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S3 licensed
A Frex steering wheel adapter, wheelbox+ and a Sparco LN270 wheel.
S3 licensed
Actually, I found Scawen's resolution a good one. Well, it worked for me!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've written to my ATI contact.................... I've written my mail. We'll see what happens.

I'm pretty confident that you'll get an answer. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Top man Scawen.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
That's a nice note on which to finish.
S3 licensed
Have you installed Logitech 4.60 drivers? Here

And yes, the wheel does calibrate itself every boot. Small price to pay for a cracking wheel though.
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Well, what I'm trying to say and what I always try to say in these threads about the blue flag is............etc.

What the hell are you doing talking sense here?
S3 licensed
Small bump. I would dearly love to see telepitting as a server option. Which I would immediately switch to telepit=0 (0 being 'not during race')
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I know people like to put odd titles to get peoples attention but could you plaease put at least in brackets at the end the thread is about so people don't have to read it the next five times they visit the forum trying to find which thread entitled 'I've had a brilliant' idea they want to re-visit.

I so agree. The worst thread title of all time is 'HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
S3 licensed
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :Yawn!

S3 licensed
Being a glutton for punishment I installed just the 5.13 drivers, these can be downloaded seperately. So guess what? Still the same. I am DEFINATELY not pratting about with them any more!
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Just for testing, can you try to disable HT (in BIOS?) and run LFS with the 5.12 CATs again?

I thought I'd give that a try.............Not to be recommended. PC took a good half hour to boot and another half hour to shut down. Frightened the life out of me! WTF have I done? Anyway, reset the BIOS to Turbo defaults and all is well again. Note to self: Forget 5.12-13 drivers until a definative reason has been discovered at least. Shame, because BF2 and GTL (sorry) are way better with 5.13. Hey Scawen, any ideas on this?
Merry Christmas drivers (but not ATI)
S3 licensed
Bob already said it. Nothing is forever, internet connections come and go. You'll be back. Keep the faith bro.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kahin :Kahin (S1/S2 licensed name)...and Destroem (Racername)...are the same person..

S3 licensed
Quote from Vinc :The new drivers has slowed down my games too. How do you go back to the older ones? You just re-install them?

And where can I download the 5.11 drivers? ... knowledge&folderID=27
Look for 'previous drivers'
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :The strange thing is, I have found LFS to be one of the lesser nigglely programs in regards to drivers, I have had rock solid fast performance with every release of the ATI driver forever, but not with this latest one, in fact, I dont think I can ever recall any program have such an adverse effect (100fps to 15fps) to a new driver.

I agree 100%

Quote from danowat :
Hopefully Scawen can look into it and discover why, it might be a simple switch that can be switched.

As has been said already, it's not LFS's problem. This is a case of "Mmm, odd that" Revert to the old drivers and return to enjoying life.
S3 licensed
For the first time EVER the latest drivers have been worse than the previous ones.(for me anyway) I too have a P4 3.4 X800XT and 1.5gig of ram. With 5.11 I was getting 85-95 fps under any circumstances with 8x AA and 16x AF. With 5.12 it plummeted to 10-15 fps!:yikes: Moved back to 5.11 pretty damned quick!
S3 licensed
On a more serious note, is XP up to date?(not hookey is it?) Is it patched to SP2? Is the latest DX on board?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag : 'till I get my pirate symantec disk back.

:doh: Now they know where you live and the polis will come knocking on your door!
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
What a nice man.
S3 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :If thats his best attempt, then i really do not want to see his practice tests..

This is from a guy that can't spell 'Kingdom'
S3 licensed
Quote from Anarchi-H :If everone did that, no one would complain, and that would suck. Corporate shafters like Sony with their DRM antics would be off scot free.

Besides, it really doesn't look good; It would certainly look better if LFS didn't stretch the pixels so thin though.

*note to self* Don't install wood trim with your ICE */note to self*

I hardly think that some guy doing his best and 'corporate shafters' are in the same league, but if you think that's cool then so be it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :DAMN! that looks crappy.

How does the saying go? "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything"?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :make love not war.:grouphug:

Make love to a strine? Well not a male strine anyway! :icon23: