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Quote from Stew2000 :That's because it's a german car

And I did England plate if anyone wants it.

Although it's illegal and a man from the EU will be round your house shortly, I'm going to use it. Well done. Ingerland!
S3 licensed
Quote from 1Colin1 :
I know this is off-topic but the dev's must feel pretty rubbish when half there community start moaning and crying over abs being added to the road cars, I'm sure it was a lot of work and time went into the creation of it and when people basically asked that they want an option to disable it (I can understand for leagues) it must feel pretty rubbish...

I personally use a mouse and I find that it is helpful but overall doesn't improve my times but the key point is it's helpful to some people so I wish people would stop moaning at the dev's, it's there game and they can add what they see fit.

It's the nature of the place. Put on your plonker filter.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Take them all on Jerry Springer! He'll sort them out

You're all heart.
S3 licensed
Quote from NightShift :

Not that anyone could blame you for that - unlike iRacing which you buy once for 24£ and then play how much you want with free updates along the way, LFS is really much more expensive with its annual subscription plan and then add insult to injury, having to buy every car you want to try!

Oh wait... So in 5 years your LFS investment would have theoretically to the fabulous sum of 5£ per year, every year of LFS allowed you to drive the Solstice for... what? 10 days?

I regard this community as very lucky to have such an affectionate and objective member who even spent his precious time to stop by and warn us against irrational negativism

Thank you so much!

I'm getting to like you.
S3 licensed
Quote from AMB :It takes balls of steel!!!!!

Where the hell have I heard that before? I can hear the 'blockbuster' type voice saying it. My memory, my memory!
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I just reported an incident which was perfectly similar to the one spanky caught on video earlier. The response was that it is not malicious act so they are not proceeding with the protest. Basically they said the sr is there to take care of these...

I don't know about you but I'd guess you'd get shouted pretty heavily at any track days or racing events if did something like this (going across the track bacwards when there are cars coming at you, collecting few other cars in the process):

However, in iracing it seems to be just fine

I think that was called 'spinning out'. It happens. It's not as if he popped it in reverse is it?
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :You are firmly on record as a cockpit lover. No need to post every time the subject comes up.

Oh, and: :gnasher:

Ach zo! You DO have humour.

I bit my tongue for this one though.
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
I hear the new Scirroco comes with forced cockpit view.
S3 licensed
For me, all over the above would be marvelous! For the average LFSer I don't think so. The amount of people that come on our server , say 'Oh, wind' and leave doesn't give me much hope for the server that would employ all of this wonderful stuff. but it's good to talk.
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :If a person had stopped to save the dog then that would have been unbelievable, for a dog it's natural behaviour because they are loyal pack animals.

True, you see that sort of thing every day.
S3 licensed
Nice work. Particularly like the exhaust outlet.
S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :I think you misinterpreted some of our comments and got quite rude.

However, I find your apology thread sincere and convincing, and I have to say that it is not a common behavior so

Next time you think about quitting smoking : don't (except if you jeopardize your life, but it'll be around 65yo, and every doctor will tell you that stopping now won't raise your life expectancy except than a few days, so... )

Cracking advice. He forgot to mention: It'll cost you a fortune, you'll smell, you'll having trouble breathing, and you'll look stupid. Keep at it fella, you'll be glad you did.
S3 licensed
Well done. There is hope for you yet.
S3 licensed
Quote from m4ccy :OMG man i asked some simple questions been out of touch for a while and i get abused like this, i really hope yo whole family dies in car crash with you in it.

Get some help. If you carry on with this kind of attitude someone will end up sorting you out.
S3 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :Finally, I tried iRacing. Thought that, compared to other games, 20 Dollars for one month of gameplay is actually quite a good value, most games cost more than twice for half a day.

Now here's my verdict:
For me, iRacing feels like a mixture of LfS and the Simbin-Sims. Now that could be a good thing, but it isn't, because to me, it has the weak points of both, with not much things that it does better than any of the two fomer.

The driving physics, often described as superior in here, don't cut it for me. Now I've only driven the Solstice, as I haven't bought a single seater, but it drives very much like a non racing tin top in GTR-Evo: lot's of tyre squeal on almost every steering or breaking input, which makes finding the limit very hard, and it feels slippy and somehow detached from the road. Force Feedback is despite a resitance to turn the wheel, almost nonexistant, which doesn't help either.
Soundwise, it's also right between LfS and Simbin: it does sound nice, but the sounds are canned, much like Evo, but it lacks the spectrum. All you got is engine, gearwhine, wind and tyre squeal, much like LfS, but without the depth of information you get out of it.
The damage system almost looks exactly like LfS, allthough your tyres and suspension are very easily pushed away from their original positions, which, somehow doesn't affect the driving much, at least with the solstice.
The graphics look good, bit for some reason, even without limiter, i'm stuck at 30-40 fps when alone and 20 fps when more than two cars are visible, which makes racing quite a gamble in the first few corners. I can't find the graphic setting that would solve this problem.

Now I also don't think that iRacing is a LfS Killer. It wouldn't even be, if it did perfectly, for one single reason: because of it's pricing and system, it's aimed at experienced racers, it's definately no game somebody who isn't into sim racing would buy. So to me, it's rather a follow up for current simulations than a competitor, for people who long for the quite elaborated system behind iRacing and are not satisfied with what common on-line racing and leagues have to offer, rather than simply looking for better physics.

Personal Conclusion: SOme nice ideas, at the moment, I'd still rather stick to live for speed.

Put your tin hat on, you're about to be bombed!
S3 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :I love you.

And you've gone up in HIS estimation as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :terrorist? Sorry the worth theorist is not so well known in non-english countries, however terrorist is somehow.

Don't potht with your mouth full.
S3 licensed
Stu, your feet must be soaking by now!
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Hard life aint it. You spend 80k becoming a pilot only to discover that they don't employ someone to start the plane, check the systems and programme the FMC for you . I don't know why they bother.

A monkey can fly a plane.(well, the plane can fly itself tbh) It's all the other stuff that takes some skill.

Stop it right now! You're pissing into the wind.
S3 licensed
Everyone taken their 'meh' pills today then?
S3 licensed
Quote from Quint999 :You've seriously got to be kidding with that statement.


Quote from Quint999 :Maybe so, but come on, to me the only people that make riddiculas sweeping statements like that are Zealots themselves. And now i've just done the same thing

Iracing has its faults, the system has its faults, along with every other sim on the market.

Some will like the SR / IR / TT, some wont, i personally would prefer to keep the SR for the ladders / pickups & have something less restrictive with private leagues / proper team racing, time will tell.

My experience is it promotes cleaner racing particularly as you move up the classes, i doubt you'll ever get truly clean racing in any sim without intense human admining 24/7 and i cant imagine many admins would relish that thought.

The point being made to Intrepid is that you need to stick with it, once you drag yourself out the destruction derbies of the Rookie Solstice and Legend, it gets a little better, unfortunately it doesnt really get better until you spend a little more money for the Skips or Late Models.

If you dont want to do that, then Iracing isnt for you, it hardly makes those that are there and sticking with it Zealots.

Point of order: If you consult your OED (you have an OED?) you will find:
Evangelical = Being fervent in advocating something. Yes, I meant that.
Zeal = Great energy or enthusiasm for a cause or objective. Yes, I meant that too.
Zealot = A fanatical and uncompromising follower of a religion or objective.
You confused zeal with being a zealot which I'm not and I don't think I accused anyone of being.
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :This needs to be moved to the events section

Quite right. Would a kindly forum guru do that for me? Thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Forums, to me, are for two things: gaining some kind of knowledge, and arguing with people on the internet!

It's not meant as an "I'm right and you're wrong" thing when I start replying to people, but I can't help myself and I love to chat with people about their ideas and arguments, I don't see it as particularly destructive or defensive.

I've said plenty of times that the sim isn't for everyone, and that it has its flaws, but I still reserve the right to argue with people on their points

And you're quite right, but there are contributors that cannot seem to accept when someone says 'I don't like it'. Intrepid has stated quite categorically that he doesn't like iRacing but he's regaled with 'Keep trying it until you DO like it' I've only come across this 'evangelical zeal' in regard to iRacing.
At least here is one LFS forum thread that hasn't resorted to flaming.

@The Moose: Wise words.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :You did not add any extra chicane there, did you ?

No, no nothing sneaky this time.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the setup is RACE_S only. This is because not everyone is happy with some people's sets
S3 licensed
I have to smile when the pro iRacers come on like Born Again Christians. (with apologies to BACs) If you don't like it you haven't tried it long enough! We have seen the light! To each his own. The only ones that can justifiably be shot at are the ones that criticise yet HAVEN'T tried it and that goes for anything, be it games, cars, cakes, and those awful Swedish salt covered liquorice 'sweets'.
Oh, and I draw the line at homosexual practices, I know I wouldn't like that without trying it!