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S2 licensed
I want to be one of the first to thank you for your efforts; for listening to both the good and the bad reviews, and not pulling out your hair from the "anoraks".

Now for the love of all things holy, please release patch Y on Friday, turn off the computer for four days, and enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.

You deserve it.
S2 licensed
GOod stuff! Thank you.
S2 licensed

Toyota Levin / Trueno - was (is) a basic rear wheel drive POS with a solid axle and trailing links. Whoopee. Years and years ago my friend had a 1983 Oldsmobile cutlass with the same rear axle setup and we used to "drift" with it for kicks. That was 1991. So, the RWD Corolla was not made for drifting, it was Toyota's offering of a cheap sports coupe for those who could not afford a Celica or Supra.

The Nissan Silvia. Did you know that it was considered a "date" car in Japan? Meaning it was specifically made for women, not drifting. Now it seems to be the only choice.

Mazda RX-7. Made to be a corner carver, not a drifter.

Must I go on?
S2 licensed
Amd Athalon64 3000 running at 1.2 volts @2 ghz.

Radeon 9600 video card.

1 gig ram.

LFS runs happily at 60 FPS with vertical synch.
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :look at that orange thing in the tyres...

Oh. That is just simulated squirrel guts. Damn things ALWAYS run out onto the road at the last minute...
S2 licensed
They seem to be OK at Aston. I had 15 cars, 4 of each GTR class, and 3 FOX's. One AI got smashed to bits and limped around the track in first gear before it ran out of gas and parked far away from the race line. One other AI played in the sand at the downhill chicane, then finally got itself out.

They pitted once during the 10 laps, did not burn their clutches out, and only one AI tried to bump another out of a pit stall.

To me, a vast improvement.
S2 licensed
Woot. First to post, first to download. I am awesome... my own mind.
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :1)
3) Slower AI need to sense when they're being blue-flagged and not stick to the racing line so the faster car can overtake and lap them easier.

I found they kind of obey a blue flag, if the speed is drastically different. For example, out of boredom I put 12 FBM AI's and one UF1 on Blackwood; the UF1 would move over at the very last possible moment, kind of a "oh sh*t!" maneuver.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :It should be note Scawen is pushing for a pre-xmas release for the patch, it keeps the community happy and means he can spend time with his family without extra worry.

I do hope he does give himself time off at or before the 23rd, a happy Scawen means a productive Scawen!

Poor man; I would go insane if I was in his place.
S2 licensed
Should have used King Diamonds "no presents for Christmas" instead.
I liked it.
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Quote from UruNico2641 :Umm.. no... Don't be that way, everyone has the right to express their opinion, and thats just cruel of you...

if you don't like his post, YOU can ignore it, but don't be telling other people what to do!

sheesh, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can be a prick about it ......

:shhh: Mr. Smith was being sarcastic. And an accomplished smartass he is!
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :Bah, wrong. Scawen said today in the test patch forums the Clutch is as its going to be.

Everyone complaining in this thread obviously bought LFS with incorrect assumptions of what this product is... SCAVIER's vision of a racing simulator.

If you don't like LFS becoming more realistic on a whole by incorporating real life aspects of racing and driving, I am sorry for you. That said, it is Outrageous that you tell Scawen and co to Dumb down LFS to make you happy, while totally disenfranchising the true intended LFS audience.

<crossing arms>

Exactly. With this patch we will probably lose about....I say 15% of the racers at the very most, and probably gain back nearly 30% when the FBM becomes more widely known next year.

I, for one, am very excited about the future of Live For Speed. Sadly, people naturally dwell on the negative and dismiss the positive.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mako. :versus

After this, it should not be that hard to find a third guy! lol

S2 licensed
Westhill. Averaged around 1:44. You also only need to brake in two places.
S2 licensed
This is a (I think?) known issue; IIRC it has to do with your graphic card and how many times you minimized and maximized the LFS window.
S2 licensed
Maybe what I do will help. Firstly, doing the heel/toe thing is to me much different with a G25 than it is with my real car.

So I cheat....a little. I keep auto clutch on, but select shifter, and still using the clutch manually, It is like having training wheels on a bike. Eventually, you can take them off and ride (or in this case, blip) just fine.

Try it!
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :

Then why post here at all? Just a little snipe that you won't come back to defend?

Weak troll. 2 out of 10.

And you must be an internet tough guy, if we are lowering ourselves down to broad based accusations.

What I meant was, if one person was to defend America in a thread, twenty will jump on them, and the rest will just cower. Why bother to argue until so many straws are split nothing is left but to bicker over dust?

Like I said, you can try to change some peoples minds, but long ago I just gave up. People are set in their ways.

*EDIT* thank you for also setting the last straw on this camels broken back; from now on, I am ignoring the off topic section, which I should have done long ago. If you (Lateralus) follow me around the board with the sole purpose of bothering me, I will have no other choice but to report you to the moderating staff. To put it bluntly, I am too old for this shit.

Good day!
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't get that - do you get the same message if you just try and load the autocross track in single player?

Yes, so is it maybe from some miscellaneous add-on that it disappeared?
Last edited by jayhawk, . Reason : grammer police! whooop! whooop!
S2 licensed
On the first MRT lesson, a system message in red says twice "can't open AC_Uni_Sign".
S2 licensed
Why some of you are arguing for America on this board is absurd; long ago I sussed out that other forum members from everywhere but America have a blind, bordering on ignorant, hatred for the U.S., their opinions will not change, and leave it at that.

Of all the "international" forums I belong to, this is the only one with such a loathing for America.

I stopped arguing long ago.
S2 licensed
The intro for the LX4 overtaking lesson is cut off at the end.
S2 licensed
FYI, I do not consider Ron Paul a Republican, but a Libertarian like myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rotatox :I made this specifiacally for the XRR in mind. Ive made the car sound similar to a rotary in teh game, so i used an rx7 interior (being a rotary fanatic). Unfortunately i have to stick to the the old version now so i can get more use out of my cockpit


You really need to expand your LFS horizons, so to say. If ScaViEr were to cater to every request, this game would never be done.

I primarily drive the FZR, and that car is punished the worst of the three! Meanwhile, people driving the FXR can merrily bump over curbs and power out of every corner, hamfisted mind you, while the with the FZR you have to be delicate about throttle control.

....Passions. There is nothing logical about them....
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :did you minimize and maximize and see it like this? i find if i pit, then come out of the pits, it goes away.. but it happens to me with all cars (ever since s2) and i have real mirrors on...

Yes, actually.

Sorry to intrude upon your time, Scawen.
S2 licensed
This only happens for me with the BMW, not any other cars. Check out the side mirrors. This is only if I have real mirrors turned off, virtual on.