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S3 licensed
was Kimi on soft or hard in his 2nd stint~?

don't tell me they'll pit him again in the final lap to switch to hard.... so as to give Massa 2nd... lol
S3 licensed
Heikki is sooooooooo slow for whatever reasons...

he was behind Alonso, went much longer, and came out still 6sec behind him... >.<"
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :another amazing pole! Kovalainen should of been 2nd :/

yeah he pulled it out of the bag in the FINAL FINAL lap in qualifying again~!

Heikki was soooooooo slow in his 2nd flyer, probably something wrong with the tyres (as in not getting it up to temperature enough or got a bit of grainning or whatever~?)

he was fastest after the first flyer, but couldn't improve on his 2nd and got bumped down to 5th...
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :If the RBR is really faster car than the Toro rosso, they should instantly replace CD with Veltlet. Coulthard seems like he is prepared to quit already...

well replayed showed a BMW passed him when DC was on his flyer (somehow, or the pass was a lap before), and then that BMW kinda blocked him and then pulled into the pits.
S3 licensed
why the heck is nearly everyone out on track now (especially the Ferrari of Massa). those in the top 6 should be pretty safe to go through to Q2 anyway~?

but well I don't mind Massa burning off extra mile on his engine.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Kubica, Button, Alonso, Barrichello, Vettel, Webber and Sutil are all as good or better than Hamilton in the wet. But as they haven't lucked into the best car on the grid in wet conditions you don't really see it so much.

well, that depends on how you define wets, Hamilton was on another planet at the wet race in Monaco and Silverston. He was at least 1sec a lap quicker than everyone else.

Just that in Monza he made an absoblutely stupid mistake with tyre choices. And if the track is starting to dry up, he'll just cook his tyres and then he'll be slow again.
Last edited by JCTK, .
S3 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :why dont they just have a pitstop window of 5 laps in the middle of the grand prix?
then they dont have to shorten the race, and they dont have to make the fuel tank larger either.

Champcar tried it before and it didn't really work out on open-wheelers...

I'm thinking why don't they just limit the amount of fuel they could use in the race, ie. put in a 100 litre fuel tank or whatever and ban refuelling, and bring back low fuel proper qualifying, and then let the team loose to do whatever they wants to the engine (as long as it still burns petrol), with KERS continue to be available.

that way, teams will really looks for creative way to save fuels, and hopfully technology will be invented, rather than spending billions and billions just to fine tune a little part for a little extra performance, cos rules are too restrictive.
S3 licensed
Quote from pasibrzuch :1. Hamilton hasn't done anything wrong at T1.

Haha you got me here, with this usuall forum tactic-of-whateverISM. I am not so motivated to go search hundreads of web pages and hours of youtube clips to find the facts in which you still will not believe, and talk your whateverISM mantra. How do I know that? Look:

How can I believe that after not so long ago +25s. penalty for Lewis? I cannot.

hmmm doesn't my eyes work properly...

There no dialog with whateverISM members, sadly.

Or do you remember, who else was towed from sand trap and continued race last season duke?

so you also couldn't understand what I said as "some were obviously a joke"~?

as for Hamilton getting towed off the gravel, all that I could say was that was at Nuburgring, where MICHAEL SCHUMACHER also get a pushed off the gravel before, don't know if you watched F1 long enough to even know that through. So I'll put that down to a track specific issue.

and sorry I couldn't remember when did I said Lewis done nothing wrong at T1, what I meant was that kind of racing happened all the times and were never punished before, so that's why I said lets make up the rules on the go.

ie. if you can't point out what points I made were invalid, then that meant your point made about me was invalid, simple as that.
Last edited by JCTK, .
S3 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :the drivers forces each other out on to the run off area EVERY SINGLE RACE.
why only Hamilton gets a penalty?

because he is either blind or he can't remember what happened in other races~?
S3 licensed
Quote from pasibrzuch :If Bourdais wasn't avoiding contact it was same situtation were Massa spinned out Hamilton and was penalised.

