I just go through, click on the image and get this. I have Windows XP. Anything 3 month or older is deleted. I used the "date modified" as a time stamp, as a reference.
Ever looked into the history of Hong Kong, before 1997? free markets worked damn good there, because the government was simple and stayed out of privately run businesses.
Ah, a good question! I beleive in what was originally layed down on the United States Constitution. Or, more specific, what people like Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Payne, in his book "Common Sense" had written. The ideals of the American Revolution.
Since when was I harsh? I am stating that, instead of spending just a few minutes dicking around and making something you seem to be not so proud of, how about taking a few hours on one skin, and having pride in your work?
Yeesh, good luck in the real world if you cant stand constructive critisizm(sp) on the internet.
It is very colorful and flamboyant, but it looks "muddy", like everything graphic wise is smeared on. In other words, it can be be hard to distinct the logos, because they all seem to blur together, are crowded together.
Yes, I have visited every state except for Hawaii. Also, i was a bit general in what I thought about the East and West; mainly, avoid Los Angeles And New York City, both cities have alot of fake, scummy people.