Being a glutton for punishment I installed just the 5.13 drivers, these can be downloaded seperately. So guess what? Still the same. I am DEFINATELY not pratting about with them any more!
I thought I'd give that a try.............Not to be recommended. PC took a good half hour to boot and another half hour to shut down. Frightened the life out of me! WTF have I done? Anyway, reset the BIOS to Turbo defaults and all is well again. Note to self: Forget 5.12-13 drivers until a definative reason has been discovered at least. Shame, because BF2 and GTL (sorry) are way better with 5.13. Hey Scawen, any ideas on this?
Merry Christmas drivers (but not ATI)
I got quite excited there for a moment. If you go by the name of 'destroem' on the Master skinners forum all is well. If not, put them back, they're not yours! I refer to this: ... lay&thread=1092409183
For the first time EVER the latest drivers have been worse than the previous ones.(for me anyway) I too have a P4 3.4 X800XT and 1.5gig of ram. With 5.11 I was getting 85-95 fps under any circumstances with 8x AA and 16x AF. With 5.12 it plummeted to 10-15 fps!:yikes: Moved back to 5.11 pretty damned quick!