And please, how can you all (especially JCTK) crying how FIA is bad fo Hami, after last seaseon where he was 'The Golden Children of FIA'... illegal towing, penaltys for his oponents while it was his fault etc.?

Not that I don't see some help from FIA to Ferrari. For example Massa's overtaking on the right side at main straight and just crossing pit lane exit at 300km/h!.... Jesus.. if someone were leaving pits there, we would hear funeral march.

so could you kindly point out which points I made about what happened in the race wasn't valid~?

and mind you, I was referring to what was happening at this race only, and the direction the FIA were heading was extremely clear.

and no, I NEVER said how bad FIA was to Hamilton, I was referring to how nicely they treated a certain other team in general, while some other comments were obviously just a joke.
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :If anyone deserves a penalty than it MUST be Bourdais because he should have seen that the "Ferrari comming"-light was flashing when leaving the pitlane. So he knew that if any incident was about to happen it would be clearly his fault.

For what did Hamilton get the DT? I can't count how many starts like this I have seen and there was no penalty...

he isn't a lap down, he is racing for position.
if they arrived at the apex together, there are NO REASONS at all why Bourdais should yield.

it is just that Massa's failure to accomodate the fact that there are other drivers around...

but well he'll definitly get a penalty of some sort anyway to further aid Massa...
S3 licensed
Quote from V3NOMOUS :Well the Race finished With Guess who, Craig Lowndes as the winner Driving a Ford Falcon .

Now Who's king of the Hill? Ford is I can tell you that much

Well done to all the Drivers in Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000 its a grueling 5 Hour race. Bad luck to all who didnt finish due to reason on the track

wow so early~? did they started earlier or was there less safety car this year~?

it's excelent that Lowndes won again~!!!! made up for all the crap that happened at Japan...
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :umm what time is it on?

I think the race should have past half way by now... lol
according to history I think should be roughly around 2hrs to 3hrs of the race remaining...
S3 licensed
Massa gained a position when he is off the track... but well he's in a Ferrari....
S3 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Huh ? incident between Massa and Bourdais will be investigated after the race ? Why ? Why after the race ?

well we knew how bloody long it takes the FIA to make their decision...
after all, they need to make up new rules to punish anyone fighting with the Ferrari on the track...
S3 licensed
oh shit just remembered I'm using Lewis, Massa, McLaren chassis, Mercedes engine for my dream team... lol

so that would be a big fat zero points for me in the race... who would have thought that~! lol
S3 licensed
Quote from Kazu2799 :massa involed in an incident again... so surprising

cos he thinks the whole width of the track belongs to him and himself only...
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :I stopped being an F1 fan and became an FIA spectator.

I love this sentence~!!!
S3 licensed
Piquet just pushed Bourdais off the track... will that be punishable~?
of cos not because he isn't in a McLaren...
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :So because Massa gets a DT, they have to find an excuse to give Hamilton one? Heiki says it was "normal" T1 behaviour.. why am I watching this shit?

cos we are interested in what shit they could possibly come up with~?
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :Need to see a different angle at the start. I'm completely baffled.. DT for forcing a car wide? I've never heard of that being penalised like that before. What gives??

it's just the FIA being the FIA again...

so GOOOOOOOOOOO KIMI, go win the DC this year~!!!! lol
S3 licensed
Quote from Kazu2799 :New rule for next race.

You must never block you're wheels, a drive through penalty will be given if you do, except, of course, if you're driving a red car.

no no no, they only will punish the McLarens...
S3 licensed
14. F. Massa
15. L. Hamilton

who would have predicted that~?!
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :new rule, "The racing driver may not overtake other cars during the first laps of the race"

no no no, it have to be more specific (as in McLarens only)...
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :There you go

EDIT: poor Kovalainen :/

Kimi pushed Webber wide when he exited the pits too, lets see if they'll do anything about it~? and lets see if you think it should be punishable~?

of course not, kimi is in a Ferrari...