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Name the manouvre!
S3 licensed
Hi all

How about filling a thread with a collection of moves named after real life drivers.

I'll start with some easy ones.
  • To pull a Coulthard (going for a way too ambitious pass and climbing the car in front. like dc did in melbourne '07)
  • To pull a Schumacher (swerving in front of the car starting beside you)
  • To pull an Alonso (overambitious move on the outside of turn one, ending in a small botanic excursion before almost causing a pile-up)
  • To pull a Heidfeld (losing it on the grass, crossing the next corner and collecting an innocent car.) (just had that at blackwood sorry guys)
Keep 'm comin'
S3 licensed
I take comfort in the fact that all car's are made by the same talented people.

Unofficial Ad-ons wouldn't really do it for me.

It would split the online community.
S3 licensed
Sweet! Diff really seems to work smoothly now!

Thanks ScaViEr!
S3 licensed
Great lappers aren't necessarily great racers. There are a lot of racers online who lap like they are from another planet but don't know how to interact with other drivers.
Some have the overtaking abillities of the AI drivers.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Where do you try to choose the skin? At the bottom of the "colours" section of the garage screen? Or the left side?
S3 licensed
That should do it
S3 licensed
Are you sure you've put it in the right "skins" folder? The LFS viewer has its own "skins" folder.
S3 licensed
I have to admit I like it's exlusivity.

On the other hand I do want it to be a succes. The dev's really deserve it. I have introduced the game to people who bought an s2 licence instantly!

The danger with things becomming more popular is giving in to the demands of a mainstream market. And there are plenty games for those "racers".

I think the overall quallity is due to the independance of the devs. I'm sure Electronic Arts would screw this game up big time! I really hope the dev's will never sell out. And I don't expect them to!
S3 licensed
I'l take 75!
S3 licensed
Ok, I think you all convinced me of the positive sides of mid race joining being enabled.
Why is mid race joining allowed on most servers?
S3 licensed
Why aren't blue flag situations prevented not allowing mid race joining? It's an easy option to prevent people from disrupting races they are not even part of.

I have to admit that I join races in progress from time to time. Even when I try not to disturb any action I sometimes fail misserably .

So why have the temptation? on 5 or 6 lap races the next race is always within minutes.
S3 licensed
Great combo with So Classic. There was a redline racing server for FO8 recently but it's of air again . Really loved it.
S3 licensed
A real fun car to drive. Just like a big hairy fox! I seem to be slighly more competitive with it than with a fox.
S3 licensed
I put a poll in this topic. Its not that I question wether I could get a decent pc for the money. I'ts more about getting that little extra bang for buck.
S3 licensed
Motherboard is unusable. Gigabyte GA-7DXE.
Socket A (no potential for upgrading)
pc1600 memory (Not for sale anymore)

So upgrading is a no-go
S3 licensed
About 450 euro's. I'm not gonna build it myself but have it assembled at a (reasonably priced) store. The only part that I could nominate for reuse are the cd/dvd drives. Everything I use now sucks ass.

Athlon xp 2000 (socket A)
265MB pc1600 (200mhz) Not compatible with memory sold today
64MB gforce

It keeps restarting or freezing on me.

I can have a system for about 300 euro's that will accept LFS. Where's the money best spent for that little extra performance?
S3 licensed
I've got a Thrustmaster dual trigger. A ps2-like controler with xbox-like triggers. Excelent brake and throttle control with the split axis.

Highly recommended for anyone who doesn't have the money, space nor relationship to have a wheel. (al apply on me).
What's a good budget combination?
S3 licensed
I want to assemble a new pc. The problem is: I'm on a budget. I need to set priorities.

Where should I put the money?
Processor? athlon/sempron
Graphics Card? nvidia/ati shared/256/512
memory? 512/1024

LFS will be the thoughest thing for the pc to handle. I don't mind playing on relatively low resolutions but I want to have a smooth and stable working machine.
S3 licensed
I take the joy of seting up myself. I recon it's part of the game. That way I can say I didn't get my bachelors degree in automotive engineering in vain.
Poll: Do you set your own car up?
S3 licensed
I'm curious. How many people set their own cars up?
Anoying restarts after T1
S3 licensed
First corner incidents happen pretty often. Not a big deal. What anoys me more is the fact that drivers losing the first corner roulette call for immediate restarts. The 2nd start is usually as messy as the first.

What's the point in restarting a 5 lap race? illepall The next race is on within a few minutes.

Drivers that caused the accident usually don't get much out of it. So a restart won't punish them.

Wouldn't starts be taken a bit more seriously if restarts wouldn't be socially accepted?
S3 licensed
Thanks y'all!

damn that fox has some grip!!!!!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Sweeeeet! Just unlocked S2 and had some serious fun! Thanks for being so positively peruasive!
S3 licensed
But even democratic bans can be totally wrong. Cause a lot of racers just ban because someone accuses.

I got a ban yesterday for NOT participating in the traditional first corner clash and therefore benefitting from the misfortune.