It's not a good camera angle for proper judgement.
It looks like the Corsa just turns into the Z. But if the Nissan driver did overshoot his braking point then it's a different story even though the Corsa driver might have had the option to let the Z slide off on his own and turn in a bit later.
Just a racing incident, no reason for ban or penalty.
Voted for Webber as his car potentially works better on most of the comming tracks.
Hammilton should be able to put up a good fight.
Vettel's points gap may seduce him to more foolishness.
I do expect some solid races from Button but not enough.
I would not be suprised if Alonso would finish third in the standings.
However, with the new points scoring system, points gaps look bigger than they actually are. A non-finish of one of the main contenders can shake things quite a lot.
With the frequency these offers come by, I am not tempted to take the bait just now. There will probably be many offers before my current subscription runs out.
Considering the oil tank is integrated in the bell housing (I have a hard time visualising this concept) increasing the oil tank volume will probably not be an option. Otherwise, that would be my suggestion.
By the way, why would you want to reduce the heat rejection into the oil? Transfering heat away from the components is one of the primary functions of engine oil.
I suggest steering well clear of additives. Additives may improve one property but generally compromise others.
It may reduce friction but it could also reduce the ability of oil to adhere to surfaces as is required on cylinder walls and (non ball)bearings.
In terms of oil, there is nothing more you can do than just using a good quality oil and keep it fresh. These are formulated as a package which should be a good balance between all properties.
There is no way of deriving the output power from input when the efficiency is unknown. T-amps are kind of D-class amp, these are very efficient compared to class A and class A/B amps. I have a class A tube/mosfet headphone amp which is more hungry than the T-amp even though it can only power headphones.
However, the specs of this amp are no mystery. These are the specs: