Don't listen to him! In the Profiler/Options/Global device settings, take the tick/check OUT of 'Report Combined Pedals'. In LFS select 'Seperate pedals in 'Controls' and you'll find that your pedals are now seperate.
This may or may not be relavent and only be coincidental, but PitSpotter has taken it into it's head to only work intermittently. This IS since U22. Prior to that it worked flawlessly. Not just me either. Maybe a new version is required for the new sound system. . Kegetys?
Don't forget to check the log book. What's to see? It's a DFP and he's giving it away!
£35 INCLUDING postage! If I didn't already have a spare one stashed away, I'd have it.
I think the intention is for this forum to be a point of reference for such things as configuring a server, running apps on a server, troubleshooting server malfunctions etc.
"so if the master server down they will post here?" No
"Captain Slow" Don't be silly
It would be interesting to be able to see exactly what kit is being used by people on a server. At the moment you can only see whether he has a wheel (which could be a joystick) or a mouse. I'd like to know the view, shifter, clutch, degrees of rotation of his wheel, office chair, race frame, or simconmotion. I would also like to know if he's being served his beer or whether he has to get it himself. I would them have at my disposal, every excuse under the sun for being soundly thrashed EVERY BLEEDIN' NIGHT!
Fully Frexed up. Well, not the SimConMotion, the wife would raise an eyebrow at that!
Mmm, U20 thread or bugs thread? I've never seen anything like this before so I opted for U20. I was informed last night that if you get a 'drive through' or 'stop 'n' go' penalty you are not able to see 'Blue flag' notices until this penalty is cleared. Searched, but found nowt on this.
Doubtless someone will pop up with the relevant post complete with rollicking!
Moonforce already said what I was going to say but i'll say it anyway. Hotlapping and qualifying are two seperate things. H-L start from the track, qualifying from pit. The fly in the ointment comes with how many pit spaces are there on any given track? A server with 20 plus drivers would present a problem nez pas?
You've got mirrors and if you do need to look behind you i.e. before pulling out into traffic, turn your head right round, you know, like in real life!
To be fair it is an acquired taste. Be prepared to work at it and before too long you are no longer aware of turning your head at all. I suspect too many people want an instant result, you know, like in real life!
Now, if I forget to turn TIR on, it's like having your head in a clamp. Nasty!
LFS, clever old thing, does it automatically. Just set your wheel rotation to 900° and wheel turn compensation to 1.0. Personally I use 720° because that is the maximum ingame. I used to have 900° because I thought it was manly. It's not!