It has bothered me that caster needs to be set so high to get good feel you could be right. As good as the tyres are I think they are still in a pretty basic form - but simple is often better than complex - I'm sure tyres will develop more down the road when LFS is more complete overall.
As Woz said lag has very little to do with ping and much to do with stability of the network infrastrucure. I was in a team that had teammates from all over the world (France, England, USA, Argentina, Australia) we had very little dramas with lag even when I was on dial up and yet it's common to see others on high speed connections that lag terriably. Lag is not such a simple open and shut case
/OT wouldn't it be cool if you could see the guy though I just watch a video of a rl race and an interview with the drivers afterwards decribing that at one point he could see the whites of the eyes in the review mirror of the guy he was chasing and at that point he knew he had a chance of winning
You don't have to be in a team to chat. Once you get known around the place you will find plenty of friendly teams that will let you into there chat servers. I'm almost always in a TS server somewhere while racing
Definately not the first couple the first couple I was aware of was roadhog and sexkitten - anyone remember them from s1 demo days They were both alot of fun. Sexkitten in particular had a whole lot of F binds that used to have the server in stitches whenever she raced
/OT No it didn't have anything to do with it other than the way you are responding to this thread very much reminds me of the other thread - which I enjoyed the discusions we had so it brought a smile to my face so the silly smile was/is genuine
At the moment you will have to write an insim app to force people to spec if they have abs enabled, Scawen has included insim flags/packets for abs and tc. I guess at a latter stage he might have it as a server setup option also
This reminds me about a particular thread on AC and button clutch macros
Just to be clear - my preference is for as much adjustability as possible - heck I'd love more options - even the ability to design a car from scratch (including aero, suspension and engine packages - heck why not even rubber compounds I'd be in my element ) but I do also want to see setup restrictions to be possible to be set from the server and the ability for servers to distribute a default set for that server to drivers that are joining the server for the first time. That's because I'd really really like to see spec racing
I've always felt that there is something not quite right in how tyres regain grip once they have lost traction altogether which could make a difference to how easy hard it is to catch slides not withstanding that you can't feel forces. I think they have tried to overcome this in recent years by overcompesating in grip as Tristan states.
We see tyre deformation in LFS as being visually spectacular but it would be interesting to know if the contact patch simulation reflects this? I suspect some of the issue arises from the contact patch simulation, the too consistent virtual world and the too high variation in grip levels vs tyre temp (especially road tyres).
The main difference between a full race preped car and a road or track day car is that in a full race preped car the dampers are likely to be much more closely tunned to individual tracks while the road and track versions are only likely to be tunned for overall balance and handeling in a generic sense.
I agree that damper tunning is and would be the biggest potential flaw if setup restricitions are implemented. The way dampers are handled between different cars already is ok imo. Personally I actually would be happy with even more variables to play with when fooling around with setups, but on the other hand I would very much like to see spec type servers that have the ability to limit how a car is setup. This is for a number of reasons - you could create a serries on say the RAC but enforce wieght and power restrictions along with setup parameters to emulate a spec miata cup serries for example. Or a rookie race server like ctra could force a stock setup which just allowed certain settings to be adjusted, etc.
I still think having the ability to have server side setup restrictions and setup distribution is needed and would add to the sim. I also agree it would be ashame to see too much setup adjustment flexability to go ovrall.
I would traditionaly think this type of setup control wouldn't work as sever operators wouldn't use it - but I do believe that that is changing and over time with the development of more public insim apps that are user friendly this type of system would be more publicly supported.
I'd think going forward we would see more and more tear level racing servers and on those severs it would be ideal to implement, you are right though on public servers such a system traditionaly wouldn't work.
I'd agree with that on many levels I'd even go further and include race drivers though Why? because most incidents occur through distraction, tiredness, being under the influence or something happening that cant be anticipated. And while a good experienced driver can get out of sticky spots better than the average joe - good drivers still die on the roads The future is cars that drive themselves with passengers that can sit back and read the LFSForum dreaming of the day when they actually drove to work on one of the cars many inbuilt broadband connected computer onboard entertainment systems hmm maybe we could set up a wheel in the car and play LFS all wouldn't be lost
Yeah I was going to say the same thing, alot of higher lic drivers actually like xfg/xrg racing so if race 2 was multiclass but you still had to have silver or above to join it might get busier I haven't been on ctra for ages and have silver lic - with xfg/xrg on race 2 I would very likely become more regular on ctra.
I did along similar lines as well, so we all agree but Kegetys idea handles most peoples concerns in the cleanest way and would fit in with the way LFS and LFSWorld handles things. Which is why it jumped out and hit me in the face
Didn't see that post before Kegetys, but imo that is an awsome idea and exactly how I'd like to see it it would enable much greater variation in combo as an added bonus Also if you did it that way lfsworld could even track pb's and hl for the different classes
That's not an excuse you might loose out on straight line speed but because your tyres and road surface will be hotter you'll have better cornering grip