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S3 licensed
Quote from nikimere :So long as it's done carefully you can pass anywhere on a race track.

Can't argue with that.

Quote :This thread should be a plea to slower drivers! Wake up!

/rant over

This smacks of the attitude I'm talking about, but I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound like that.
S3 licensed
Quote from maczo :Seems bad drivers do read the forum, as I don't know why this:

would be inappropriate

More often than not yes. There's a tendancy to drift (and don't get all 'drifty' on me ) over to the outside and anyone with an ounce of sense will anticipate it. In fact that is what is missing with a lot of guys, 'anticipation'
S3 licensed
I didn't expect a response like this. Let me be clear, I'm not talking about pig ignorant wreckers, I'm talking about talented drivers who have absolutely no need for bullying tactics. There are some (who I won't name for fear of embarassing them) who are real pros. I see one of them in my mirrors and know they'll pass me in a manner that is oddly pleasurable (I'm gonna puke with all this hero worship!) and admirable. Anyway, I'm over it now. The spat out dummy has been retrieved, washed off and replaced.
@ Gentlefoot: We'll have to visit mob handed one evening. TBO the rant was because we at DMR don't usually get that kind of thing either.
@Chriskart: There's contact and contact. Do you make an attempt to avoid a collision i.e. brake hard when you're homing in on a rear end? I'll bet you do.
A plea to fast drivers
S3 licensed
Anyone that knows me knows I'm not fast. Middle of the field usually. I admire the guys that ARE fast. Most of them are gentlemen too, they know when to pass a slower chap. Unfortunately there are some who are fast and I can only say, ungentlemanly. They'll pass you in the most inappropriate places, i.e. in the middle of a chicane or on the outside of a tight corner. If they get away with it all well and good but more often than not a collision occurs. Wouldn't you know it's always the slower guy that comes to grief! Off they charge into the distance with a dismissive 'soz'. I understand this subject has been raised many many times in these forums but the problem still persists. It happened to me tonight and I'm angry. What it comes down to, in my humble opinion, is a lack of respect for fellow races of all capabilities. You know who you are so shape up! You'll not only be fast, you'll also get the respect of everyone you're on track with.
As we say on Dead Men Racing "Racing is a non-contact sport"

Rant over.
S3 licensed
Quote from hpisloud :You're a jerk. The kid is 13. How about simply be a role model and offer encouragement rather than broadcast to everyone in the world your financial blunders.

Good luck with those, though. Life is full of decisions...I'm sure you'll make the best ones for you and your family. (Although if you're complaining about your financial responsibilities, I'm going off the assumption that your wife makes all the big financial decisions in your house. Probably because you've pinned her in a corner where she had to grow the stones or watch her family commit financial have fun playing video games!! (See where making fun of a 13 year old gets ya?))

You don't do 'irony' do you?
S3 licensed
Should anyone look in here for an answer then Google 'JoyToKey' Very basic little app that does the trick.
S3 licensed
That's a 'no' then?
Frex shifter switches
S3 licensed
Those of you with a Frex Hshifter+; there are two switches on top of the unit which are crying out to be used. Anyone made them work and how? They're not recognised in LFS and of course Logitech Profiler is no help.
S3 licensed
Quote from Widdowmaker :Dont know if this is a bug - but Ive attached the replay -

10 lap race - Dead man Racing server on W26 - Last night approx 10 pm?

Im running almost a full lap behind the leader - they all cross the line - then I do in something like 14th Place - The results clear and Im given as the winner of the race? The End Questioned it, so did I.

Never seen this happen before - Has the server admin just reset the race to restart - then canx the restart?

Very strange - thought Id just post it - sorry for wastin time.

|Cant post replay as file size to large even after compression. If anyone wants to investigate - Pm me and Ill mail them the mpr.

No the server admin didn't reset anything. We were all as amazed as you! One minute a full results list, the next, you were the sole survivor. I thought I pressed a button by mistake.
S3 licensed
TIR is first class. Don't fiddle with it any more. I'll go as far as to say that 6dof in LFS is the best I have ever experienced.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :I payed WAY TOO MUCH for a buggy alpha version. That was 2 years ago. Only patches on that alpha. It´s a shame that this will not lead to a final version. I like lfs because of my fragmaster buddies. The game itself is middleage style in 2007, grappy graphics, sounds and stuff.

A few months ago I was very angry about the devs. Postings like "I buy a house with the money you gave me and now I must take a break from finsihing the game" really sucks imho.

I will NOT pay anything more in lfs. I don´t believe that this game will lead to a final version or even a beta. Thats ridiculous, but its just my opinion.

