In something like an XFG and entry level racing you are actually likely to see locked diffs in real life if rules allow it, as it is nasty but very cheap alternative to LSD. There is not too much in the setup perameters in LFS that couldn't be replicated in real life my dad for instant cut and rewelded suspenion parts to get the camber he wanted .
Don't get me wrong though I don't particularly like the fact that just by changing to someone elses set when I've jumped on for a quick race can at times see an improvement in lap times by up to 2 sec a lap Hence why I'd really like to see some cars restricted or better imo would be server side restrictions, which I'm sure some would support (perfect for CTRA1).
Well even if you had more options in real life could you use them? I'm sure you haven't used all the options you have currently got due to that thing called a hole in your wallet
As always my stance is give us more options but allow server side restrictions :melting:
- a tree fell accross the only road out of my place, took me an hour to clear the mess before I could pass - luckily I had a chainsaw handy.
- nearly hit a kangaroo, which was a big mistake (I should have hit the bloody thing!) as when I swerved to miss him the camber on the gravel road I was driving caught me out (it was 5am I was thalf asleep and already had dodged 18 other kangaroos previous to this one so give me a break :razz I ended up going sideways into a ditch. This cause some damage to the car on a few panels but more importantly it ripped two tyres off there rims and the car was wedged in the ditch in such a way that only one front and one rear tyre was touching the ground Knowing that I was unlikely to see anybody come past in the next couple of hours I preceded to extract the car (using an apporpriately sized tree branch and my tool box as a leverage point) and get some air back into the deflated tyres. I then slowly drove the car back home and have swaped cars so I will be a couple of hours late.
It's cars with aero that exihibit this bug. R.Koltz pm'ed me about it some months ago and has reported it directly I believe. Must be something to do with the code that deals with areo load on the suspension
Actually the manual clutch (real pedal/ analog axis) is the fastest method of changing gears at the moment. It is just far more dificult to achieve consistent and good results in race conditions.
Also if the auto clutch is actually fixed at some point it will not be at a disadvantage to any of the other methods of clutching (at the moment it is actually as fast as other methods but operates in an incorrect way
I do agree though that there should be slightly more advantage given to a pedal clutch in the way of slowing down the autoclutch and button clutch speeds abit more, to encourage its usage
Congrats on getting S2 Now no saying your bored with the content in six months when you have been on BL only for 4 years
What name did you go by back in early times I might remember you - I used to race by the names Oz-GBK and alternatively Leo with a blue L or was it the other way arround (jeez I'm getting old ). Now it's just Rusty as that's what I am
FYI Scawen replaced the digital speedo options with analog to enhance realism yes. But was that what gave the advantage when digital speedo's were an option in LFS? No.
Previously the digital speedo showed the exact velocity of the car, so it gave you an unrealistic advantage of enabling you to see mid corner speed even if you wheels were locked or spinning. Since then the speed data is now taken from a wheel speed or shaft speed as irl. This no longer gives you the exact speed the car is doing in the above circamstances so the only advantage a digital speedo would give is easier reading of the speed, which is not really a great advantage anymore as it is not accurate or 100% representitive of the cars velocity as it was previously. Infact it is likely a disadvantage now as it encourages a fixation with the speedo that then distracts you from concentration on the optimum racing line. For these reasons I think you will find the mods and Scawen are totally ok with this app.
Always encouraging to see someone making something that some might find usefull - keep up the good work gru
Thanks for taking the time, I'd like to get impressions from as many rl drivers as we can. Alot of us just speculate
So are you saying once you get to laps 3 and 4 that the grip level is very reduced and then stays at about that level until you pit?
I feel in LFS that grip levels keep dropping at a linear level once they go orange to red and have always wondered if that was realistic - I thought perhaps the grip levels should reduce once overheated but that the reduction in grip verses heat shouldn't be a linear relationship in the higher extreme end. But that is just speculation on my behalf so am interested to hear any real world impressions
I think quite a number of people believe that the grip levels are a little too high past the thresshold. S1 grip was too little S2 has gone a little too much so just shy of current levels might be about right but I also suspect that the way tyres regain grip in LFS in a lateral slide is not yet right so perhaps that is why they bumped the grip that little bit higher (again speculation). I speculate that better contact patch distortion simulation might improve the situation allowing lower grip over the thresshold but at the same time improving the way tyres regain grip once they start sliding.
That statement is like saying if you run a tripple screen setup you must be using martox TH2G and be working for matrox if you want that as a server option. Both are simply not true - the G25 is just making it easier for Joe Blow to have h pattern & 3 pedals.
I have been on a server were only h pattern, three pedal setups and forced cockpit are allowed through insim - it is very rewarding to race drivers all using the same kit. I'm not saying it should be the norm I am saying it is alot of fun though.
To me it seems both kaynd and sinbad ideas will result in the same thing (i.e. spec racing) but with kaynd's version you could see more variations were with sinbad's version we will be lumped with the developers interpretation.
I personally think it is better to leave it to the community to design and implement spec serries - although that doesn't guarantee good results as you can't predict which serries will become popular and just because it's popular doesn't mean its good . Where with fixed spec serries by the developers there is also no guarantee that it will be good but as with most things implemented it's likely to be ironed out in test patches - a good point is that the spec serries will be forced so the takeup of the serries is assured - the bad is that there is less opportunity for variaty and also it will require time and effort on the developers behalf to maintain the spec serries (as with any physics change they will need refreshing, etc)
So all in all I still think that the best solution is to have full adjustability but allow servers to set setup restrictions and a default setup. (i.e. let the community design, implement and maintain spec serries racing)
But then people will want another town to drive too and then the will want places to go when not cruzing and then it will become a cross between Sim City and NFSU and then people want have a life oh but wait people already don't have a life
Hmm if I was testing hardware as much as you say I surely would have more than one PC also cant you just back up the lfs installed folder and copy for it to retain unlock?