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S3 licensed
Will there be more polls until the custom view guys win?
S3 licensed
There's quite a few people who seem to think it's their 'right' to go on any server they wish. That infers that private servers are infringing their 'yooman rights. Make all servers public with voting for everything enabled!
S3 licensed
Despite the prophets of doom we spend a great evening of racing fcv. Attendances didn't fall off and no-one complained....I lie; one guy joined, said 'Forced cockpit?', '???', 'Goodbye then' and left. He came back 2 seconds later and said 'A thought, you should advertise it so as not to waste people's time' He'd gone by the time I typed 'It's in the server list marked F'
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Did you ask them what view they use?

Do you think they would cause any less crashes if they used cockpit view?

You can tell if someone is using incar view or custom view by hitting F12 while viewing them as a spectator. Amazingly, about 90% of people coming on our server use incar. Unfortunately you can't tell which 'custom' view is being used.
S3 licensed
Quote :=Bob Smith;480043]No, they were dowsized though, originally 3840x960. Tons of width but very little height, hence even with 100 deg FOV I can't see the dash in cockpit view. I'm not running a widescreen moniter, but three 4:3 monitors in a row.

Although, having just checked, and things weren't quite as bad as I made out. The normal in-car view had a seperate FOV setting, which was only set to 90 deg. Putting it up to 100 as well made them more similar (I can now see the very top of the dials).

Fixed example screenies:
LX4 in-car
LX4 custom (still in-car)

The LX is one of the worst cars, in many cars I don't need to adjust the camera at all. The MRT is worst though, I can't see anything of the car with the standard camera. Overall it's liveable but I'd still prefer "force in-car view" to allow similar custom camera positions.

Try going to Options, View. Near the top of the page is 'Pitch view and Rotate View. I think you'll be able to get just what you're looking for.
S3 licensed
This subject will never be resolved. A bit like religion. At the end of the day we worship at whichever alter we think is right. If someone chooses to run his server with fcv you simply don't go on it. In the same way you don't go on servers that have pitstops or wind or a track you don't like or a car you don't like. Easy.
Last edited by Doorman, . Reason : Spelling
S3 licensed
Interesting poll, one of many on this subject over the years and if my memory serves me correctly the all got more or less the same result
Checkit Seems like only the tiny(noisy) minority will be upset by this option.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :
Will force cockpit view stop me from seeing the dials (ignoring the arcadey virtual dials)?

No. Just adjust your FOV in or out till you see the dials. You may have to cast your eyes down to see them but if you disable the wheel/driver there is no impediment.
EDIT: Have you cropped those images?
THIS is what I see on a 22" widescreen 63° fov
Last edited by Doorman, . Reason : Added attachement
S3 licensed
Well done Scawen. Now give servers an option to deny restart voting DURING a race and all will be bloody marvelous!........Please.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose : ...So as men are but mere putty in my hands...

Is that putty while it's still soft and squishy or putty after it's gone hard?
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :Logically, you're wrong. They always had that liberty. Lots of restaurants near me have operated a no-smoking policy for years. Lots of others didn't. You always had a choice. Now you don't. A liberty has definitely been lost due to legislation.

For years anyone/everyone had the option to start a no-smoking bar or pub if they wished. Now nobody has the right to start a smoking bar or pub if they wished. The law encroaches on previously unhindered liberties.

Best argument I've heard against the new legislation.
S3 licensed
Both my wife and I were smokers many years ago and when we went to Finland, we went on a train. The smokers carriage was on the end of the train and I swear it was never cleaned. It was knee deep in ash and cigarette ends. We were horrified by it at the time but now we say 'serves us right!'
If tobacco was introduced within the last decade or so it would be banned as a dangerous substance. But tobacco companies and governments of all colours love it! Smokers pay an extortionate amount of tax, for something that will possible kill them, will probably mess up their breathing and definately cost a bloody fortune, yet still keep coming back for more. Dumb or what?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Hehe, the replies make this thread.

Have some stars

Too kind.
S3 licensed
I'm amazed at how many of you actually thought there'd be a goddam mod. Turkeys.
New VW mod for LFS?
S3 licensed
Our reporter caught sight of what appears to be a new Volkswagen Beetle mod for LFS

Exclusive picture
S3 licensed
Quote from TaiFong :You are most likely missing practice and a bit of natural skill. I say natural skill because, no matter how much most of us practice, we still probably will never be able to touch the WRs.

Ain' dat da troof!
S3 licensed
Ooh, has it finished? I was enjoying that. Senna, you'd be welcome on our server.....for about 17 seconds.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :I do truely believe in PMA, apparently, it's something Lewis Hamilton has in spades..........

Can you say that?
S3 licensed
Quote from romus74 :yes I was alone, since I was testing the new server configuration. I'll leave it then, thank you.

Ole hyvä
S3 licensed
Quote from romus74 :Should these work ok?

I have these lines in my system.cfg, but I can restart the race right after the green lights appear. I have not logged in as an admin to the host, so I should be treated as a guest. I have also restarted the server after making changes to the config. Other settings work ok for me in the config file.

//no restart within X seconds of race start

//no restart within X seconds of race finish

EDIT: my server is Romus Racing and it runs on host version is X2

240 will do it. Are you on your own on the server when you restart? That'll be why if so.
S3 licensed
I can categorically state the 300 seconds is the limit for rstmin and rstend.
S3 licensed
Quote from speedway :you could set /rstmin to a extremely high value thats over the actual race length

No you can't. The limit is 300 seconds for rstmin and rstend. LFS will not launch if you try to extend these times.
S3 licensed
Quote from troy :not sure whats your problem there but you could try to copy your english.txt then give it a new name and take that one
attached a copy of the edited english.txt now so you just need to download, put it in your language folder and switch to that language ingame

How strange, it works! Thanks a lot.
S3 licensed
I must be missing a vital piece of information somewhere but I don't get the blue squares for the first and second cars to lap me and it reverts to 'BLUE FLAG' for the next ones. When I go back to English.txt it has changed back to BLUE FLAG etc. making it read only is not an option.

Yes I did save the changes.
S3 licensed
RIP? he killed his wife and kids! Why the hell should he 'Rest In Peace'?