I've never heard such a dreadful outburst against Mormons in all my life! I thought religious freedom was a basic human right, but it seems not......MORONS? Oh, I thought you said Mormons!
In which case,
Weeeeell, not good I'm afraid. We were on the point of selling the house when BANG! The financial crap hit the fan! Our buyer suddenly got cold feet and the housing market came to a grinding halt. As we weren't going to give the place away we put the whole operation on hold. Over a year later we're still holding.
Just comes right for me. My years renewal is on 2nd August.
That's a point! Should I leave it on automatic renewal even though I'll be manually renewing?
Have you ever tried to make a decent car skin let alone a whole laser scanned track? The amount of work that goes into it must be enormous! Frankly, I'm amazed at the work done even by modders and track makers on rFactor who don't get paid a penny and quite often get abuse from ungrateful tykes. 'This mod sucks' etc. etc. Take a slow drive round any iRacing track and try to appreciate the work that's gone into it.
At some stage we'll all have to wake up and realise that stuff has to be paid for and if the quality is as good as iRacing's, then it's worth every cent.(or penny)
EDIT: And another thing; all this talk about pricing is stupid. However low the price of anything is, somebody won't be able to afford it. There have been threads about the 'high' price of LFS for God's sake, the best £24s worth EVER!
I think you're probably right.
My reason for thinking this is that Volkswagen suddenly realised that you could damage the car beyond recognition in game. You can roll it as well! They must have been under the impression they were talking to the guy from NEED for Speed. So they say to Scawen, 'Make it zo you can't tamage zer car or roll it over. Zen you can haf our car' (sorry about the bad accent) To which Scawen said 'Sorry boyo, no can do. Either it gets damaged or we don't use it.'
Let's face it, there was a working example at some game fair or other many many months ago. I can't see it would take Scawen that long to 'finalise' the handling even if he did move house in the meantime.
So don't hold your breath waiting for the Scirocco.
And therein lies the basic problem. If you want to race the Solstice, Skippy or Spec Racer out of choice you'll never get to drive anywhere else except...stock tracks.
It's not as if various GP track owners around the world don't cater to club racers and lower formulae IRL®
Not sure we need MORE CONTENT. It would be nice if we lesser mortals got to use some of the content already there. For example: Barber,(3 layouts) Silverstone,(5 layouts!) Road Atlanta,(3 layouts) Daytona, Road America(2 layouts) and Watkins Glen.(4 layouts) I've not seen these used in Skip Barber or anything else except hotshot series. Guess I'll just have to become a hotshot. They really ought to show a little imagination as far as track selection is concerned.
A never ending succession of Lime Rock, Summit Vaginia and Laguna Seca is getting a little tedious.
You MUST set the degrees of rotation to 900 in the profiler. Let HistoriX do the rest. It does the job extremely well. Bite the bullet. The setup issue is not as big a deal as it is with LFS, as mostly they work well out of the box. Once you've got a handle on the cars then you can fiddle.
Nice bit of PR there Stu. Just a point of order, if you want to join us look for FinnglishRacing in the lobby.
Dead Men Racing have not adopted this sim ...yet.
I don't think I'm up to speed as to what the latest meaning of 'gay' is. If it means speaking English in a way that is understood by everyone, having good manners, being courageous, courteous, highly skilled and having a finely honed sporting ethic, then yes, it's as gay as a yellow duster!