You were unclear. They're in the free rotation after 2 weeks. Which means you can play a specific champion every 6 weeks. The people who have paid have the advantage as they can play a perfect counter to a "free" hero every week, thus are on cruise control to victory.
Your statements contradict each other. If all champions are "free" after 2 weeks, why is there a rotation of "free" champions every week? If all champions become free, then rotation shouldn't need to exist. (Read: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.c ... oints#Champions.27_Prices as more proof that champions do cost money, and that's providing they're on "sale", which means you'd need to wait a long time for all of them to even be on sale to buy for cheaper).
Thus, you have to "buy" champions somehow, be it with $10 per champion, or many many hours. If I started playing League and cared about it (I don't, DOTA is better and more challenging), I'd either lose a bunch and just have to grind through it until I can "buy" newer champions (and better OP runes) simply because people have played/spent more than me.
DOTA doesn't have the requirement to "grind" out games (or pay) to have magical items that make you able to compete against people of your same skill level. You could create a brand new account and be as good (or as bad) as your skill level dictates.
What's there to know about league other than all difficult mechanics like denying, stacking camps and rune control are removed. As well you only get a selection of 12~ champions per "season" to use for free. The other 90~ you have to pay for and they're $7 each.
As well "new" champions are never free, and they're always OP for the first month, so people who buy them have "Ez win" until they're fixed.
Everyone knows that League is pay2win, as you can even buy runes to slot into your hero before the match that give you an unfair advantage from minute 0.
DOTA does not. DOTA is about as fair and balanced as a MOBA can be, along with skill and awareness being the reason you win. You can't purchase any enhanced skills and all heros are unlocked from minute 0 for everyone. Every purchase is simply a cosmetic item.
DOTA is perfect Free2Play in that it makes you want to buy items or tickets to watch tournaments.
DOTA is the only F2P game I know of where you cannot "buy" skill. League has like 90% of the champions for sale at any given time, and "new" ones are always OP at first so the people who buy them can just get ez wins. HoN is similar.
These new drivers are quite magical. I went from Metro Last Light being a massive stutterthon on the last drivers. New ones are smooth as silk with settings turned way up. They apparently helped games that were CPU limited but I see improvements even though my 4770 probably isn't CPU bound.
Every season they change the schedules to use as much new content as possible, inherently forcing everyone to buy all the new content in order to compete.
You missed what I was referring to. I was more referring to how iRacing requires you to continue buying things as if it were a spoilt jobless girlfriend. Every day it's "buy me car, buy my track".
People who spend a lot of money on a product try to deny the revelation that it's bad or faulty in some/all manners as acceptance of that fact then means they got ripped off.
Right, now I recall seeing that (but forgot about it obviously).
I guess in single threaded, sorting the alpha layers would be quite expensive and potentially create delays. Maybe if LFS ever gets multi-threaded, it could be a nice addition.