LIED to me!!! You tease! You heartbreaker! I was going to move to Botswana just to be with you and your eight dimensional brain...we could have watched the sunrise while discussing pyramids in Croatia, discussed important issues like Brittany Spear's latest faux pas, and sung Christmas carols in Sanskrit.
How about it? Since when in real life, since this game is a simulation of such, are you unable to monitor these functions? You measure tire wear, suspension damage and what not by feel, not graphs. Obviously offline you want them for testing and accumulating data.
My speculation is that the extended part was made by Eric so Scawen could test the physics and the AI racing line first, then fill in the scenery later.
I believe you may have misinterpreted me. There is a passion for doing all things well, then after that becomes obsession. I see a lot of obsession. People who get very bent out of shape if the smallest occurrence ever happens to them, or God forbid, all the cars, all the others vying for first place, do not move out of persons way, and I am not talking about lapping other drivers. You may not see this, but since I always find myself in the middle of the pack I observe a great of obsessive behavior.
How many times have you seen someone get spun, then during the whole race they either sit off to the side of the track bemoaning their fate, or go out of their way to exact revenge? Why?
-Were they injured?
-Were they killed?
-Did race spectators occur injuries or death?
-Did the player lose money?
-Did they player lose their job as a driver?
See? Again, it is one thing to have a passion for an objective, it is quite another to obsess, to the point that it controls your every action.
Just remember that there are some who take this game WAAAAAY to seriously, and the CTRA races are full of them. Myself, I think your real bumper text is cute and harmless, but for some, you might as well put "I f***ed your mother last night, she's as wide as a ditch".
Some things just set people off, the word "owned" is one of them.
I watched a few replays from yesterday, here is what I observed.
-You take a very odd race line in the first lap.
-you use your horn way too often. At one point you honked at no one.
-Having "CHRISUU OWNS YOU!" on the back of the car will only piss people off.
-You are too impatient, rather than waiting for someone on front of you to make a mistake, or for you to have a strategy you ride their rear, tap them and sometimes spin yourself out.