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Quote from DevilDare :

Uhm... Well... Dont let the door hit you on the way out I guess...

he should go to some Ferrari lovers forum, so they can share their totally bias view without being flamed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lible :HA HA HA HA HA. Nice try at trying to look hamilton better.

All of this is just ridiculous. There is absolutely no way to ensure that this was a team order. Just because a race engineer said something "in a funny voice" doesn't prove anything. All of this team orders stuff is ridiculous because there really is no way to enforce it. Maybe it was Massa and Alonso agreeing on letting Alonso pass. Maybe they agreed on letting the faster pass.

With the current means there is no way to enforce this rule so I think it should be get rid of. The enforcing is just based on assumptions. All the team orders stuff is just BS.

no way to enforce it? the FIA just did.

The FIA doesn't operate a normal court system, they don't need to prove something that is ridiculously obviously breaking the spirit of the rules (but done in such a way that deliberately tried to not to contravene the wording of the rule).
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :There has now been a clear rule breach acknowledged by the stewards. The points, and TV exposure over the weekend for Ferrari has won them more money than the so-called fine so that's a pathetic gesture if that's all that comes from this.

At the very least both Alonso and Massa should be removed from the results and Vettel is the victor (that's if his front wing is legal ). The FIA needed to act fast on this. They haven't and once again f1 is back to the bad old days

My view on the incident:
Alonso got screwed up by Vettel on the run to T1 (without that Massa probably wouldn't have passed them), but that's all history now.
The 1-2 was still a hard-earned result for Ferrari, just that the order of the 1-2 should have been different (or they could simply tried to "accurately" stuff up Massa's pitstop). So it would be quite cruel to take it away from them. But well it's Ferrari that decided to breach the regulations in a pretty obvious way and then treat the rest of us non Ferrari fanboys as stupid idiots.

I suspect the WMC would dock them some points for the constructors standings. And they could still smack a heavy fine on them.

And well at least they actually have to pay this fine. Back in Austria 2002 they were hit with a fine that only need to be paid if they commit the same offence again in an year.
S3 licensed
Quote from PhilS13 :McLaren does it. It's all fine.

Ferrari does it. It's not all fine.

Freakin fanboys.

WHEN did McLaren did it?

if you were talking about 1997/1998, sorry, the rules for team orders didn't exist then.

Freakin Ferrari fanboys.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :What the hell are you talking about? WHERE did I state that they did not cheat? I'm not blind, I know it was an awkward move from Ferrari.

And stop calling me an idiot, I'm not going down to your level, so keep it intelligent...

You did state that we were "Ferrari haters" and we were "crying".

How was that intelligent?

How were we "Ferrari haters" or "crying" when we were also saying the blatantly obvious that
a. team orders are banned
b. race fans does not like to see team orders affecting who won the GP.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Look who's talking....

so obviously you were blatantly blind that you didn't see (or hear) Ferrari basically asking Massa did he understood he need to let Alonso pass?

Or you were blatantly blind that you didn't know "team orders that affect the outcome of a race" was banned?

Stop saying we are all Ferrari haters and we are all crying just because you are an idiot.
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Of course it is - but legally speaking, Ferrari did no such thing... They never said "let him past" and the whole team - whether it be Massa himself, Smedley or Domenicali - made sure not to say anything that could incriminate them (further)... All the "evidence" would be circumstancial, not really enough for the FIA to act on it - but god knows they didn't need that in the past to deal out severe penalties...

yeah, there are NOTHING stopping FIA to say those radio communications basically constitute a team order, and then punishing Ferrari for it.

the stewards are having a chat with the Ferrari bosses now.... god knows what's gonna happen...
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :I don't know why anybody really is surprised by Ferrari's actions? Ferrari always had a clear no. 1, always will have... Alonso was faster the whole race (the whole weekend even) and is way ahead in the championship, getting him in front of the slower Massa without them holding each other up was the only way to ensure victory over an already charging Vettel...

No chance of a crash between teammates, no holding each other up and allowing a competitor to close in even faster and keeping the championship hopes of at least one of their drivers intact - even if you guys don't want to hear about it, it was the smart thing to do for Ferrari... Let's face it, every team does it, only difference to today is Ferrari did it in a very obvious way...

they always had a clear number 1 doesn't automatically make such actions legal does it.

It is in the regulations, they cheated it quite blatantly. Although they did stopped short of giving clear order to Massa to let Alonso through... But as you said, they made it very obvious, and it'll be upto the stewards and the FIA to decide whether that was legal...
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Do you really think it's me crying? Look at the haters posts above. OMG OMG Ferrari cheaters, boooo..... Are you blind?

What is this blind Ferrari lover idiot calling everyone else blind?
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :That is just so ****ing low its unbeliavable..

Ferrari should be disqualified from this year's Championship and be fined for 100m Euro for bringing the sport into disrepute (as well as obviously breaking the rules about team orders)!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :Alonso now being owned by Massa. That's what you get for crying like a bitch.

Massa just let Alonso pass through...

"Fernando is faster than you, can you repeat that you understood that message"

how freaken blatant a team order could this be?
S3 licensed
what the heck was that vibration on Jensen's car at 300km/h... lol
it's making me dizzy looking at the onboard, and it must be far worse for him? lol
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If everything went smoothly and according to plan (which havn't really happened since Bahrain), Ferrari should have the race pace to get an easy 1-2. RBR is always stronger than qualifying then in the race, so perhaps McLaren can give them a bit of a hard time in the race too, despite being quite far off in quali...
S3 licensed
if what the report saying about Hartley is true, and if I'm McLaren, I would hire him immediately and stuck him in the simulator... lol
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Quote from BlueFlame :Sometimes the sound lags sometimes yes, but I find that it's generally when a replay is being shown.

the live onboard at Silverstone also had some pretty bad sound lag.

