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Here's a great story, a friend bought Vista Ultra, installed it and after a great deal of trouble(wouldn't recognise his mic for one) went on Windows Update and guess what? 70mb of updates, that's what! That's two days after its public release! For God's sake!
S3 licensed
Quote from mikey_G :** mumbling something about realism **

S3 licensed
Somebody please help him. The world isn't ready for him yet!
S3 licensed
Quote from Gimpster : A little nerf here alittle tap there it does not have to look like it was intential to be effective.

That's no better than simple full on wrecking. You'd be sinking to their level, plus sneakiness.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mike85 :...Arcade...

Arcade? Go wash your mouth out!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I use Browse For Speed, which has the facility to have a favourites list.
You can choose to auto-refresh on startup too.

Search and you shall find

That's more like it. I'll give that a go myself. Thanks for pointing it out.
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Check the suggested improvments log and search before posting in improvement suggestions.

It's the friendliness of this forum that keeps me coming back time and time again.
S3 licensed
In your setup.cfg set these timings.
This at least prevents restarts until 4 minutes into the race. By which time most restart junkies have given up. This also stops voting for restarts while some poor bugger is trying to finish.
S3 licensed
Here's one. I would like to see a server option for a pitting window. I know pitting on the last lap has been effectively knocked on the head but infuriatingly, you can still pit on lap one. The way I see it pitstops have the function of hopefully, taking a driver out of his 'groove'. This is made redundant if they're going to pit on lap1. I'd make the window laps 4-6 on a ten lapper. That would make for some great pitlane action as well.
Obviously if you pit outside the window you'd be penalised in the usual way.
S3 licensed
Here we go again!

:lfs: World.

All you need to know
S3 licensed
Quote from neglouseight :Where is the sound lag slider?

Options\Misc, top section
S3 licensed
Until this evening I had the 'shorting out' hit when someone left the pits. I upped the sound lag slider from 05 to 010. Et voila! No more join lag or sound hit.
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :.... I have stopped doing this for people where I've taken them out in the first place because they just don't know the track/are braking ridiculously early, I think in this case a lot of people would prefer not to have the pointless pressure and risk of being repassed again.

This seems to be going away from righteous indignation about being hit in the ass and over to justifying hitting someone in the ass! As an experienced driver, which you obviously are, the onus is on you, with the greater skill, to avoid hitting anyone whether he's a n00b or simply a slower man.
Don't take this personally ajp71. This goes for us all. At the end of the day, if you hit someone in the rear, it's your fault!
S3 licensed
Quote from frokki :

Being fast doesn't mean you can be an ****. Racing is a non-contact sport. You can't kick anybodys leg in foootball if he doesn't play as well as you do...:arge:

Had one of those on tonight and the same bloke last night. He took me out on the same corner, same situation two nights running. The first night I was mad but restricted myself to mumbling in my beard. The second night....Banned! The stupid thing is, he was very fast and could have taken me after the S's (WE1) It's the pig ignorance that gets up my nose.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Thread title made less ambiguous.

Too many 'Rs'
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Hey! Good for you Kev! Glad to hear you are still sticking with it. Man, I just have such a weak willpower to start the attempt to quit.

I should probably start reading this thread daily.

Maybe if you called cigarettes 'fags' it would help, When I was in California many moons ago, I got some strange looks when I said I was going to have a fag! Can't think why.
S3 licensed
When I come to Finland I have to drive with the shifter on the 'wrong' side. It takes about 20 minutes to get used to it and a couple of days for it to feel natural. Don't be so negative.
S3 licensed
Quote from Davo :Hangies, meh. Bring back the guilotine. Get a bigger crowd for that.

I like the way you're thinkin'
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken : I don't know what to do instead of smoking. I'm used to having those five minute breaks for a fag every hour or so and now I'm not doing it, so that's a bit weird.

But yeah, the revelation is that I literally don't want a fag, unlike yesterday where I came in here wanting a fag so badly that I bit peoples' faces off for suggesting there was anything wrong with smoking.

A good tip is to say to yourself "If I smoked, I'd have a cigarette right now" every time you feel the need. The intense craving fades, and you're back on track! Keep at it, you'll feel as smug as hell in a few years. I know most people buy their cigarettes off the black market, but £5 a packet! :eek:
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Frags :Hey Bo...
Godt gået knægt, klap dig selv på skulderen!!!...
Godt nytår gamle dreng

That's easy for you to say!
S3 licensed
Excellent work with just one observation. The background textures are now too sharp. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong but eventually twigged it. I reverted to the old ones and the background is not 'in yer face'. Apart from some subliminal advertising, (500 servers and STCC) a top class job
S3 licensed
I would like to see the sequence of repairs whilst making a pitstop changed from 'Minor damage-Major damage' to 'Major damage-Minor damage'. You've no idea how distressing it for my wife to hear a grown man scream at his monitor; 'For God's sake! Leave the scratches and fix the bloody suspension!':banghead:

Happy new year to all the clean drivers out there.
S3 licensed
Push to talk may work for the people you're on TS with though. Have a thought for them.
It's not the FF he's talking about I guess, it's the whizzing gear noises right? I've often pondered taking mine apart and applying some nylon type grese. (If there is such a thing)
Last edited by Doorman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :..and stop pressing buttons to see what they do.

Hey! You gotta learn! Just do one at a time though.
S3 licensed
/Hush mah mouth.