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Thought of something myself. Pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians use them at their peril! Whenever I stopped to let someone use the crossing, they looked at me as if it were a trick!
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout : How about mämmi?

Believe it or not. I like that too!
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Yeah, they don't even have a sense of humour.

Ooooh yes they do!

Kaalilaatikko. Nothing better.

Silli, makkara, ruisleipä, viili, piimä, pulla, poronliha, lohi the list goes on. Nami nami!
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Oh, I forgot one! Old people. Damn those old people.

S3 licensed
What am I getting into here? Fascinating stuff.
Thanks for your input. No-one has said anything to put me off. I admit to being surprised that there wasn't more negativity given that there must be a majority of younger people here. Very refreshing.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :

I DO love the way Finns react to stupid interviewers and their inane questions.
S3 licensed
Some interesting observations. ä Damn! It does work outside of Word. I can safely say I now know everything!
As for driving in Finland, it is my impression that there is less 'hurry up' and more patience among the majority of Finnish drivers. I have driven a lot in Helsinki (rush hour traffic is like a Sunday afternoon in Chelmsford) Vantaa is the only airport I've been able to drive out of without being hassled, except Jerez.
Paavo, don't worry about ..*the neighbours*. You're in the EU now, we'll sort them out if they give you any trouble. :grouphug:

S3 licensed
Quote from wark :I use ALT+0228.

Doesn't that only work in Word?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag : it seems that all Finns are pretty damn specific about there language!

It's a pity that a lot of us are not so specific about ours eh?
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Every house has a sauna, that's the other wierd thing I rememeber. A house won't sell in Finland without a sauna apparently, they have them just like we'd be expected to have a bathroom.

And I'm told it's pronounced 'sow-na' with the 'sow-' part sounding like 'sound', not 'saw-na'.

I have a sauna in my house now and y'know what? It wont sell unless I take it out!. The English don't know what they're missing with sauna.
Irriatates the hell out of me when people say saw-na........then giggle.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Well, I couldn't find many things but at least few.
1) Anything that is considered hitech, like hi-end stereo equipment, or anything like that, is very expensive in Finland and almost always you can easily save a lot by ordering stuff abroad. Cars and fuel are very expensive too and you can't rely on public transportation unless you live in a city. I'm past worrying about cars and fuel is now 1,47€ a litre in UK
3) Sometimes things can get into real bureaucratic hell. No change there then
4) alcohol is very expensive. As it is in UK
5) not much daylight on winter, just like 5 or 6 hours or so. But there are no nights on summer, at least if you go north enough. You think the sun shines here all year round?
6) Tv generally sucks. If you like to watch tv a lot you may want to invest into satellite dish or something. And you need to pay a license to watch tv (220€ per year or so). Making me feel at home already
7) the number two was missing. I've never found number two all that useful
8) no polar bears. Bugger!

Welcome to Finland

Kiitoksia paljon.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Finns drink a lot. :drunk:

So do I. I'll fit in.
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Alcohol is very expensive, I've heard.

Gotta do better than 'I've heard'.
S3 licensed
Quote from pine-fin :You have to order all your stuff from the web. Stores sell cheap crap for sunday consumers. If you know anything about anything, you have to order it from the web.

I can't think of anything else.

Hey! Shaping up real well.
Worst thing about Finland?
S3 licensed
Given that there are many Finns on these forums I thought I'd ask the question. What is, in your opinion, the worst thing about living in Finland?
You see, my wife (she's a Finn but hasn't lived there for 40 odd years!) and I are going to retire to Finland in the near future and although we've visited many times you never get to REALLY know a country until you've lived there for quite some time.
I know about the weather: Winter is the best time for snow imo
I know about the difficult language: I know quite a bit of Finnish and expect to get better at it. But at a push many Finns speak English to a higher standard than many Englishmen!
What else?
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :If there are only 3 laps to go, it is 30 sec and 45 sec instead of drive through and stop go. This is in line with real racing series - I can't remember which but I remember doing this on good evidence. It's nothing to do with stopping people pitting on the last lap, that was a separate issue.

OK, that's cool. Thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :A few patches ago, didn't Scawen change it so that penalties in the last few laps were time penalties rather than drive throughs to avoid cheaters pitting on the last lap and avoiding an outlap? Same with forced pitstops too, iirc.

Yes he did but this was on lap 3 of 6 so plenty of laps left to do the penalty. Kyoto GP btw.
S3 licensed
Can't find any reference to this one. Pitted on lap 3 of a 6 lap race, exceeded the limit as I crossed the line leaving the pits and got a 30 second time penalty. What happened to DT and S-G penalties? Did they get lost in the move or did I do something untoward?
S3 licensed
Quote from Don :
i would also like to see uber hardcore mode which would basically be SHIFT+F (maybe with laptime/position after each passed lap) and no F9 and F10 screens.

I'm witchew.

I've been a member for yonks.
There are people signing up for this and still wanting chase view! Is that allowed?
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I'm fussy about things like that too. I guess you mean in the garage screen where is says "Transmission : gearbox type" ? The problem is in the player screen, it follows the string "Settings for " so it should not have a capital letter in that case.

If you're fussy about that kind of thing then please get Eric to spell 'centre' centre and not 'center' Alright I know it's not a bug but it bugs the hell outta me! (South city overhead signs by the gasometers)
I'll get me coat.
S3 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :It needs a new link... 404 Not Found.

Yes, I took it off my server because he didn't seem to want it. So knickers to him
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Quote from ANDREW-O-H :can some one make a fxo set up like a race one for any track like a genral one

Did you get my PM?
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Aslong as any option, be it hardcore, or taking new drivers by the hands, it NOT forced upon people, and it's able to be turned on and off by server admins, I really can't see any issues.

I would be more than happy with joining a "hardcore" server, where everthing that can be forced is, likewise, if I wanted too, I could race on a "new driver server" with all the helps enabled.

I really can't see why people get up the arse about hardcore options, aslong as they aren't forced on YOU by LFS (not server admins), then I don't know what all the bithcing and moaning is about.........

I hate it when people like you come on a perfectly good thread and start talking SENSE! Where's the fun in that?

S3 licensed
Yeah I know, but I wasn't going to devote my life to it.

And as he hasn't responded I don't give a ....
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Last edited by Doorman, .