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S3 licensed
The fly in this ointment is that voting isn't disabled except for the first 4 minutes and 4 minutes after the end of a race . For instance, in a field of say 10 drivers, sinbad, P1LOT, SparkyDave, Barros and Aazazaa all finish 7/8ths of a lap in front of everyone else and vote restart. Bosh! Race restarts with 5 others being denied a finish.
I'm not suggesting that any of the above mentioned gentlemen would do such a thing but you get the point.
I for one would like to see voting restart disabled on an admined server(as an option of course)
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Are you sure the limit is 240 seconds? I remember a post in the past where the host had set the limit to 5 minutes.

Pretty sure. mind you it's been a while since I configured Dead Men Racing so subsequent patches may have altered it but I don't think so. I'll have a go at increasing the time and get back to you.

EDIT: Mmm, hard to say on an empty server :-)
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Well, the point is that since hosts can alter it to whatever value they wish it varies from server to server. Some set it to 0, some to 60 seconds, some to 90 seconds etc. The only way at the moment to know when you can vote is to arbitrarily try voting at different time periods.

And my point is, as the maximum time you'd have to wait is only 240 seconds or 4 minutes, what's the rush? Take a breather, chill, get a beer, take a leak.
S3 licensed
I'm not sure if the latest patches have altered this, but afaik 240 seconds is the most I've been able to get. So it's not so long to wait in any event.
S3 licensed
That would be nice. I'd be an early adopter of that one when (if) it arrives.
S3 licensed
Quote from NaturalPoint_Support :How is everyone liking, or disliking the 6DOF support?

Love it. LFS is the only racing sim that implements TIR well, no, VERY well, whatever the DOF. If anyone has TIR and doesn't get on with it, it's because they haven't configured it properly. By properly I mean configured in a way that suits their style.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :I've noticed the same with my DFP, no effects on rumble strips.

There are plenty of kerbs but very few rumble strips in LFS. Check 'em out, you'll see that they're mostly smooth. Ipso facto, no 'effects'
S3 licensed
Apart from all that, welcome to the wonderful world of S2. I think it's worth mentioning that to have the demo 3 days and then plump for S2 indicates a wise and mature outlook on life. You'll fit in well here !

S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Hmm, good work, but i will certainly stick with my G25 thanks. It's look's like you have worked hard on this, but imo, you have f***ed it up by how you have finished it. you have put carpet on it, and then not bothered to fit it all in properly, so the end result is a very ugly shifter. you should have taken some more time over the shifter imo.

I thought I'd get my comments in before the likes of this post turned up. If you cant say anything good, butt out! He doesn't need you to tell him what it looks like.
S3 licensed
Good for you. It's good to see initiative in action. Does it give you more fun? I'll bet it does.
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :It's because not everyone reads the forums.

No s**t?
S3 licensed
There are so many threads like this one I'm amazed there is anyone out there that DOESN'T drive cleanly
S3 licensed
Ah yes. :dunce: You aint read this, right?

Voting restart time limit [cancelled report]
S3 licensed
I've not been here, OK?
Last edited by Doorman, . Reason : I talk crap for 95% of the time
Mid-race join
S3 licensed
In an effort to discourage people from telepitting at the drop of a hat and rejoining the race 2 laps down, I made binds for my G15 for /midrace no and /midrace yes. The idea being that at the drop of the flag m-r no is hit. After all the 'wtfs' have calmed down I would give a quiet lecture about finishing what you start and retire and spectate or leave if you end up on your roof. :slap: Unfortunately it doesn't work except for people joining the server. If you start in the race and shift+p you can rejoin. So that was an educational failure Maybe in the future it could be enabled. What do you reckon?
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :Hehe, I can help you with that anyway. That function is in the Quick Links menu, so you will have to do 2 clicks instead of 1.

Well I know that. That's why I asked. You also have to do a lot of scrolling. Hehe
S3 licensed
As small request if I may. Can you put the 'Mark forums read' button on the main top bar along with the 'New posts' etc.? It would be a little more convenient there. Thanks.

Mmm, this is probably in the wrong place. Misread the heading as 'suggestionS'
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Maybe that's for the benefit of the "if there's wind I'm outta here", "pfft, no resetting?" and "Bah, no predictable start lights" brigade. I'm sometimes tempted to enable strong wind but I fear that would cause an uproar! Ho hell with it I WILL enable /wind 2 just to see what happens.
S3 licensed
Thank God that it's just a stress test. That many people on a server just raises the DH level. Still I bet no-one punts Scawen up the backside!

Seemed to work pretty smoothly for me though.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Mark this date on your calendar: December 21st, 2012!

Spooky! That was posted at 20:12
S3 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :My server and events all cater for driving of all standards (so long as you have reasonable control over the car) Even if someone is useless and keeps crashing that's fine so long as I can see that the intention to drive clean is there.

See for information about leagues and ladders and you will see how it works.

Join GentlefootFormulaRacing and you will recieve help not abuse from the drivers on there.

S3 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :
For me I have very rare occassion were an equal or faster driver is at fault and even then when I review the replay 50% of the time it was my fault

True. But generally I know when I've got in the way and will blushingly deliver a 'Sorry, my fault', pull the wing/fender off my front wheel and soldier on.

@mrogers lol. I had cause to look at my stats the other day and the distance travelled shocked me to the core! I put my mediocrity down to age.
S3 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :Good thread I race at DMR because I know its a safe place with no messing accepted , not likley to be any swearing and a good mix or racers, I agree with the fact that dismissive sry's are not good enough, and I would expect anyone who is truly sorry to slow and let me repass after knocking me off .

I just realised I was at your server last night Doorman, I hope it wasn't me who binned you off I certianly dont remember it


Kind words sir. No not you mate, you're a diamond.
S3 licensed
It has to be said that sinbad is one of the ones I have no fear of being passed by.

Do you think this thread has run it's course? Before the flaming torches are lit can someone put it out of it's misery?