If the devs said S2 is finished and dropped the 'Alpha' would you be happier? No, I didn't think so.
S3 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Happy to pay a £1 for crisper graphics online. It makes quite a diffference tot eh whole look of the game, and I am into skins big time anyway.

Wot he said ^
S3 licensed
Addendum: I've just spent a half an hour hot lapping and I CAN see the appeal. Starting on track is the way to go imo. After all, you're only doing it for the time. It's bad enough to have a lap invalidated by the merest touch of a tyrewall or grabbing a smidgen of grass :doh:. On that basis starting on track with tyres at optimum temperature makes sense.

/retracts nose from other peoples business.
S3 licensed
I've never hotlapped in my life; well once and I thought 'why?' But I can see that starting from the pits is unnecessary. Qualifying yes, it's realistic but hotlapping is not realistic. I mean, a lap is voided if you as much as put a wheel wrong! Let hotlappers start from where the heck they like, it makes no difference to anyone but them. To my mind hotlapping is akin to drifting. It's a different game and there's a special breed that plays it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes.

I am sorry for my part in that - and that was my failure to realise that it wasn't just a key, but also appeared in the options, and that was inconsistent with the fact that it was not saved in the cfg.

And this led to some lack of communication in this conversation.

A real man.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen : ...the autoexec.lfs script is run once when you first get to the entry screen. So you can add any /commands to that file.

Or get a Logitech G15 and assign a key to it.
Sorry to be flippant but it was getting a bit tense in here.
S3 licensed
I welcome the hires skins option and I've laid my money down. If I have one reservation it's that I'll be downloading a lot of crappy skins and skins of people that come on the server and then almost immediately leave, never to be seen again. I may be daft, but I have a thing about having a load of stuff on my pc that just sits there not doing anything.
S3 licensed
Quote from griever :Is anyone excited about Forza 2?

This is shaping up for a 'no' by the looks of it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Are you sure they managed to finish the race without being disqualified? Although they pit, it's not supposed to qualify as a valid pit stop for the must pit rule. They should still be disqualified at the end of the race unless they pit again. I've just tested it again now and the first thing is : I could not join back into the pitlane until 12 seconds after the race started. Then when leaving my pit box I did a pit stop, and it did not remove my "Pit stop required : yes" in the F12 menu - it did not change to OK. Then I received a time penalty on my final lap. So... I could not reproduce gaining any advantage.

Yes they finished without penalty. I and another tried to do this and it has to said it takes a fair bit of adroitness on the keyboard. Leaving the garage you have to spectate, join, leave garage, drive into pitspace. You've then completed a pitstop. I was pretty fumble fingered and still managed an advantage, albeit not a huge one. I think it's too obvious what's happening for it to catch on. :-)
S3 licensed
An exploit came to our notice last night, one that we've not seen before. Although I've noticed that you can 'pit' when leaving the garage when joining midrace.

W17, 'Mustpit' enabled
What they do is pretend to accidently false start, telepit, which nullifys their penalty, leave the garage, drive into a pit space do their pitstop (no damage of course) and carry on. This all takes just a few seconds and the rest of the field have only gone a little way and of course they still have to pit. Keep an eye out for people that false start and telepit immediately.

Hope that makes sense.
S3 licensed
Got my vote. Er.. Putin wont send someone round to my house with a polonium shot will he?
S3 licensed
It's got to be tough living right next door to a bully. Slap an ASBO on 'em that'll sort 'em out.
S3 licensed
Ability to set a time (5-6 seconds) for the display of the welcome message. Sometimes you can connect so damned quick it can't be read! It might, just might, prevent people from continually asking 'Is a pit stop required?' etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :.

The network debug is useful to admins. The reason I proposed this option is because it's often very time-consuming, hopping between different players and watching their latency numbers to figure out who it is who's likely running P2P software in the background. This would help us find the warping driver much quicker.

I'd definitely propose it as an admin ctrl+shift option. I'm worried that, if it were visible to everyone all the time, it would be too easy to instantiate a witch-hunt. Admins (well, me) do spend quite a bit of time tracking down problem connections and persuading them to pull over and kill their MSN, or email client, or kick their brother off YouTube or whatever it takes to get back a decent connection.

My thoughts exactly.
S3 licensed
The results show that the vast majority of drivers wouldn't notice if there was a server option to force incar view.

Incar myself 55-56 degrees, TIR,

A point about taking up screen acreage. When you're driving you're surely concentrating on a point in the middle distance, no? So there's no need to see more.
Last edited by Doorman, .