I agree on the enthusiasm part. And his impulsiveness (which causes 95% of his mistakes) adds a nice touch but I would rather have coverage that's more aimed at people with some knowledge about racing. The way he always mentions that whenever someone is significantly improving his laptimes that he must be getting lighter really makes my toes curl.
I can easily live with playing at mediocre settings. I just hope my current PC will exceed the minimum specs.
For some reason LFS seems to be the only game that seems to get leaner with every update. My FPS seems to have increased with the past two patches. Is Scavier the only development team that don't have shares in Intel, AMD or NVIDIA?
I have seen only one complete ITV F1 coverage. Unfortunately it was the Silversone GP. James Allen seemed to be chocking his chicken during the closing laps.
Brundle was excellent thought he compensated Allen perfectly.
For the coverage in the Netherlands we are subjected to the mercy of a guy called Olav Mol. He does know the sport but does not understand the math about tactics. The other bad thing about his commentary is the guessing part. Whenever he sees a car spinning or crashing he just guesses which of the two it is (or four when it's a Torro Rosso/Red Bull or a BMW-Sauber/Williams). Usually he picks the one that would be most dramatic for the outcome of the GP.
One good thing about dutch television is the tolerance to abusive language on daytime tv.
Very true. I have been unfaithfull to LFS for a maximum of 2 weeks when trying another racing game. The only game series that can keep me entertained is the GTA-series.
I know I will need to invest in a new pc eventually.
My current PC I built on a very tight budget about 2 years ago. I am not planning on assembling a new one on short notice.
It runs LFS and GTA san andreas excelent on almost maximum settings. I would love to run GTA4 as soon as it is released for PC but won't buy a new one just to be able to run it.
If I was that desperate I would allready have bought a PS3 for it (and sacrified the relationship with my girlfriend).
I will wait and see wether my PC exceeds the minimum specs for it when it's released.
A good setup is more driver-related than track related. A lap-record setup will not help anyone that does not have the driving style to exploit it.
If you have a good balanced set up that suits your driving, it will work practically anywhere. You would only need some minor tweaks in the downforce and gear ratio department.
That's what I do and I am about everywhere equally slow!
Just picked up GT Legends a week ago. I realy like it but do not consider it as an LFS replacement. I am not tempted to try it online but it's great offline fun.
I have allways enjoyed LFS as a finished product because it is at least as good as any other.
Just consider an update as a gift and enjoy racing.
Sure I would welcome another track or an LMP-like car but it is not a disaster the game has not been updated for a while. Sometimes a bit of continuity is good.
But having "merry Christmass" as latest LFS-news is just bad PR.
I think there is a difference between using tires that are not intended to be used without pre-warming and tires that will be designed for use without.
I think next years tires will be safer when cold than the ones used today. I can not imagine Bridgestone not adapting to this.
Every part of a racing car is made to suit regulations and circumstances.