THAT is actually not true since the new patch. if you are a server admin you can load every layout you want to directly from your own computer or even edit them...
you also have to keep in mind fuel, fuel weight, time to refuel and therefore you can only level them out on a certain amount of laps.
if you level them out for 1 lap with minimum fuel in it. OK, but this will be useless if one of the cars will have to pit in 2 times during a race and the other 1 times due to higher fuel consumption...
after 20 sec. of a replay my system completely locks up (sound and screen) and i can't switch to windows or whatever anymore. even no chance to bring up task-manager to shut down lfs.exe prozess. the only help is (almost like having a Mac again) turning off the whole machine and do a complete restart :/
postproduction needs too much time for this. editing the actual standing on every single lap is MUCH tooo much work imo. if you sum up all races and broadcasts and every time someone has to do this all by himself through postproduction it even is more a waste of time. so having a customized program doing that for you is the only reasonable solution which can safe time for those who want to do race-broadcasts.
and again, using it for racing is not the intention. its for broadcasts or replays.
i like both ideas allthough in the first place i was after the one duke_toaster said.
i think that horizontal line thing is also in rFactor and can be a help, i mean we have the minimap which shows exactly that thing and is even more accurate.
ok, here is a picture. only a concept. so the idea is the standings are scrolling through from right too left. when the last one is through, the fist one starts again with the actual standing at that point in time.
its only a concept of a full idea. (i know it might not be possible that way) allthough as i*ve seen with g-meter and stuff like that you can overlay the screen.
the main purpose is for coverage (live and replay) without sitting all night long in front of adobe "after effects" and put in this stuff manually....
ok here is the picture. i used my own grafics from the lfscar, but any league will be able to change those things to their need. the car pictures have to be made privious of course. but if its a league it is no big deal to have that. you also can use portrait fotos or helmets instead of cars. anything the league admin likes to have...
the mms link worked for me as well. the quality isn't the best but at least i don't get that much bufferings. allthough can you restart the race so we don't see all the time that green car stuck in sand???
Okay, this is only a request, as my programing skills are not good enough.
the idea is simple: A sideway scrolling Overlay which shows the actual standings of a race with the time between the people as a horizontal scrolling bar. like a wallstreet ticker or like you see it in nascar on the top or bottom. mainly to use it for featured races and coverage.
in a second step, the race admin can use his own grafics (logos, cars, portrait, e.g.) before the actual drivers name to scroll with. i think this may be interesting for all kind of league racing. so who is willing to do it?
so what do you think? who is willing to invest some time for it? or is this possible with lapper?
maybe as a overall first step, just something like a rss newsfeed of an actual race via insim or even directly like becky did her watcher program?
ok as people tend to read only the first post, here is the picture i've uploaded in a later post:
hm isn't cam-hack useless? you can set the camera height in tvdirector by doublclicking one of the cameras. i think it is not restricted to 40m like ingame... but i am not sure if it has unlimited height...
thats pretty close. what you forget is the fact that the a RL director gets the information a few seconds earlier then we see them (superbowl has a 10 sek. delay between action and broadcast after nipplegate) so he can react on actions on the track better.
true, it will need a different aproach to camera. something like X, Y position of camera = x y position of car. but i am not a programer nor do i know if soeren is willing to do it.
i like it as it works by now. and if i have a more powerful cpu by the start if LFSCAR CUP SERIES i will use it to make race coverage. i mean i will need to cut in some incar takes and slomo replays by hand anyway...
yep that would be nice. and from time a switch to driver perspective or inside car camera (for about 2 laps)..
just to make it less repetitive. btw. i did some cameras for oval. i am not happy with them because i can't put far away from the track and the cam has problems to follow the cars or troubles with zooming because the cars are too fast. i've solved that with positioning them higher above the ground. but sometimes a zoom of 120° instead of the given 12° would be the easiest way to solve that
the cams for oval work okay but i think they still need some tweaking...