Was there a tyre physics patch / change since the spring? Because Greger Huttu's PB in the Solstice around Lime Rock is 1:01.8xx, whereas my pb is 1:03.345, and I can't see how anything under 1:03 would be possible...
But seriously, who gives a **** if he seems a bit smug from time to time. I hate the media attention, and I hate ITV worshipping him, but since I don't know the guy personally, I think it's pretty screwed up to start a thread just to vent your emotions. When he makes a mistake, he normally blames himself. I don't plan to become friends with the guy, so all I want from him is to be exciting to watch on the track. I think his driving style is awesome to watch TBH.
Jakg is right, a new CPU will massively benefit you.
I wouldn't recommend an E1400 though, as I would think the tiny cache would hinder performance a lot.
The best value CPU imo would be an E2180, normally under 50 quid. If you want performance, the E8400 gives massive performance and isn't too expensive.
Sums my thought's up nicely. Most of the regulars here are now just picking any possible hole they can find and laying into it. I WELCOME iRacing. I think it's fantastic that we have finally got some competition, and some real progress in simracing standards and realism. It's about time IMO.
Normally the CPU is responsible for your minimum frame rates (full grids etc), but with a better graphics card you will get a higher maximum frame rate (on your own etc).
I use 103% in the profiler with a G25 @ 540 degrees. In LFS, I use 45% for most cars, 38% for the GTR's (which you won't feel any more real FFB force above 40% in) and 50% in the LX's.
Just like to say something about the graphics. They look pretty good already, however the skies are not bright enough relative to everything else. The grass colour is also terrible. Far too artificial looking and bright. Real grass has a slightly yellow / brown tone to it, and LFS nails grass textures (excluding resolution).
There is absolutely nothing wrong with how they have used flash on the new website. Links at the top of the page can be opened in new tabs, the back and forward buttons work due to each page having a seperate URL.
TBH most people in this thread are just looking for things to pick at and complain about. I welcome iRacing as it's finally a step forward (at least it looks like) in simracing realism / content.
So you've modified the physics of the original? I find the original to be great fun with a low front anti rollbar setting (<140) until you get past the max slip angle of doom.
Cheers Dan. Should be interesting.. Does iRacing have tyre deformation BTW? And is there ANY steering lag? Because I can't stand the slightest bit of steering delay.
Anyway. In regards to the OP. It seems obvious to me that no one is the same. We all have had different life experience, and we all have different genetics.
However. I feel that in order to truely succeed in something, you need to have total belief and commitment in your own abilities. In my case, most of the times I have failed at things, I never really believed that anything other than failure would happen. Vice versa, when I have succeeded, it was because I believed I could.
In terms of "talent"; I don't think this can be measured, although I do believe some people find things easier initially than others. I think you will find though, that most top F1 drivers could have succeeded (reached the top level) in any sport or competition, even something like tennis, or even snooker which is completely different to F1. This is simply due to their drive and relentless belief in their own abilities. I honestly think that most people have enough talent to get very far, they just don't have the mental drive it takes.
Edit: Whether this mental drive / spirit can be regarded as something you are born with, or a trait which has been introduced into yourself through whatever life experiences you've had, remains unknown.
All you have to do is wash a few peoples / friends cars (after asking if they want it washed obviously), do a few other chores, and gather yourself up enough money. LFS is extremely damn cheap anyway.