The sound lag made it sounded like drivers were still on full throtle going into the final hairpin, only braking when they're nearly at the apex.
S3 licensed
if it's Japanese sponsors behind the HRT drivers switching chaos. Then I believes their money would be much better spent at the other car that's pretty much nearly completely white.
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Quote from Mp3 Astra :For me, he is one of the best at handing the media on the grid. He's friendly and honest. Then again, because he's not driving for a corporate giant, I guess he isn't having his strings pulled so much. But he seems to be a genuinely very nice guy.

In terms of driving, Kobayashi impressed me of late, and is hugely exciting to watch. If he continues in this vein, I think he will attract a lot more attention.

Chandok have been busy doing the occasional commentating for ESPN Star Sports' coverage of F1 in Asia in the last couple of years. And when he wasn't commentating, he was usually around to provide a "race driver point of view" to the coverage. Which might help explain why he's friendly and honest to the media now that he's finally on the grid.
S3 licensed
Gotta be Kobayashi, when he can survive the first lap (and his car/engine lasts), he's delivering pretty good results.

Just that he has had plenty of accident in the first lap of races through, some of it his fault, some of it pure bad luck.
S3 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :Thanks, those are some good points. Similarly to what you are saying, I think that often the punishment fails to fit the crime in F1. It seems to me like it would be a lot more fair if the stewards just said, "let him past, or get a penalty" if they were to decide that a pass was unfair. The penalties are a bit too arbitrary in F1, I think.

Alonso should have known he should have give the position back immediately.

But to made it worse for him, Kubica retired soon after. Race control couldn't tell Alonso to hand his position back if the other driver isn't on the track any more.

Just pretty bad timing and very bad luck with when Kubica retired and when the safety car came out.
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Actually Dr. Marko explained the situation in an interview prior to the race: BOTH wings broke, so it was pretty clear that both drivers would have to use the old wing, but one could be fixed and Newey insisted it be raced... So they gave it to Vettel because he was the faster one in practice...

I think the whole affair(s) surrounding/within Red Bull are greatly exaggerated by the media, and fans (/aussies) acting like RBR killed their pet are no help either...

Oh, and Ferrari will bite their asses for not bringing in Alonso right away - they had the chance to get away with almost no penalty at all, but their hesitation ultimately was their huge loss...

But Ferrari will just openly cry very loudly, so everyone forgets they didn't bring Alonso in immediately.

RBR is no doubts in a very difficult position with their front wings. But still, why shouldn't Webber be angry?
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Quote from joshdifabio :In F1 the "right" decision is always the "rational" decision imo.

With Alonso fully beside Kubica is it fair that Kubica should be able to keep his position by simply forcing Alonso off the track? Alonso had the inside line for the next corner and his front wheels were alongside Kubica's. I guess that's why Brundle and Coulthard both thought it was a very harsh decision.

If you reply to this then try to be objective please! Fanboy opinions aren't interesting to anyone.

Edit: McLaren are so good at maximizing their performance in the races that I think they look the most likely to take both titles now. Especially with the RBR generally only having one driver at the front. Ferrari also seem to self-destruct at almost every race, and despite having one of the fastest two cars in each of the last two races they've failed to pick up serous points so I guess it's looking pretty bad for them.

One other thing... wasn't F1 a lot more interesting with refuelling?

I'm being objective.
Just read a few posts above to see my description of the Lewis vs Kimi one at Spa.

And well no point arguing was it correct or not really. What I was saying was Webber had every right to be angry.

At which point was I being a fanboy?

How are these points not objective? If you are going to reply to this, read carefully and think carefully please. And might as well stop being a wanker before you call someone else one.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I think you midunderstood me.

I meant Ferrari got the same tough medicine as Mclaren did in 2008. (Penalty)

oops simple misunderstanding.

But yeah it wasn't that tough on Ferrari for this race. It was blatantly obvious.
S3 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :Did he break it? I thought it actually just broke and came off by itself - it wasn't anything that Vettel did wrong afaik?

If the team still favour Vettel now that Webber is ahead in the standings then I'll agree with you. But when they made that decision Webber wasn't ahead in the standings, Vettel was.

so a wing broke off on one car, and it is right to get it off another?

It was a rational decision to do it based on the standings, but it certainly wasn't fair.

Not to mention there weren't a big difference in the points. It is not like Webber is out of the title hunt.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Just try and remember Spa 2008 with Lewis and Kimi. Very similar incident and Ferrari got the same tough medicine.

shouldn't it be McLaren and Lewis that got the tough medicine?

The Alonso one was worse and even more blatent.

Kimi drove Lewis off the track at the chicane, Lewis passed Kimi by short cutting (because he had no other option), he gave the position back immediately, dive back down the inside at the end of the same straight, and still got done for gainning an advantage.

How could Alonso and Ferrari possibly expect a driver cutting the track to pass someone would come out not being penalised was beyond me. And the safety car timing serves them just right for their arrogance and whining and crying.
S3 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :I hope Webber doesn't win the title. If he was in any other team he probably wouldn't stand a chance at taking the title, yet instead of being professional and showing some gratitude to the team who are giving him the opportunity to fight for the title for the first time all he does is bitch. Wanker.

the team GIVING him the opportunity to fight? It's more like Webber is fighting for himself, just coincidentally a team need two drivers, and he's that number two driver with the fastest car in the field.

Vettel broke his front wing, so the team get the new wing off Webber to give it to Vettel. Webber has every right to be upset.