T-amp is a familly of amps which are built around a Tripath-IC. It's implemented by many small-scale ampbuilders which are active on ebay. As far as I know all of them are good apart from the ones with tone control.
I am favouring car speakers for the following reasons:
They are intended for use in a closed cabinet (no bass reflex) this makes it a lot easier to implement. No wave length calculations necessary, just make sure the cabinet volume is sufficient. (correct me if I am wrong).
Coaxial two way car speakers save me from to fiddling around with cross-over filters. I can just wire straight from the amp to the speaker terminals.
Car speakers are allways 4 ohm (at which the amp works best).
Because of the generic sizing it's very easy to upgrade later on.
I want to build my own desktop speakers. I have a T-class amp as on the picture below. It can drive about any 4 to 8 ohm speaker. This amp is fed by a good USB-DAC.
I do not need a lot of bass or vollume, just decent sounding speakers for music which do not have too much of a footprint on my desk.
I am thinking about closed MDF enclosures with 10 cm car speakers.
Does anyone have experience with such a project (or just some good suggestions)?
I have been playing on and off for a few years. Don't have much talent nor experience (result is no skill).
However, I would never buy a guitar which I have never had in my hands. I think these are the things that should matter when buying a guitar:
Does it suit you? (ergonomics, weight)
Does the tone suit you in all grades of gain you want to use it for.
versatility (if required)
Does it hold it's tuning well
Offcourse budget and esthetics matter aswell.
As for an amp, it's very important to know what you will be using it for. Most tube amps are quite useless for home (or small room) use and need periodic maintenance (tube replacements and biassing).
Strange thing just happened. I was in the final lap of Skippy at the Glen. I was running third but the guy behind me had a good run on me approaching the chicane.
Side by side, it became a game of chicken. I braked a bit too late considering I was on the inside (oops). I could only hope for being passed cleanly behind me. Then my opponent's throughput fell below an unacceptable level so he vanished.
Could he have pulled his network cable out, just to save his SR?
How can Schumacher say he is allready focussing on 2011?
I can imagine teams can sacrifice this years car development in favour of next year, but in what way can a driver benefit in the next year from giving up on the current one?
A driver with such a bad motivation is a waste of a seat. I think Nick Heidfeld will agree.
Well, anyone can ask what they want for their product. If you (the consumer) considers it to be overpriced, leave it as it is. Don't buy it, don't rip it.
If you want to have it, then it obviously has some added value to you so why wouldn't you pay for it?
This website has promotion of a commercially sold product (also a piece of intelectual property) as primary purpose.
Ethics asside, music distributed on the internet is of questionable quality anyway. You don't have to be an audiophile to be dissatisfied with MP3, WMA or AAC files.
I still don't have problems with buying music on cd. The only bitter aftertaste it leaves is having the feeling I also paid for the mofo's who download music illegally.