With the new modding tools, lots of nice looking cars are being created.
This thread is not about those.
This is about the "brickmobiles" and cubes on wheels.
Most of those first attempts will likely not be made into finished mods, but maybe they are fun to look at.
Show the monstrosities that come into existence when you open editor for the first time, click random buttons and then run out of artistic talent.
I start with with this LX4000-Dunebuggy:
When old cars are raced today, there are often not 100% original anyway.
For example there exists some series for historic cars, like "Historic Formula One Championship" but as far as I looked, they seem to use modern tire compounds.
So instead of "racing in the '70s" it could be "racing 70's cars in 2021".
With the same compromises that exist in real life when these cars are driven today.
(The game GT Legends does it similiar: The cars are old but they are driven on obviously modern tracks.)
Interesting decision, I like that there is an automatic download system and review process.
In other games, mods often add lots of content but also much hassle to the point where it hinders online play. I think it is important to keep mod quality high to ensure a good experience.
It might be good to have these instructions on the lfsmanual? Since it is a wiki, the community could help to improve the documentation.
For the videos, youtube allows to add timestamps/chapters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1Fo_M_tj6w
That makes it easier to follow long videos or when you have to go back to a previous step etc.
When spectating another car, you can press F11 to see its VAR and ballast settings. Usually servers with VAR have scripts that disallow you to join the track with wrong settings. As far I know, it is not possible to cheat that.
You can go to https://www.lfsworld.net/?win=stats&racer=Julian_Byrd to compare your lap times/statistics to other drivers. It only works for unrestricted cars, though.
For example Blackwood with the BMW formular your fastet laptime is 1:20.020
The world record is 1min12 and in races times around 1min15 are common.
As a slow driver myself, all it comes down to is practice and talent.
In a replay, press "F" to get a view of the forces on the car/tires and shift+L for a suspension. You can see how the weight shifts. But most important it shows the forces on the tires. If the arrows are red, it means that tire is slipping which usually means loss of time. On the other hand, if the arrows are too short it means you are not going as fast as possible: the tires still have some unused grip reserve left.
The FXR with VAR is kind of special: It has 4WD, wings and slicks. So it has very good grip/power ratio.
Also it has a turbo: When you lift the throttle, turbo pressure drops and takes a while to build up. (Watch the gauge and compare with other drivers) So if you are too cautios, that is more punishing than in a non-turbo car. Corner exit speed is very important.
A replay would be most helpful. After a race press "2" and enter a filename. It will be saved in LFS\data\mpr (multiplayer) or LFS\data\spr (singleplayer). Then attach the file to forum.
Which Aston Layout, Grand Prix? The WR there would be 2:37, so that would actually not be that far of pace.
I guess at beginning mouse is easier because the quicker movement can sometimes save you.
In the video, I do not see anything special that others are not doing with a wheel setup on full rotation.
Maybe in the meantime absolute-beginners.nl could link there?
Currently I am still not able to race but I could help to add some basic info on the LFS-wiki. (server links etc) Anyone with LFS-account can log into wiki and make edits.
The most exact way would be to open the 3D files of the cars in a modeling software.
The "rendering" forum for has the downloads (example: https://www.lfs.net/forum/post/1955454#post1955454 ) and some tutorials.
Depending on program and file-format, the measurements might already be displayed in meters but they could also be in some internal format.
In the later case you could take a known measurement (rim size or dimensions from BMW Formula cars etc) and do the math.
I think in some cases (like this thread) it is no problem.
New users have not yet seen those pictures and they are stil of interest.
But for example this thread: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/10841 about graphic settings and custom textures. It is from 2006: The graphic engine has changed, computers have changed. After 14 years the download-links are obviously no longer relevant or working. Everything is different.
In such case it is better to make a new thread instead of posting in such old thread. There are so many other, newer threads about graphic settings and textures..why choose a thread from 2006?
The rain effect in the mirrors looks like netKar Pro and it is also mentioned in the youtube comments.
