As far as we (FinnglishRacing) are concerned, for the last 7 weeks it's been a non event. We've provided combos that are a bit out of the ordinary but there's very little interest. Apart from us and the odd European you get Americans join, do a few laps, realise that turning right is too tricky, then leave. We've got 5 more weeks to go and unless things pick up we'll drop it.
EDIT: Apologies to Americans that CAN turn right.
FinnglishRacing: Tuesday 30th Radicals @ Brands Hatch GP. server open from 7pm, race start 8.15pm BST Laps to be decided but will be approximately 45 minutes long. Come along if you think you're up to it.
If anyone's interested, on Tuesday evening, FinnglishRacing is hosting a 25 lap, Advanced Legends race at Lime Rock Park(Chicane). The server will be opened at 18.10 for an hour practice, 15 minutes qualifying. Race start 7.30.
All welcome. It'll be a bumpy ride.
Just remember you'll be driving an Italian car (game) Very satisfying if a little flakey. It's too easy to find the cons but the pros out-weight them. R2P servers (in USA) provided terrific, close racing between a couple of Aussies who gave my team mate Stuart aka The moose,(in England) a bloody good run for his money. I would STRONGLY recommend no downloading pr0n or using a wireless connection while racing.
I have to say that netKarPRO is a niche product. If it turns out that it's YOUR niche, you'll be hooked!
They're measured by the fact that you're X years old and haven't got a red convertible yet. Or that girls 10 years younger help you across the road or give up their seat for you. They're the sort of things that trigger MLCs