This does work for LX4/6. Although when making the skins do the LX6 first because of the grills in the sides of the hood. Also, whatever you put on the back of an LX6 won't be seen on an LX4 because of the spare wheel.
I, and you all, have read countless threads like this one and they seem to boil down to the same thing: unattended publics suck!
If you go on servers such as dSRC or DMR and probably looooads of others you'll get nothing but good racing. So only join servers that have admins in attendance and have voting disallowed. This would prevent malicious banning and kicking. Also wreckers would be dealt with without a lot of kerfuffle. I suggest admins should be marked out with an (A) suffix, just look at the player list to see. Yes I do see that idiots will stick an (A) on their name, but nothing's perfect. The people we're trying to sort out probably don't read this forum so maybe they won't........ Who am I kidding!
After an intense session, I got things going as good as they'll get--I think! I've come to the conclusion that if I have to try this hard to like a game, or in fact anything, I really shouldn't have it. Therefore I've asked for a refund.
S2 is still the DBs and I have good feelings about what is to come given the devs past record.
I sometimes think too much is made of wreckers etc in S2. I had a peek into a few demo servers last night...............SCAREY! Like looking into Bedlam. I scurried back to the sanity that is S2.
Exactly the settings I already have. Have to leave the profiler running as I have a load of buttons mapped to it. i.e. shift+F, F1-4 trackIR centring etc
That is absolutely amazing! I thought my DFP was pretty well sorted but this just transforms it. It feels so damned real and you're right, the FF IS better. How this information has been such a long time coming I don't know. Bloody good job!
Nobody ever asks me for my set . But from what I see attitude is the keyword here. I scrolled a long way down this thread before the 'P' word came up. People come on and simply say 'Anyone got a set?' or 'give me a set' or some such. I've seen really hot drivers happily share their sets when it is requested which, if you think about it, is daft. Can you imagine the Ferrari team nipping along to the McLaren pit and saying 'give me your set for Nurburgring' 'Say please then'
The biggest single thing to get used to is NOT to have your wheel pointing in any other direction than straight ahead at the start of a race! Many's the time I've veered across the track on the start line and had to do a LOT of arm twiddling to get going. This has a tendency to cheese other drivers off.
I for one can't think of ANY other demo for ANY other game that gives so much as LFS. The system works like this. Play the demo > either (a) love the demo and keep playing it forever for free (b) love the demo, buy the bloody game FGS! or (c) hate the demo, uninstall it and never give it another thought. Job done.