No hay que descargar arquivios manualmente. En el juego entra Garage, clica el boton "Mods", escoje lo que quieres, y el mod será descargado, y immediatamente podras conducirlo.
Also, low-LOD model need a mapping for textures, because currently when it's far you see the color change to white (or from white). Here's the discussion with advices from Scawen.
Low LOD model changes color, which is noteable online when dynamic LOD reduction kicks in. The skin needs to be mapped to that model too, as Scawen suggests here.
¿Para jugar en LFS o para modificar el modello? Para jugar no hay que descargarlo, simplemente entra o Garage y clica "Mods", y la puedes encontrarlo (p.e. escribe "football" en busqueda a la derecha arriba). Para modificar, no lo se. Es descargado en alguna forma y salvado en el directorio "mods", pero no se mas.
The mod needs LOD2 model, and LOD3 model to have correct color & texture. Because right now when you're online, you see this very often (and these dragsters are high, hence visible from far away at this low LOD).
I use a reduced LOD (0.6) and default dynamic LOD reduction. What I see online is quite bad: at some distance there's a white brick. Then at closer distance it becomes a bus. Or a car.
I just opened an MPR from 1-2 weeks ago, and there's just plenty of such models. Red bus turns into white brick. White-blue-yellow police car turns crimson! Look what the famous dragster looks like. It's tall and visible from far away in this wedge-like shape.
I've cropped the images, so they may seem small. Also, when it's a static image may not seem that a problem. But when it's online race, your eyes catch the moving objects and pay most attention to them, and when things change both shape and color in plain sight, it's very irritating.
Also, this may happen even when the distance to the object changes very little -- notice a bus that drives left to right to the viewer.
Notice objects (headlight and windshield) appear, and also the inconsistency between LODs of the cars nearby:
Windshield appearing:
The original models by Eric have both textures and colors in low-LOD models mapped correctly, e.g. windshield is replaced with a texture with darker part there, so nothing appears/disappears in your sight, and when LOD is in normal range (0.6 and higher), you can barely notice models change LOD. Not so with mods.
I urge the mod delevopers to pay attention to this, and Scawen to make low-LOD models easier to see for the modders.
Nice! I remember taking these buses from school to home, but ours had a standing area in the back. I liked standing there and jumping when it rode over bumps. Also articulated Ikaruses were fun to ride in the joint, watching everything move.