where are disconnected people? or people that get crashed out? they will lose against all others but can't be held responsible for it, can't they. its like taking away half of your chess figures just because the other player falls over an hits the chess-board....
i don't have any sponsors so all you can get from lfscar.com is honor, fun and a virtual trophy at the and. if you win the kyoto 360 you get a virtual silver plate with a name engraved. if you win the complete series you get a virtual silver cup with your name engraved in it. (which can be seen under www.360degree.tk)
ok and i can offer a free stay (just the stay not the flight ect.) in my flat in austria for a week, if you are willing to help with washing up and stuff )
finding sponsors is really difficult. i think stcc has some goodies but it took them half a year to get the logitech sponsoring...
i would like to have something like in real world: everyone who wants to start in a league has to pay an entry fee (not much, 1-5 euro), which will be divided up after the race according to the position. so good drivers earn real money and bad ones earn not that much. or the money will be spent on the trophy. but i am not sure if this is legal, wished and tolerated by the developers.
thats the problem with lots of circuit racers. they can't go through a turn when there are other cars around them. they can go very fast when there are cars behind or in front of them. but not when they have to go through a corner 2 or 3 wide. always sticking on the ideal line no matter what, and always blame it on the guy who was next to them. some realy act like they were AI drivers. giving a damn shit about whats going around them.
the problem there with public servers is, they will always get away with this tactic and be faster then just brake a bit more and let space for the cars around them. if it is an administrated server they will be penalized with this attitude.
in short: if someone is not holding his line and crashes out a car next to him (which is what you describe) it is his fault not giving room. hey may have the right of the corner but not the right to push off other cars on the track. it is as simple as that. even if it is completely his turn, he does not have the right to push off other cars. he won't do that in real life.
we need all kind of ovals in my opinion. short tracks, speedways and superspeedways AND a proper car, proper tire wear and better aero physics but yep... why not starting with a short-track on mud... however i like tarmac and concrete more: BRISTOL FOR THE WIN!
so i understand this right, with this application i can get the old insim programs like pitspotter to work as well?
edit: does not work with pitspotter, it looks like it is connected but i get the error message in spotter:
Requesting player data...
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
...which was invalid :P
sorry i was to fast on commenting it as "it works"
it connects, but it does not work in my latest lfscar replay (24 cars on track)... when i pres shift+u it jumps to a camera postion i did not set up and stays there... i can move that camera...
and after a while i get: FATAL INSIM ERROR: CONNRESET
insim closed: UNNAMED
and when i click then on the gateway window, it crashes and want me to send an error message to microsoft...
i also got replays with 20+ drivers and there it is working... but then it loses connection after a while...
yep, in nascar it is because of the reasons you have mentioned above.
however in nascar the crashed out cars or the cars that cause a Caution are not allowed to get the lucky dog pass. which is different in lfscar
i want to have it in lfscar because of other reasons: if a driver gets crashed out by an other car on purpose or whatever reason, he might lose a lap in the beginning of a race. the crasher will get a penalty after the race, ok, but what does the crashed one get? nothing. so this is the approach to bring that guy back into the race giving him the lucky dog pass being able to be again with the leaders in the same lap.
i am searching for a tool, that tells the admin at a certain point in time, which car is the first car that is at least one lap down compared to the leaders. (lucky dog) it also needs to work on autocross tracks.
best would be if the admin can write something like: /dog and then it tells him which car or username it is.
i am not able to program it so maybe some of you have the time or want to practice their skills.
i am for a +1 but i think it does not work. we have a warm up lap with flying start (which is even easier) in lfscar and it does not work 100% most of the time. someone is always crashing, and it is a league not public. we even switched to single file because double file made even more problems. and remember i am talking about the oval, so you don't have to turn or brake that much on that track.
having this kind of system requires an automated helper or penalty system in lfs like it is in other games. thats the only way it think i will work on public servers.
true, dru. but isn't that good. the system already made me, not posting in a Apple-thread anymore on that news-site. because i'll never be able to convince an apple user to switch. it also saved me from lot of worries if i post to a thread which does not interest me and need to react on posts who tell me that i am wrong "just because".
its the same here: if i don't like drifting or whatever, then i don't post in such threads. there is no need for a crusade to convince everyone that rallyracing is the only place to be. (all examples are fictive).
it's like trying to convince a vegetarian to eat meat. LFS should be a buffet, where everyone trying what he likes or not and then stick to that. just because someone eats bananas and i don't like bananas, i don't go to his table and say a trillion times: "banana suck, i hate bananas, bananas are so horrible, try ham & eggs. ham & eggs is not for sissies."
with the experience of that other website it is quite the opposite there. of course there are some people who just vote "not good" to anything they dislike but most of the time people vote only "good" comments as "good" and stupid ones as "not good".
but people there are older in average so they use things as they should be used and not as a "revenge" thing. lots of people here just don't let any oppinion which does not fit their own be valid. and this is a egomaniac problem.
i came to this idea, when i've read the latest "drifter"-thread btw. where people who do not like drifting write against drifters not with arguments just with insults and stuff like: "waste of time".
but as i said before: it is probably the age of lots of people here, that predefines their behaviour.
like or dislike are no good arguments, they are an opinion. but people do not post arguments here, they just say: i like it or i dislike it which does not bring a discussion any further.
the WHY is the important thing.
i think it would enhance lot of the thread-making and also make people more concerned about what they reply on others opinions if we have a rating system for every comment. i know, there is a rating system for the topic itself, but nobody uses it.
as an example how it works, go to: www.derstandard.at. each newsfeed or story has his own subforum where people can make a comment. and also a easy to understand voting system for each comment (red and grenn bars).
it helped a lot to get rid of trolls and also helped to keep nicer and more intelligent discussions there compared to the time when there was no such system.
with the red and green bars you see right on the spot which messages you need to read and which are just stupid or useless.
maybe this is a bigger task for victor (or whoever runs the forums) but i think it is worth it, helping to cope with useless, insulting or stupid posts.
hey gai-luron. is there a way you can keep the laps and laptimes and pit-stops if someone reconnects or rejoins a race, that he did before? can you make it as an option somehow. this will help some of the league admins like me.