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Quote from danthebangerboy :
Is this an accurate description as i did my best!

Looks fine to me. Word of mouth, when accurate, is a good form of advertising.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :"Maybe finally we can close that crappy spam thread!" ?

Why? This keeps chavm481 from spamming up other threads, therefore containing the problem.
S2 licensed
That would be something my elderly mother would do for fun, and pass it off as senility.
S2 licensed
The wife. Married for five years come November.
S2 licensed
I do the same thing, or put rallycross tires on an XRT, jack up the suspension to it's limit and bias the braking all to the front.
Forum suggestion: vBISpy.
S2 licensed
This allow the forum user to monitor threads, see the responses, and use the refresh button less. Great tool for rapid fire discussions.

I use it at Final, which uses VB version 3.7.2.

Application here.
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :Alright, when are you people expecting a person from the development team to come by and inform us how it went? From the video we saw on Youtube, a number of people unmistakably do not know that LiveForSpeed replicates vehicle damage, especially since you cannot tell from the interior because the driver did not have the suspension damage display on, there for I am expecting there to be dissatisfied group of people who suppose LiveForSpeed is a not excellent game given that they did not know the suspension was damaged. I did type this entire paragraph in case you are astonished by my intellectual capability to comprehend things. I hope this is not of displeasure to this group of people.

I wish you would please stop this new fangled posting in a grammatically correct, intelligent manner. Remember we cannot reveal our true intelligence, it would be insulting the Europeans and their time honored stereotypes they hold with the residents of the colonies.

(How is that for some attempted Brit humour? Eh? Eh?)

S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :WoW, the fail level in this thread is quite high.

Indeed. "uh, y u use da werd negro? u rassist?" What did they teach in school? To think with rationale and logic, or blind assumptions and stereotypes?

Oh silly me, I forgot. Everyone is guilty of some societal ill or thought crime until proven otherwise. And a word can only be offensive to you if you let it be.

Where is Carlos Mencia when we need him!
S2 licensed
It's a fake...sort of. Only German LFS players will get to use the Scriocco. For the rest of the world, it will be locked until S4 comes out, around the time you care more about adult diapers than cars.

While people in Germany will get this version, the rest of the world will get either a G-Wiz or a Prius, because Becky Rose insisted on that, as it will "reduce our virtual carbon footprint".

So in short, blame her.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :i Hate These Threads. The More People That Post These Threads The More Racers Hate Cruisers. Everyone Just Shut Up Posting Cruising/drifting Threads And The Trolls Won't Be Able To Bash You Anywhere.

S2 licensed
Quote from Ovidiu23 :I think you should be happy because we'll have a new car. Stop being a negative guy.

People being negative on THIS forum?!?

S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :I'm sure some Hungarians will win something

Funny you mention that. Hungary, for it's relative population size has won a lot of medals in the Olympics; 150 since 1896, ranking 15th overall.

Last edited by jayhawk, . Reason : grammer corrections
S2 licensed
Quote from JVL :I love the san andreas.jpg
its Awesome!

S2 licensed
According to Kurt Cobain, he would eat your cancer.
S2 licensed
The bottom line is, don't post your personal traumas or problems on a internet forum. Especially one as public as this.

Or conversely, use these rules when on the internet:
  • nobody gives two sh*ts about your problems.
  • you have no real friends on the internet.
  • there will always be a jerk who will go out of their way to ruin your emotional grief.
Have that attitude, and disasters that spawned this thread will not happen.
S2 licensed
That's sexist, you chauvinistic swine.

S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Not sure, unless it's just a weekly joke.

Good thing is the Dacia Sandero should be coming soon!

"HEY!! Good news!"


Cracks me up every time.
S2 licensed
Nice to have the heat off me, I felt like an atheist in a forum full of religious folk!
But I suppose I "volunteered" to be the whipping boy of this thread. Someone had to.
S2 licensed
Not once did I attack your choices in life with derogatory terms, did I? No.

So why jump on me? Does it make you feel better? If so, fine. Good luck in your future, may you live to be old and wizened.

Nice try for attempting to get a flustered reaction out of me, though. Proved my point.
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Nice reply's to what I posted, good to see no one took it too personally.

As for what Hyperactive observed, I will fully admit that I am no angel, and also, I am only as human as the next person, no where have I claimed that I am above all. I am terribly flawed, and I am sure that to a casual observer on this board, I can come across as a prick.
A lot of that come from age, in that I have little tolerance for petulant teenagers and ppl from lik from EnGlAnD dat have lik uh 1st rate edjamacatation lol stfu and lik type like dis kekekekeke.
Get to know me one on one as some here have, and I am a VERY different, likeable, tolerant person.

When I attend church (2-3 times a month) I, in prayer, ask Jesus to forgive my sins, and through his teachings, become a better person for it. If you knew me twelve years ago, you would say that I have come a long way, and I still have a long way to go.

Listen, how you go through your life is something that is out of my control, your are fully in control of it. If you abide by the Golden Rule, great. More power to you. If you choose to have religion as a pathway, also great. Religion is a personal choice, so escuse me if I am a bit assertive when some take upon themselves to attack, defame or slander it.

Wouldn't you?

Did you know my wife is an atheist? It is true! But I love her unconditionally. God loves you unconditionally, whether you know it or not, want it or not. The reason why is because he sacrificed his only son to forgive the sins of the give Jesus a break, huh?

The next time religion makes you angry, think of the elderly woman sitting in a pew, or kneeling in a temple or mosque, praying for her sick husband to be better. Think of the song "Amazing Grace". Think of how every Sunday a whole family, as a family, goes to church together. Think of the joy it brings to people who need it.
To focus on the negative aspects of anything will only wither your heart and cloud your days on Earth.
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :Not to much horsepower for a FWD, I have seen Corsa's that are 350BHP and I have heard it is possible to make them 400BHP what I am wanting to achieve when I get mine.

I am sure you can, and easily! After you do so, enter into a corner, then exit full power. Let us know what happens. I can do so with my WRX, be it with the stock 230, or 300 horsepower.

Vauxhall Astra VXR. Must I say anymore? Fail wheel drive with a poor suspension geometry that cannot cope is only good for going in a straight line.

You missed the boat again, Ford. Actually, maybe the lunacy of high insurance prices, as a result of the Cossie is why the Focus id FWD.
S2 licensed
I believe in God. I also believe that God gave us free will, to chose our own destiny be it to believe in the existence of God or not.

I have found on this forum (and of all the forums I visit, this one is the WORST) that God or Jesus is ridiculed, made fun of or slandered...yet the people who have faith in God never do the same to the ones who mock religion. Also, being that most people are inherently cowards, they will post LOL Jesus pictures, but never of anything mocking Islam or Jusaism.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam all bow their heads to the same God, yet it is Christianity that is mocked. Is it because those who do so are afraid, they rather pick or bully the "weaker" religion? Are they afraid of the repercussions of Islamic people who are assertive of their beliefs? I mean, that is what cowards do, right? Bully the person who doesn't fight back...
S2 licensed
Hardly slowed down the frame rate, they look great, so good job!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Lerts you are either the best troll, or the weirdest person in the world.

Probably neither. My brother is a paranoid schizophrenic and thinks up these things as well. Lerts may have to post these thoughts that we think are odd because he has to tell someone, ANYONE to get it out of his head.
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The wonders of Photoshop: