Is F1 still being taken seriously? Seems so. Despite my saying 'I'm not going to watch this boring crap anymore' I expect I will, just like every year since Noah launched his boat!
Anyone else get this? It pops up when I click er..New Posts. I simply cancel it and try again. Second time of asking-no problem. I use Firefox 2 and can't find anything in the options which might account for it.
I've never dipped into that thread. Interesting read. What strikes me is that the points raised are valid and sensibly put. It's a shame the Kunos, unlike LFS devs, don't take notice. It might eventually end up a winner. Unfortunately, I think they've consigned it to RaceSim heaven.
Maybe it's just me but of all the versions of Silverstone, in all the games I've got, NKP is the most....soul-less. Perhaps it's because I'm so disillusioned by NKP that I can no longer see any good in it.
Do you mean it comes loose from the desk? If so, get a piece of that rubbery netting that you put under rugs on a slippery floor. Place it between the wheel and desk and I promise your wheel wont move AT ALL.
By coincidence I came upon your website today and was impressed. I downloaded a movie and was impressed. Whether it's the pinnacle I wouldn't know as I'm bad enough not to get anywhere near a pinnacle to recognise one. Certainly not the pits though; I'd recognise that!
Most of what you've said can be said of Britain almost word for word. I admit to being amazed at how a little more than 5 million people pay for a road network as good as yours. Bearing in mind that roads have to be hewn out of an awful lot of bloody great boulders! Finlands biggest mistake was to huddle round the skirts of the EU. We tried to warn you but.... Anyway, we're going to live in Kerava, we've already got an apartment there and are keeping an eye out for a nice house.
You're frightening the life outta me! My wife and I are going to retire to Finland in the not too distant future! All this talk about sinking ships! I wouldn't be surprised if most people in most countries feel the same. I know I do about Britain. You in Finland have something which is, as far as I'm concerned, precious. Space! Whenever I go to Finland I'm struck by how the pace of life is more sensible than the rat-race that is England. You're not all on top of each other. Treasure that.
I suppose though, that the grass is always greener etc. Having looked at your 'grass' many times I've not seen anything, apart from talvi, to change my view.
New Zealand is nice, but I bet it'd bore your socks off unless you're into sheep!
How many servers also run Ventrilo/Teamspeak? Would you welcome new people? Or are you just a 'mates only' deal?
To kick off, Dead Men Racing run a Ventrilo server and if you sign up for the forum you can get the password. You would be welcome.
I see where JTbo is coming from but 'banning' is too strong a word. The world is getting smaller by the day and in order for us all to be able to communicate it would be neccessary for some of us to be bi-lingual. As English is spoken more widely (don't mention Chinese) it turns out I won't have to be one of them! I find it amazing that the language from a tiny island off the coast of Europe has spread it's language over a huge part of the world. (Doesn't half piss off the French!)
As a footnote, did you know that Finland is the most English speaking, non English speaking nation in the world? I was in a little village in Finland some time ago and we went into a little cafe. I practised asking for two coffees and some cakes. I went to the counter and recited my order in my best Finnish. The girl behind the counter answered me in English! You can't win.
It's an odd thing but whenever I see a name from the forum I know they'll be good clean racers. Whenever we see these 'strangers' that trouble ensues. Restarts are disabled for 4 minutes either end of a race. Unless they are particularly thick they normally get the message. Just like real races, we'll 'red flag' if there is abnormal carnage, but generally it's a case of 'if you lose it, tough. get on with it. That applies to our admins as well.
S'all I got. This was not a Windows crash so therefore no crash report.
Edit: Reading it again I see what you mean. I played NKP earlier in the day with no problems. Hey ho. Ignore this babbling.
I tend to go along with that. Maybe a fly killed itself on my processor. The odd thing was that Windows showed no sign of distress and booted normally. I'll keep a lookout. Cheers
Since U30 two hard lock ups of lfs neccessitating a switch off via the button. I've been on the server for about 1/2 hour. No error messages. Not lag because everything is running as per normal. Rejoin the same server and continue for the rest of the evening. This also caused ventrilo to be discoed as well. Up till now no patch has caused me problems.