... the people who, when blue-flagged, make way as soon as is practical. I used to hit the smile macro, but I've gone off track too many times reaching for the keyboard. Sometimes, I'd thank them after the race, but you know what? It happens so frequently now that I can't remember names! Considerate racers, in LFS, exist they do! :yoda:
Just know that it is really appreciated - thanks!
And when any of you come up behind me, know that I'll do my best to get out of the way as soon as possible.
There's always going to be this element; sucky but true. Like has been said repeatedly, send the replays to the devs - I'm sure they will at least issue a warning if the behaviour is as bad as you say.
Other than that, I'd suggest a less 'girly' screen-name. 'Becky Rose' with the numberplate 'Blonde', of course you're gonna attract oversexed 13-year olds.
I don't chop and change for each car; I find my left foot has enough dexterity and 'feel' to do all my braking.
Anyone with a 2-pedal setup, using just the one foot, I'd suggest you switch to a 2-foot/split axis setting, just for a week. Turn off blips and cuts, and learn to balance your car. I reckon you'll be a better driver for it.
Unfortunately for me, I miss out on racing quite a few of you because of the difference in timezones. You can tell a hell of a lot more about someone from racing them then from what you can reading.
Ayrton, when you jam it up the inside of me in some silly spot, I'll happily yield And I'll honk and wave when the next person you pull it on doesn't :wave2:
FE Green in the FOX is a blast, I enjoy the whole track.
The XRR pretty much anywhere.
Least favourite are the longer SO tracks, walls suck :'(
For me favourite car/corner combo changes with time, setups, and with patches. But I would say that for now, I'm kinda hooked on the FO8 at Westhill. I love gassing it up out of the chicane after the second split, really turning it on the throttle LOL, the rest of the track I could take or leave
Assuming you have a wheel... are your pedals spiking? Make sure you're getting full throttle and no brake (there's an option somwhere so you have a visual representation of the axes) - this is a common problem with the logi-momo pedals.
I've submitted one or two replays to Victor, showing what I consider to be blatant wrecking. I don't think it could be taken any other way. This guy still has his license. Ok, was he warned? What's the story?
Are we taken seriously when we submit a replay showing someone being a deliberate tool?
exactly :yikes: Did they know that a split second decision was going to be posted and scrutinized in the main LFS forum? I've cocked up in a league race before (hi Latch :wave2: ), but I'd have been mortified if it had been posted here tho. If so, fair enough. If not... maybe a series of anonymous diagrams to get feedback might have been better.
On topic, interesting prang. I'd say yep, Shaun was at fault most, but Olddog could have been more careful.
I think maybe if the idea could incorporate something other than the license tests, then it might be do-able. I dunno what tho.
As for learning tracks offline so as not to stuff up others racing, in the most respectful way, get the f*ck out If you are a conscientious racer, here's a few commonsense guidelines:
1/ Pit in at race start.
2/ When you do get out, watch your map, and give heaps of room to anyone coming up behind you.
3/ Never go into T1 alongside another car if you don't know the track, or if you haven't driven the setup. Nothing worse than getting to T1 to discover your car isn't as strong or as stable under brakes as expected... or the track goes the other way :doh:
I quite like a please on the end of a setup request too :cyclops: but eh, I give them to anyone who asks, even if it is little more than a grunt with a question mark.
Three weeks today! :woohoo: (why, have you got one?)
It doesn't bother me being asked, and I respond accurately... but I don't ask, would prefer to do a lap or two. But hey, this is why I reckon LFS should have a memory of fuel burn for a combination, or even better, one of these.