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S2 licensed
Ok, I have changed the slot availability, as per voting in another thread.
S2 licensed
Any more opinions from people who drive in GT3?
S2 licensed
90 here. It is comfortable.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :If an S2 user posted that, they would get flamed too.

Only more so!
S2 licensed
The United Kingdom. There. I didnt say England, or put up the St. George so people would go all batty.
S2 licensed
Quote from -JaviF- :Thank you.don't keep me in mind, that date will be waiting my daughter's birth.

the date of the race is the same one that the possible date from birth

I disappeared because it had collided and don´t have clear the rules.

I hope to be able to be in the following one, I like the event a lot

pardon for my English that is very bad

Thank you.

Your english is fine, better than most who speak it as a first language!

And congratulations on your daughters upcoming birth. May God's grace bless you with a beautiful, wonderful child.
S2 licensed
I know this is a far stretch, but it would be quite lovely to see one video of highlights from every race, maybe 2-3 minutes from each, and each clip would be "stylized" like the trailer for the upcoming round 6.

Are you game?
S2 licensed
You need NOS. 2 bottles. The big ones.
S2 licensed
Just push any car off a steep, high cliff...terminal velocity of any object is 180 mph.
S2 licensed
agree 100%. The sound in the LX6 has improved so that it is, for me anyway, easier to drive. You can hear the engine sailing off into higher RPMs in a corner before the tires will tell you. And that can make or break you in a car like that.
S2 licensed
I think this is rather quick development for a game produced by 3 people, 2 of which do the actual coding and design.

I mean, they do have lifes outside of the interweb, ya know.
Expand race entries?
S2 licensed
This is something that has been nagging at me since day one. See, I want to keep all class entries balanced, so that there are an equal amount of entries per class; right now it is 6 per class. But, there is high demand for GT1 and, I would like opinions, especially for the LRF (GT3) guys. Should we keep 6 slots per class, or expand it to 6 for GT3, 7 for GT2 and 7 for GT1?

I really dont want to leave the GT3's in the proverbial dust, but I am at a crossroads, and I need to get this resolved. What you choose as an option will affect the future of The LFS LeMans League; vote carefully!

BTW, this poll is private, no one including me can see your vote.
S2 licensed
Quote from Locovich :heeeeey.... i´m 2nd in the champ, i wanna fight for the 1st!!!...

Do we have a "safe slot" those we raced before? Don´t tell me i´m out...

Well, people who had a first place finish have a spot "reserved"...Tell you what, I'll put you on the reserve list, Im sure someone will drop out before the 24th. Any which way, I'll think of something.

JaviF - You kind of...dissappeared during the race, like you gave up, I am assuming? I am a bit hard pressed, and I am sure you can understand, to consider reserving a spot for you. None the less, you are on the reserve list.
Last edited by jayhawk, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Thommm :Great job on the broadcast becky

was fun to commentate it, but its still funny to hear ur own voice in such a thing :P

Your voice sounded fine, excellent english (but of course, youre Dutch, people there speak the language quite well) and your voice was well measured and clear. You did sound a bit tired, though, like youre maybe suffering from a head cold?
S2 licensed
It is just boggling how fast these slots fill up; it is to me, quite...flattering.

Thanks, everyone.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I used to live closer than Chris.. scared?

Very. Next time youre in "the area", let me know, I'll take you to a pub that has British beer; I'll buy you a pint or...5.
S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :
One thing I would suggest, get rid of the extra point for overall winner...

Nice screenshots, by the way...

Quote from Vain :Those screens are really nice.


Done. And stop kissing my butt! (Thank you for the compliments. )
S2 licensed
Quote from [email protected] :Skin upload . PLEASE !!!

Why do you want it so bad? I dont see S2 under your name.
S2 licensed
And of course:

S2 licensed
Some screenshots:
S2 licensed
Ya lucky stiffs, I gotta wait until River or VUK makes a torrent.
S2 licensed
For right now, as far as season 1 goes, I am sticking to the 3 classes of cars. Why? Well, for one, I want to embrace the spirit of have the big boys out there, GT1, who are the natural leaders and therefore under the most pressure to perform and negotiate themselves throughout the race; not only do they battle it out with their respective class, but also have the skills to pass the slower cars, yet keep the pace.

You have GT2, which are the middle of the pack runners, keeping the GT1's in check but also finding their way through the GT3's and insome cases, having to battle it out for position on a long straightaway. GT2's are the meat of league, so to say.

GT3's are what I call the spirit of this league; watching the race yesterday, the most interesting battles were in GT3; even though it was my job to keep tabbing through the car list to make sure everyone was OK, I continually stopped to watch Vain, Hyperactive And Michael battle it out.

Hey, I am an open person. While I might not always agree with suggestions, you can bet that I will not ignore them, but consider and weigh them in my mind. Yes, I am the leader of this league, but as any good manager will tell you, if you dont listen to the people whom you are responsible for, then the ideals you strive for crumble away.

A thought just popped into my head, thinking ahead to season 2, and keep this in mind, it is only a thought, I have no intention at this moment of fulfilling it, but what about the FOX, XFR, UFR, and the GTR's? Or another idea is to have 8 slots for GTR, 7 for FWD GT's and 5 for LRF's.
S2 licensed
I think I watch the movie "LeMans" about 2-3 times a year. The cinematography alone is stunning.
S2 licensed
Ok, GT1 class is who responds after this will be put on the reserve list. If someone is unable to drive in their class, the first person on the reserve list will contacted via PM, remember to check back at the forum to view your inbox!