Yep that was a terrifying accident. Watching it live, my initial thoughts were that they were both either dead or very badly burned. Fortunately, I was wrong.
Nice sig btw . For the record everyone, I didn't say that this year...
What I am enjoying though, is the amount of press it's getting.
It's yet another blow to the bullshit perception that Apple products are 'perfect' and somehow imune to such controversies.
Come to think of it, 'Think different' is perfect slogan. People think Apple products are different, but at the end of the day they're just tech gadgets like any other.
I don't race online frequently any more, but overall I have a very positive view of LFS.
I have been closely following development of the sim for years, and am a huge fan.
There are numerous other people here who I can say the same thing for Tristancliffe would be the first to come to mind.
Why do you think we should not be allowed to post in the forums?
Anyway it appears that he ubruptly ended our conversation when he was proven wrong and isn't even trying to address the situation (although he does still ramble on), so he's all yours now.
Oh, and one other thing. He always insists on having the last say. There will no doubt be some sort of incessant reply to this.
Can I at least have 100 internet credits for being the first to leave? Assuming I am of course...
A guy in Australia played LFS despite saying a few months ago on the forum that he'll wait for the patch.
I got an itch a few weeks ago. Arrest me.
EDIT - I really must apologise though. As soon as I even thought about double clicking on LFS.exe after my post a few months ago, I should have started a new thread on the forum to announce this massive flip flop.
Epic indeed.
... but it seems that you're going to clutch on to the 'It's forged' straw anyway, seeing as you go on to mention it again. The email is completely real. I did remove my email address from the email on 6/8 however.
(note the forgery reference again ) Like I said, I've told you the facts repeatedly. Not my fault you ignored them. I also argued repeatedly that there are other ways to play than online. It hasn't taken me 3 days to produce a PDF either. Who requested it 3 days ago? Regardless, my online stats are a sideshow. The initial debate was nothing about online stats, or asking for more content. Dadge morphed it into that to suit himself. The initial debate was; that you still be an active LFSer without having a presence online. My answer is: Yes -absolutely.
Dadge, I've tried telling you repeatedly, that you know jack shit about my LFS experience. You have no idea how much I've played or how much I play now. That's not an assumption, it's a fact.
You've repeatedly ignored this fact and just kept going back to the same old feeble 'evidence'. i.e. looking at my online stats and then saying for example, that I haven't tried this or that combo.
You then morphed your arguement in to me being someone who is demanding more content. I'm not demanding more content. I think more content would be great, but I'm not demanding it.
I haven't even mentioned it in the context of this debate!
This is just something you made up in your tiny little mind, and now you've convinced yourself that it happened, and are repeating it over and over.
So, then you simply call me a liar. It's an easy thing to fall back on, and it can be hard to defend against. So, lets look at this in a bit more detail.
I already said that I've done way more online racing than my online stats showed. You just ignored this and kept using my online stats as 'proof' of your feeble arguement thgat I haven't played LFS enough.
I stated that in fact, my online stats were reset years ago. You called bullshit. Anyway, I've attached a copy of the email confirming my stats reset. Considering this has essentially killed the basis of your agruement against me, I'm looking forward to what you have to say.
The truth is that I've played thousands of hours of LFS over nearly 6 years online and offline.
Dadge will continue to be an incessant moron who merely argues for the sake of it. I wouldn't have a problem with that if he did it with some level of wit and intellegence, but he does it with neither. So he's just a moron; an incessant one.
I'm absolutely rapt that I have somehow managed to 'interfere' with cargame's hobby though. Apparently I did this by merely not playing online! He must be one highly strung person. Hopefully I've snapped a few.
It's relatively easy to find someone's previous post, put it in to whatever context suits and claim contradition, but in the end these 2 guys still know jack shit about how I use LFS.
Dadge, you've been studying my online stats in some detail, and quoted them in a feeble attempt to back up whatever it was you were trying to say.
For the record, my stats were reset to zeros at my request a few years ago. I hinted at this earlier, but you failed to notice.
Besides, all this is irrelevant to the fact that you're allowed to use LFS however the hell you choose. Scawen has said exactly that too, so really - I couldn't care less what these 2 muppets think.
Amongst the dribble, there were 2 questions:
You ask how I would 'record a user's progress' (presumably to guage their level of credibility). My answer is that credibility is not linked to online activity, or 'progress' as you put it. You're a living example of why I think this.
The second question you asked, about my last online race, is rhetorical. Normally rhetorical questions already have answers, but you asked for an answer, then answered it in the next sentence. Speaks volumes about you.
You know, if you didn't type so much rubbish in your posts, they would be much shorter, and less tedious to read.
All you're actually doing, is claiming (ad nauseam) that I haven't 'scratched the surface of LFS' (whatever that is), and you refer to my online stats as some sort of proof of this. It was, is, and always will be - rubbish.
The fact is that you have absolutely no idea how I've experienced LFS in the nearly 6 years since I purchased it.
You can harp on about it being an 'Online simulator' all you want. It doesn't change the fact that people can and do, use LFS in different ways to you.
Dadge, your post is all over the place. It's really hard to know where to begin. I'll at least try and cut through your (still only semi-literate) onslaught and stick to the points.
Really? You know that from your dillusional little world, do you? Again, you're confirming my earlier point. Your stupidity is hilarious.
What is 'scratching the surface' exactly? Your problem is that you judge it as the number of races/different combinations someone has raced online. That's complete rubbish.
I'm almost certain that soon, you'll reply, breaking this post in to byte sized quotes, and try (and fail) to pick it to peices.
I wait in anticiption for the impending car crash.
OK, you appear to have spent considerable time going through my post history, looking for I don't know what.... A little disturbing perhaps, but I digress. I must have really ticked you off!
So, you've quoted a post I made YEARS ago, during a period when I wasn't playing. So what? I don't understand your point. What are you trying to say?
All you've really done is confirm the claim I made about you earlier; that you think you know things about others what the fact is, you don't know jack.
My recent posts have all argued against the perception that you have to be active online to have a credible opinion on LFS. How your silly rant fit in with this discussion? I don't understand.
I stand by my earlier statement that you actually don't know why you're arguing with me. Clearly I've pissed you off, but it seems that you can't quite put your finger on why.
Also, how am I wasting your time exactly? The choice to spend hours reading my post history was all yours. I'm not wasting your time, you're wasting your own time.
What you're really saying is 'I can't address the point made by the other forum member so instead, I'll just claim he's acting all childish'.
You honestly don't know what you're arguing with me about.
My gripe is not with Scawen at all. The fact is I'm a huge fan of his. I've never said a bad word against him.
I took issue with the likes of yourself and that other guy getting on your high horses about how people's online activity somehow correlates to having the right to express an opinion on the forums. Nothing more, nothing less.
You guys still cant argue against the fact that people can enjoy LFS however they want. And there's nothing you can do about it.
I could race online, offline, on a LAN. I could play for 10 hours a week or 30 minutes.
Hell, I could just launch it and stare at the menu screen if I wanted to.
What are you going to do about it?
For the record:
I still regularly enjoy LFS.
I've done waaay more online racing than my stats show.
Me and Macfox are sparring partners from way back.
I'm amused how some people here think they know it all about others, when they obviously don't know jack.