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S3 licensed
Did no-one put up a picture of themselves? Are you all that goddam ugly?
S3 licensed
Please, please, please have a sense of humour.
As per tristancliffe and Bob Smith. Remember it is a game but one the has to be played seriously to get the most fun out of it.
Oo, I think that was profound!
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Heh, at least it's interesting. Think of an online Welsh weather forecasting system, it'd just be a static html page with the text "rain" in big letters.

Oh so very right.
S3 licensed
LFS must be growing up. Another intersting thread with points well argued.
I wouldn't mind betting my dinner money that most of you, in the event of kitty littering, do the following:
TRY to get out of said KL by normal means. If unlucky try a reset, if successful, wait till you can rejoin safely and carry on the race.
If unsuccessful, slap forehead and go to spectate.
I find the idea of having a mishap, go to pit and restarting from lap 1 a pointless exersize. After all, it's a sim isn't it?
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Shall I?
When you join your server, put the admin password in ...guess where? The slot that says 'Password'
S3 licensed
I got enmeshed in the GTR scramble, even bought the German copy and messed with all those translation add-ons. Got fed up with the online aspect and having to leave the game to change cars. Scurried back to LFS. Damn me if I didn't do the same with rFactor! No translations of course but still the same online nonsense. Scurried back to LFS. There ain't no way they're having any more of MY money for GTL! I tried the demo, whoops! Same damn game, different dashboards.

LFS is, for my money, the only online racing sim. Just a few little tweaks and it's there.
S3 licensed
What's the cornering like on six wheels?
S3 licensed
Doesn't sound as though he will.
S3 licensed
What a cracking thread. It's heartening to see such mature responses.
S3 licensed
I have my own small business selling and fitting garage doors and operators. Hence 'Doorman' Yeah I know.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :What is it with these words, where the capital letter is the second character?


Very confusing, the capital letter should be the first letter of the name!

You're making a fundamental mistake here. You're confusing computer 'stylee' with English. Now do you see why you're confused? Don't worry though, it's an easy mistake to make.
S3 licensed
Quote from bo-kristiansen :there is one in my texture pack
-there is also a Yokohama tyre bridge for Kyoto

I'm on it! Cheers. Er..the case that is, not the bridge of course,
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Here is inCogNito's from this thread

Hope you like it...

Well I'll be buttered! I KNEW I saw one just couldn't dig it out. Thanks TC
S3 licensed
Much better.
Dunlop bridge
S3 licensed
Am I mistaken or did someone make a Dunlop texture for the tyre bridge. Damned if I can find it if they did. If they did, could some kind soul please point me in the right direction?
S3 licensed
I would be pleased if I could tell one set from another! I find one set for all tracks (almost) and they are made mostly by you Bob,(excellent Easyrace) or TeamPotheads- Stoney. Saves a lot of head scratching.
S3 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :It seems you have yet to taste Austrian Beer! Murauer Bier all the way

So many beers, so little time.

Quote from ColeusRattus : But Finnish women seem to be a little sturdier than Austrian ones, as this Foto (made at a students-pub in Turku, if I can trust my favourite ex-girlfriend) proves:

Now there's a man with STYLE!

This thread with get moved to 'Off topic' if we're not careful.

On the subject of Blue flags, I was on a server last night and fell foul of a front runner. I had info on luckily but was right on the entry point of a chicane. Nowhere to pull over to and BANG! Hit up the rear. At the end of the race I was rollocked for not leaping sideways out of the way of my Lord and Master. Hey ho.
S3 licensed
The trouble with English beer tastes awful! Actually Finnish beer is the best. Lapin Kulta or Karhu.
S3 licensed
lol. I used to drink Swan lager but you don't seem to be able to get it here anymore. That of course is/was the REAL imported Australian beer. Fosters is brewed in England now and could be any old shite! Besides, it was on offer and it got the job done
Flags etc.
S3 licensed
Actually I find it hard to criticise S2 in general and I get a little irritated by the 'we want this and we want that' brigade. But...
I would love to see the introduction of marshalling flags as blue or yellow 'flags' which could be sized and positioned as you require. Having a text message flash up is a little arcadey as is having Stop & Go and Drive through in your face all the time. As I see it, you get a S&G when you leave the pit, if you don't remember to do the S&G you're DQed; easy.
Oh yes, the flags should be 'unhideable'. I like to run with all the information off only toggling it on occasionally to check laps etc. and as it is now 'Blue flag' message is hidden unless I hit my shift+f button

That what I want for Christmas.

P.S. 6 cans of Fosters went into the production of this post :drink:
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from poirqc :Hi, yesterday, i was hosting a game on aston historic with the XFG and XRG and everyone got disconnected near the end of the race. I wanted to appologized for wasting the great fight the top3 were having. I think i found what was making those huge lag spikes(and disconnect).

So thanx again to all those who joined, and don't worry about lag spike, it should be ok the next time you join.


Looks like I got out in time! You had a good bunch on there last night, unfortunately I just HAD to sleep. It was 3am here!
S3 licensed
Quote from keiran :I'm interested but will need to find out more details first, time to visit them links me thinks


It's all right, it's free!
S3 licensed
Quote from Garibaldi :Hi,
Does the above message mean I've been banned or what? I lost connection mid race having (as far as I know) caused no problems. Now I cannot get into that server but other servers are ok.

Perhaps they don't like Garibaldis. Try changing your name to Digestive.
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :3rd place goes to, tristancliffe

2nd place goes to, tristancliffe

1st place goes to, tristancliffe - our lucky winner of this competition, closely followed by himself and himself.

That 3rd place was a bit pathetic! Must try harder next time.
S3 licensed
When you start to make a skin do you ever think 'what the hell colour shall this one be?' Me too. This is the result.
Looks quite good on the track though. RAC_colourchart,jpg