu, you have to warp into the garage...
Have the insides of the garages in pits be such a zone, that if you stop there you enter the garage/pits to change the settings... For those who don't want to shift+s / warp to the garage
I would like one of these two (3) combos (yellow + as historic/pablo's layout)... The fast curves of as club can't be taken flat out, because of the longer straights before them. And the braking from high speed in both directions would be also interresting...
well I use engine braking as a way to modulate the braking distance, you almost can't hit the brake point exactly the same on every lap, so when i miss the brake point slightly, i downshift quickly, whereas with going early on the brakes, i downshift more relaxed...