I am the archetypal sucker. I got GTR after being seduced by the demo. Couldn't wait for it in English so I went the 'translation' route. GTR has now been consigned to the bin! Lousy online accessability. Next came rFactor. Ever the optimist, I bought that to. Wrong! Same online crap.
Whaddya know I was suckered into GTL as well! Straight jacket someone, please! Same online nonsense. I run/ran a dedi GTL server and there's a 'startline' bug whereby some players are trapped in a never-never land and don't get to start. That leads to consternation all round and a general exodus.
Which is a bloody shame because the models, sounds, graphics and 'feel' (once you've got used to it) are good. They shoot themselves in the foot every time.
As for Starforce............If you're on teamspeak and start GTL, Starforce screeches in you ear and knocks out TS. You have to start GTL first. Copy protection is all very well but using a nuke to beat a gang of skinheads is overkill. There are LOADS of ways to prevent piracy but sheesh! Sledgehammer/nuts comes to mind
Sorry GTL you blew it!
All of the above waffle serves only to highlight what a bloody fine game LFS is. If there were the cars, tracks and sounds of GTL and the coding and online accessibility of LFS...........The mind boggles.
What you need to do is: Point the Profiler to the LFS.EXE and then start LFS using a shortcut pointing to Pitspotter.exe
I'm not 100% certain if it's necessary, but I have the 'Apply profiles to games automatically' selected in Profiler. That is in 'Global Profiler settings'
Hope that helps.
It already does the job. Set the Wingman profiler to 720 degrees, set the rotation in LFS to 720 degrees, wheel turn compensation all the way over to the right (1) and LFS automatically gives you the rotation required for each car.
Doesn't he already have a DFP?