I just trawled through it and it isn't mentioned specifically but it comes under the AIM configuration. You can put whatever info wherever you like. As default fuel is bottom left, last lap is bottom right. Dig around, you're a bright chap.
Do you use the Profiler? If so, is there a profile for nKP? If so, does the profile point to nks.exe? If so, set the wheel turn to 400 degrees,
Or...In nKP garage go to the setup 1 tab and find ff gain(I think) and ff something else and set them to 0. This is a 'per setup' setting.
My guess would be something along the lines of the first option though.
Seriously, I think demo drivers should have all the cars and all the tracks. How else will they know whether they like the product? Oh, and it should be for an unlimited time as well so that that can properly assess it. THEY NEED TO BE SURE!
This is novel Kev, when did you start taking notice of stuff written in this forum. I thought you formed your own opinions and they took notice of you!
Interesting question. I use a clutch for starts, whether out of the garage or the start line. In the F1600 you have to lift off the throttle to change gear. The clutch isn't necessary. However, faster changes can be made by de-clutching, in fact you can do full throttle changes. Keep you foot planted on the gas, dip the clutch at the same time move the lever. Very satisfying. Oh yes, I have auto clutch turned off which means if you spin your car you'll have to throw out the clutch or you'll stall.
Hope that helps.
Are you still interested in crashes? I had my first ctd in LFS after about 800 test patches. Quite exciting!
Address 0x000000006d9dae7c. I was so surprised I'm not sure what the cause was. I was in the garage/windowed and hit full screen and bang!
Hope that's helpful.
Wouldn't it be nice if these were downloadable with your skin? I mean, I've got the English plate and therefore every plate I see will be English. Mmmm, on the other hand.....