I concur. We had Hawku on for our hour race this week and he absolutely took apart racers that are regarded as pretty quick. He lapped the whole field of 20 in an hour of SO4.
I would dearly love to see the end of PBs being displayed. Let them be shown only to the driver in question and/or then in the results table along with the lap it was done on. My reason for wanting this is that it is distracting, as is the fusillade of smilies, well dones, w00ts and weyheys. PBs are great, we all like to get them, but displaying them is of no real interest to anyone but oneself.
/Meh mode=off
EDIT: This shouldn't be in this thread. Could some kind gentleman move it to an appropriate thread? Thanks
I have a sauna in my house and we have it at 90°-95°. About 5 minutes-cold shower-another 5 minutes-another cold shower then cold beer! Ihana!
I must say I was surprised at 'only' 18 minutes @ 110° for a world championship.
I'm not being negative because I like your ideas, it's just that I have it on good authority that straw bales aren't allowed in motor racing, but they are allowed in motorcycle racing. Just a thought.
Dead Men Racing run a single combo for a week. For example, this week it's RACs at Aston National reversed. The week ends on Thursdays with a one hour race, after which a new combo is chosen. If you like well ordered racing, give us a try. (Read the entry screen before clicking 'Yes' )
It would be the same for everyone. Also it would very likely, after a period of assimilation, cut out that mad scramble for places at T1. We are supposed to be in control after all!
I get more whinges about tyre stacks being 'on the racing line' when clearly they are not, than anything else. This, I think, is because LFSers have come to regard cutting as legitimate.
We'll just have to bumble along as usual until a solution is found. In my opinion an answer is necessary if LFS is to 'grow up'
You're quite right, stewards interpret the rules. Basically, they're looking for the piss takers or the downright dangerous!
Maybe in LFS we need our governing body,the Devs, to state what they think is 'legal' and put in place a method of punishment much the same way as speeding in the pitlane, failing to pit etc. but ditch the arcadey messages splashed across the screen. (that's a different subject though) Even if it was a server option like no resetting or compulsory pitting at least it would stop the ongoing, never ending 'cutting' debate.
EDIT: It would eliminate the need for tyre stacks as well.
I think what he's saying is, that in real life at point on a track, i.e. a chicane, where liberties are taken, i.e. cutting (cutting is regarded as having all four wheels off the track. At least two wheels are to be on the track. The kerb is not the track.), a steward is stationed. If he notices a driver cutting deliberately that driver will/could be given a warning. If he does it again he will/could be black flagged! His race will/could be over. The stewards would have discretion. RAC Competitions rules. I don't know about the rest of the world.
I don't know why you're all getting so worked up about it. It's not a sport, it's an entertainment! You know, like American idols and Britain's got talent