Thought of something myself. Pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians use them at their peril! Whenever I stopped to let someone use the crossing, they looked at me as if it were a trick!
What am I getting into here? Fascinating stuff.
Thanks for your input. No-one has said anything to put me off. I admit to being surprised that there wasn't more negativity given that there must be a majority of younger people here. Very refreshing.
Some interesting observations. ä Damn! It does work outside of Word. I can safely say I now know everything!
As for driving in Finland, it is my impression that there is less 'hurry up' and more patience among the majority of Finnish drivers. I have driven a lot in Helsinki (rush hour traffic is like a Sunday afternoon in Chelmsford) Vantaa is the only airport I've been able to drive out of without being hassled, except Jerez.
Paavo, don't worry about ..*the neighbours*. You're in the EU now, we'll sort them out if they give you any trouble. :grouphug:
I have a sauna in my house now and y'know what? It wont sell unless I take it out!. The English don't know what they're missing with sauna.
Irriatates the hell out of me when people say saw-na........then giggle.
Given that there are many Finns on these forums I thought I'd ask the question. What is, in your opinion, the worst thing about living in Finland?
You see, my wife (she's a Finn but hasn't lived there for 40 odd years!) and I are going to retire to Finland in the near future and although we've visited many times you never get to REALLY know a country until you've lived there for quite some time.
I know about the weather: Winter is the best time for snow imo
I know about the difficult language: I know quite a bit of Finnish and expect to get better at it. But at a push many Finns speak English to a higher standard than many Englishmen!
What else?
Can't find any reference to this one. Pitted on lap 3 of a 6 lap race, exceeded the limit as I crossed the line leaving the pits and got a 30 second time penalty. What happened to DT and S-G penalties? Did they get lost in the move or did I do something untoward?
If you're fussy about that kind of thing then please get Eric to spell 'centre' centre and not 'center' Alright I know it's not a bug but it bugs the hell outta me! (South city overhead signs by the gasometers)
I'll get me coat.