(netKar Pro was the successor to Assetto Corsa.)
by your estimates at 225 km/h (topspeed) the engine would have an an rpm of ~2000. But actually it is ten times higher at 20.000rpm. I do not know why they use such high-rpm engines, but it means a reduction gear is needed.
ah, that must have changed since when I last watched formular E. (which was a bit ago )
In Formula E some team(s) have direct-drive but other teams are using anything from 2 to 5 gears.
Another thing to consider is maybe:
In formular cars one does probally not want to use engines in the wheel hubs.
It would be a large unsprung mass and maybe take away space for brake discs.
Some gearing is needed anyway because the engine would spin way too fast to directly drive the wheels. At that point adding a few shiftable gears is maybe only a relative small step. The added weight should not be that much, there is basically no loss in effiency and gearboxes are a tried and tested technology, there is no risk in using them.
I updated the german translations.
What is the meaning of 3h_matc_obj ("matching object") ?
Is it a "match" as in result, like returned result of a search-function?
Is this something with my computer or did I get a monday-model of the XRR?
Some parts are flipped mirrored: The red "E", the text "SPARE" on the buttons,the red "R", etc
A while ago, skin sizes were changed:
Maximum upload resolution is now 2048x2048.
I think the plan was that 1024 would become standard and 2048 would be premium.
That should be possible as compatible update?
It is not possible to assign "block chat" to a button. It is hardcoded to the minus-key "-" and that key is not supported by the /press function.
When assigning functions to buttons, one has to do this workaround via the F1-F12 chat macros.
Would it be possible to allow something like:
/button 9 /run scriptName
Changing brake balance:
Some cars allow to adjust brakebalance/dampers while driving which is very cool.
But it is a bit cumbersome to first open the F11, scroll to correct line with arrow keys, adjust value, close F11 menu.
It would be nice to have some way to just press a button or turn a dial.
(It is somewhat possible via workaround with scripts, like
//move brake balance to front: /press f11 /press down /press down /press left /press f11
Another potentially small thing:
A while ago, max resolution for uploaded skins was increased to 2048x2048.
I think the plan was to make downloads in 1024 default and 2048 for premium.
On lag:
It always seemed to me that players driving with mouse or keyboard were much more jumpy. Maybe I am biased.
I had several experiences where just from watching how an unknown driver's car moved, I could correctly guess that he was not using a wheel.
As if the predicition code does not work as good with the more abrupt input changes. (wheel is smoother/slower to move)
If there is a date for "Next Race" then it is an active/ongoing season. If next date is displayed as "unknown" then that season has ended. (or not yet started)
A forum thread to list all the race events would be a step backwards.
Before the leagues section there existed such thread(s) and it was always a mess:
The problem was that only the creator of the thread could update the list. And so the list was always outdated.
Now with the league section at https://www.lfs.net/leagues, each organizer can keep his entries updated.
However, from time to time the leagues section MUST be *moderated* and cleaned because sometimes people enter nonsense.
(races that never happen or just server advertisement. some people also seem to confuse it with a "teams" list)
If there are too many nonsense entries in the list then it makes the section unattractive to use because one has to filter through the spam..
That is not true. Usually the requirements for being allowed to race to not include a minimum speed.
True, there are races with laptime limits but those are not so common. Usually it is enough to show that you can control the car and be friendly around others.
I tried on an empty page (my user page) to insert an re-sized image, very basic without the templates, and it was always full-size there, too.
So I think it is maybe a problem with some setting in mediawiki.
Around 2009 when ESL was still a thing, the finale was at CeBIT (computer exhibition) and the winner won a BMW. (some roadster, Z3 or such)
In 2016 there was 5000€ / 2500€ / 1250€ for P1,2,3 in that fininsh TV show thing with the cockpits in the studio. (I hope they at least also paid for travel and hotels?)
Last year they changed it to racing over internet and was price money of 10.000, 6.000 and 4000 €