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S3 licensed
I'd say you've got it working perfectly. That's what happens, you knock the leve......It's no good, I can't go on.
S3 licensed
It's amazing how often the old 'forced cockpit view' debate comes up. I run a GTL server with forced cockpit view and it's invariably full. I can recall maybe half a dozen times when someone has joined, said 'Oh no, cockpit view!', and left. This also applies to netKar Pro where you have no choice, cockpit or nothing! The same goes for driving aids, on Dead Men Racing (GTL) it's set to 'Professional' that is with NO aids at all. Only auto clutch allowed. Never hear a gripe though.
S3 licensed
Quote from bo-kristiansen :

...too many. :tired:

If they were the only cigarettes you could buy in the UK NOBODY would smoke! I mean, who'd buy a cigarette called Cecil?
S3 licensed
Grumpy old man hat on.
How many more threads are there to be about 'which bloody wheel should I buy?' There must be eighty of them! Read the forum for Pete's sake!
Grumpy old man hat off.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Driving force pro, if you are feeling flush add a Frex kit and a Momo 11 wheel to it, then when the pedals go TU, get some others.

Darkplanets for £58.98 > ... ech-driving-force-pro.asp


As above but put a Sparco LN285 on it. It's ready drilled.
S3 licensed
Downloading now!
S3 licensed
Before FREX pedals I used a squash ball under the brake pedal. It fooled me!
S3 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :

Anyway, as for the FREX stuff, I have also looked at it, but from what I recall the MOMO doesn't seem to be supported for the wheel upgrade

How can you NOT get one?

Cheap as chips now. I'm sick as a parrot, I got mine over a year ago when they were £100+ But it's still going strong.
S3 licensed
I've got a real Sparco 285mm suede finish on mine. All I can say is if you're going to do a Frex conversion, which in my book is a 'must', get a 285mm wheel. You can get them from Demon Tweaks. I've recently gone over to 900° and it is FANTASTIC!
Fordie, I hope you were converted to cockpit view. Join the real sim drivers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I had to implement this when someone wrote a program to check if several people were online. His program imitated the game, and sent several "user online" queries in extremely close succession, each requiring a text reply from the master server. And those bursts were repeated at regular intervals. He and his friends started using this program to see who was online and with just those few people, the master server was already being battered to some extent, giving out large rapid bursts of information every few seconds.

The master server is very important so I don't want it to be abused by "mates checking" sort of programs, or "list of games checkers" either. So I've had to set the time delay down a bit. You are allowed around 8 requests per minute, and that seems enough. It also stops people doing constant list of games refreshes, which can be quite pointless but the sort of thing you can do unconsciously while wating for something, which loads not only the master but also the hosts.

Anyway that's a different subject from allowing one admin to join a full host, which I have now noted as a request.

Therein lies the difference between LFS and GTL/GTR
S3 licensed
This has got to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It appeared in The Otago Daily Times. South Island NZ.


Seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good looking
girl who LOVES to play.
I love long walks in the woods, riding in your Ute, hunting, camping and
Duck shooting, cosy nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. Rub me the right way and watch me respond. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Kiss me and I'm yours. Call (03) 475-6420 and ask for Daisy.

Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Otago branch of the RSPCA about an 8-week old black Labrador retriever. Men are so easy.
S3 licensed
I don't like to leave the house too much before 10-10.30am. Let all the office guys get off the street. Really hate it if I have to wotk past 1pm. I work for myself installing and selling garage doors and operators. So I can tell the boss to get stuffed!
S3 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :actually, yes!

me fail english? thats unpossible!

(hey tweak)

Nice one!
S3 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :please take your time guys,

me has grammar exam on the end of marcH.

Not English grammar I hope, otherwise you've shit it!
S3 licensed
Quote from Smax :....The internet reduces communication to words and words alone....

Waddyamean? We got smileys don' we? illepall:
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :
new drivers out today. did they fix the problem for you guys>?

100%. Back to 85-95 fps and not before time!
S3 licensed
Quote from v4forlife : i do ride fast in the countryside, i do top 130ish on the motorways, but its all about timing. i do these at the right time.

In the countryside? Are you f*cking MAD? And you're stupid enough to BRAG about it! illepall
S3 licensed
My wife was recently knocked off her bike by a motorcyclist that 'owned' a corner. Make no mistake, this guy was 'racing', not with anyone else just against himself, on a nice quiet country road! She was closer to being killed by that **** than I would want anyone to be. This happened in August last year and has still not made a complete recovery. So don't talk like a pratt! The roads are for getting from A to B on, not for sport. Take your racing to a place that's designated for motor sport. You've no idea the heartache idiots like you cause. Don't dare to tell me you haven't hit anyone because, carry on as you are and it's only a matter of time.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Sees new post........please be a fix,please be a fix,please be a fix, DOH!!!


In the words made famous by LFS forums aaaalll over the world "It'll be ready when it's ready"
S3 licensed
It may be relevant to ask who is running hyperthreading cpus. I just got a sneaking feeling. Both my pcs have P4 HT cpus. One 3.4 and one 3.0
S3 licensed
X800XT 256mb memory 5.12 and 5.13 of any description, any configuration, AA-AF on or off, 10-15fps
I've also got another machine with a 9700pro and get the same problem.
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :...... There is no difference in side mirrors and center mirrors. IRL, when a car leaves the rear view mirror, your side mirrors would bring it into view and that isn't the case in LFS yet.

Whilst I understand that to be true, I still find it impossible to NOT look in my side mirrors.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Shock horror - oval F08 racer forced to drive on real race track...

.......................Not much of a post but it's all I could come up with.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tube :but... when you listen carefully, you can hear it scream. it's plain suicide, the cracking, the screaming. I literally want to run out of the room right after plugging in that thing.

You're too sensitive by half. It's a piece of plastic and metal!

EDIT: Best put a smiley in here in case you think I'm serious